Chereads / A Noble Rebel / Chapter 65 - History Chapter : Happliy Ever After's Do Exist

Chapter 65 - History Chapter : Happliy Ever After's Do Exist

As I held my baby girl for the first time and watched her beautiful blue eyes open, I was instantly filled with so much love that it overflowed.

In a few minutes, her father would join us but in that short time, I held her close and with tears flowing from my eyes I whispered," You are my proof that happily ever after`s exist."

I smiled and closed my eyes briefly and remembered everything.

I was once again seven years old.

I was sitting in my family`s shuttle smiling as I stared out of the window. My older brother Elias, who was ten, sat in front of me reading a weapons magazine while my younger sister Camilla sat beside me with our Governess. Camilla was five and still a little darling.

We were on our way to the city to buy new clothes for the season and mother said the dressmakers had to get our measurements right unlike the last time when Elias pants were short and Camilla`s shoes gave her blisters.

So anyway, when we finally stopped, our bodyguards, Pax and Cato made sure to stand at the entrance to help us down. Now as for why we have body guards and a governess is because we weren`t ordinary children, our parents were Lord Theon and Lady Laurel of House Norvel. High society people as I like to call us. Our parents always made sure that we were protected, cared for and looked after when they were not around. Today was one of those days.

Going shopping in the malls was not something I liked to do but I was trained to like it. As mother would always tell me, "You are the daughter of a lady so you should be able to dress like one, whether be in normal attire or formal attire."

I kept my smile up as I walked in and stood near the counter where Pax informed the receptionist of our appointment. She was a lovely lady that had vibrant blue hair and grey eyes. I loved the odd combination so much that I tired imagining myself in it instead of my usual white hair and violet eyes.

I didn`t mind looking odd, it was the new fabulous or so says my dressmakers when they try to come with clothes that will match my features. My favorite was Dana; she always made me laugh and gave me snacks in-between the shopping spree.

Unfortunately or I should say most fortunate, Dana wasn`t there and so I was dressed by someone else. After a while I grew hungry and asked Cato to take me outside for a snack. Cato was assigned to watch both Camilla and I but I knew that he liked me more because I was the most-behaved daughter.

Cato took me to an ice cream and donut shop where I was allowed to choose to my heart's content what I wanted to eat. Cato was in the middle of choosing my favorites when I looked outside to see a pretty blue bird fly over to hover in front of the window. I smiled and waved at it before it took flight.

I was about to tell Cato what had happened when I saw something else outside the window, a boy around Elias` age being tossed out of a store on the other side of the street. It was a bakery that made pastries that looked like magical creatures.

The boy had shaggy black hair and wore old clothes that looked two seasons ago. I frowned when I saw another boy, who looked a bit younger, being dragged out by the baker and tossed next to the boy. They both sat on the ground as the baker yelled at them.

I frowned and tapped Cato`s arm. He turned to me with a frown," My lady?"

In his hands were two boxes of donuts for me.

"I want you to take me outside now."

Cato frowned at me and I understood his confusion. Usually I ate at least a cup of ice cream inside the shop before we left with the donuts but right now I wanted Cato to beat up the baker.

With a small hesitant nod, we left the shop and I walked over to the baker with every ounce of nobility I had. Normally I would never use my title to get what I want but in that moment I was ready to be a Lady.

When we were finally standing behind the boys, I nodded at Cato who moved forward and cleared his throat. Instantly three pairs of eyes were staring at him and finally they reached me. I stood with both my hands clasped firmly in front of me and spoke," Sir, may I ask that you cease your yelling and leave these boys alone?"

The baker frowned at me but I knew he wouldn`t say anything disrespectful to me because of two things. One was Cato, who wore his silver bodyguard uniform and had one arm on his sword handle. Two, his eyes had noticed the Silver circlet I wore on my forehead that had the symbol of a single lightning bolt. It was a sign that I was a noble from House Norvel.

The baker nodded and bowed slightly before retreating back into his shop. Cato helped both the boys to stand before they bowed their heads at me.

"Are you hungry?" I asked with a smile.

The boys quickly shook their heads and my smile dropped.

"Then why were you in the bakery?"

The boys remained silent before Cato spoke up," My lady, they are orphans. They are wearing obsidian necklaces. They will not speak to you."

My face fell as Cato came to kneel beside me. One of the boys then chooses that moment to run off and I watched him go with a heavy heart.

The boy who was still standing was the boy who was first thrown out so I moved closer and grabbed onto his hand," If you will not speak to me then at least speak to Cato."

The boy for the first time looked directly at me and I could see his blue eyes. Blue as the oceans of Aurora. They really were beautiful eyes.

He nodded hesitantly and I released his arm before stepping back.

I whispered my first question into Cato`s ear before he asked," Are you hungry?"

The boy gave a slow smile before turned to Cato to give my next order," Will you take this then?"

Cato gave both the donuts boxes to him. The boy shook his head," I`m no beggar. I`ll only take what I`ll earn."

"Is that why you were inside the shop? You were asking for work so you can get money for food."

The boy looked away and understanding filled Cato," You were going to steal right?"

Silence stretched between the three of us before an idea struck me. I quickly gave my order to Cato.

My body guard gave me an amused smile as he turned to the boy," My Lady wishes to see the orphanage and the east side of the city. For your help she will pay you with the donuts."

The boy's eyes widened with disbelief but he nodded all the same. The good thing about the plan was that we were taking him back and giving him food at the same time. The whole time we walked, he and Cato did the talking and he seems to come out of his shell a little.

When we reached the orphanage, I had Cato give him the box and thanked him for the tour.

As he was climbing up the stairs Cato stopped him with a sharp whistle. The boy turned as Cato grinned at him," We don`t even know your name kid?"

The boy gave him a shy smile," It `s Marcellus."

Cato tuned to me and nodded before he spoke," I`m Cato and this is the Lady Marina."

"But you can just call me Marina," I added with a smile.

He looked at me and smiled. I instantly felt happy.

We then left to go and meet up with my siblings and even though I never got to eat that day I had never felt fuller that I had been in my whole life.