Chereads / A Noble Rebel / Chapter 60 - Chapter 59

Chapter 60 - Chapter 59

Jia pushed open the door of the room before throwing her books onto her study table.

Zoey arched a brow at her roommate and turned in her seat, "Hey, you alright?"

Jia blew a strand off her hair away from her face and huffed," No, I am not alright. I just got my Ancient Languages Essay back and I got a B-. A freaking B-! I put my heart and soul into that paper only to get a B-. That paper gave me sleepless nights and neck aches! And on top of that, my Aunt Camilla calls me out of no-where today to discuss future suitors for my birthday party next year! Hello Woman! My birthday was just a month ago! I`m seventeen and not eighteen. Suitors talks aren`t supposed to happen now or ever!"

Zoey held up a hand to stop her, "Wait, suitor talks?"

"Yeah, suitor talks."

"Explain to me."

Jia ran a hand over her mouth, "It`s when they discuss if a guy in our ranks is suitable to marry me."

"What?! They can do that?!"

Fiona knocked on their door, "Zoey! You have a care-package from home."

"Go, I`ll be here anyway." Jia turned to face the book shelf and rubbed her eyes. Zoey nodded before she ran out of the room behind Fiona.

Jia growled and ripped her hair ribbon off and let her hair down. She pushed her hair away her face before she ripped off her sneakers and threw them into the corner. School was as stressful as ever but it was something to take her mind off him.

She moved to her closet and decided that she needed to change and shower before sleeping. Rest was what she need. Jia moved to pull up her shirt when she heard a shout.

She turned to see Zoey running in to cover her computer screen with a huge blue box," What is wrong with you idiots?! You should have warned her that you were online?"

"Who are you talking to Zoey?"Jia asked.

Zoey gave her a guilty smile before removing the box and showing the Cole and Chase's faces on the screen.

"Oh. Hi, boys," Jia greeted them with a grin.

"Hey Jia," Cole greeted.

"We`re discussing our weekend plans, "Zoey filled in.

"As we were saying, the guys are all going to celebrate this weekend, they`re asking if you girls want to come." Chase informed her.

"Where?" Jia asked.

"Twin Plains."

Jia titled her head, "A nightclub?'

Chase nodded, "Yeah, it`ll be fun and don`t worry we`ll keep an eye out for you girls."

Jai wrung her hands, "Actually, I can`t come with you all this weekend."

Both boys frowned before Zoey asked the unspoken question on their minds, "You won`t?"

"What? Why?" Chase added.

Cole groaned, "Is it because of Tristan and Dylan? Because you know, we can always leave them behind and party on our own."

Jia gave Cole an affectionate smile," No Cole, I can`t because my dad wants me at home so we can celebrate the baby shower of one of my Aunts."


Both boys nodded in understanding but they still looked a little disappointed that their friend wouldn`t be able to make it.

"Anyway, I`m going to go and train…see you Zoey."

With that, Jia grabbed her training shoes from under her bed and left, disregarding the shower and rest. She couldn`t stand to hear anything about Tristan these days and she was sure that if she stayed a little linger, the boys would bring it up to her. It was just three days since she saw any of the boys and she hadn`t heard anything them directly. She did hear from Kyra some of the boys were going to be doing some practical tests early on a foreign planet so she wouldn`t see them for a while. Even Roy. She hadn`t spoken to him in what felt like forever.

But she was sure that he would come for Aunt Jasmine`s Baby Shower.

When she reached the Entrance of the Dorm, she stopped to put on her shoes and socks. Lisa and some girls had passed by, waving at her. She returned the greeting with a quick wave before stepping out. She reached up to caress her necklace before quickly changing her mind, "Maybe I need some alone time."

The lightning sorceress then slowly took a walk to the school gardens where huge flowers continued to bloom even in the afternoon glow. Soon the Night crystals would start to bloom as the sun went down, they tend to thrive in the dark. Perfect for underground gardens.

When she finally reached a bench, she sat down and pulled her knees up to chin before hugging them tight. She started humming to herself a silly little tune she had made up when she was little. It was something she sang to herself when she was all alone in her room back at Castle Paravel or in the forest exploring. It was a work in progress. She knew how it started but she didn`t know how to end it and she had no musical talent to write a song.

Suddenly, her phone rang and she frowned when she saw Chase`s name.

"Didn`t we just speak to each other?" Jia asked herself before answering.

She was surprised to Dylan`s face appear before her," How? What?"

"Jia! Please don`t be mad at me," Case pleaded from the background. Dylan turned to give Dylan a stern look.

"I`m not," Jia assured him before shaking her head at the turquoise eyed Knight," Hello Dylan, why did you bully Chase to get his phone?"

Dylan snorted, "First of all, I didn`t bully him, I simply took the phone from him and he didn`t resist."

"Did he? Because it doesn't sound like him?"

"He threatened me with blackmail!" Chase yelled again.

"Be quiet," Dylan snapped at him.

"Dylan!" Jia scolded him and the Knight sighed insufferably," Alright fine, I did but it was important that I get to you and I couldn`t ask your cousin because he can get overprotective."

The sorceress rolled her eyes, "You don`t have to tell me twice."

"Is it alright if I do a Teleportation Call?"


She then pressed a button on her phone before Chase and Dylan appeared in front of her.

Jia put her phone down on the bench and sat up straight before addressing Chase, "You know, when I saw your name, I was really confused considering you had just spoken to me."

Chase ran a hand through his hair sheepishly, "Yeah, I thought you might, I told Dylan you were training so you wouldn`t answer your phone but he didn`t listen."

"You were probably outside in the gardens or something," Dylan spoke up.

"And what if I had been training?"

"Then I`d be pestering everyone until you picked up the phone."

Jia frowned, "Okay but why?"

Dylan approached her before stopping right in front of her. He then asked her to stand, which she did. He then put a hand on the dragon charm and muttered a few words under his breath. The charm glowed yellow before pulsing with light for a few seconds. It then dimmed as Dylan stepped back. Jia felt the necklace grow warm with magic and reached up to touch it hesitantly.

"I forgot to activate the spell that would make it glow," Dylan informed her.

Jia`s head shot back up," That`s why it didn`t glow when I was attacked the past few days!"

Dylan had the decency to look embarrassed as he nodded. Chase slapped his forehead and Jia huffed," Way to go, oh fearless Knight."

"It was an honest mistake."

Jia nodded sarcastically," I`m sure it was."

"Anyway, I wanted to do it before I left," Dylan added.

The teenager sorceress looked taken back, as if she wasn`t quite sure she heard him right," You`re leaving?"

"I`m going to Illian for a Practical Mission. I`ll be going with Roy and Mike."

Jia looked to Chase, "You guys aren`t going with them?"

"We`ll do it at a different location," Chase informed her," And we leave tonight."

"But we`ll be back in time by this weekend so we`ll all still go to Twin Peaks," Dylan assured her.

"Man, she`s not coming," Chase admitted," She has to go to a Baby Shower this weekend."

Dylan arched a brow, "Really?"

Jia nodded in confirmation, "My aunt Jasmine, that`s Uncle Nikolai`s wife, "she added," She`s having their baby shower at their estate and I have been requested to go."

Dylan pursed his lips and ran a hand through his hair, "I guess that`s understandable."

"But you all deserve to have some fun," Jia cheered him up.

Chase was about to say something else when Rose came running into the garden, looking extremely excited. She gave a shout when she saw her friend," There you are! Jia! Code Magenta!"

Jia`s eyes widen slightly, "Who?!"

"Clary!" Rose revealed when she finally stopped in front of the three and put her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

"No way!"

"What`s Code Magenta? "Chase asked Dylan who shrugged helplessly.

"Girls stuff, anyway I`ll call you two later," Jia said a she picked up her phone.

Both boys nodded as Jia hung up and pulled Rose after her. The poor girl had barely managed to catch her breath when Jia began to pull her back to the dorm but luckily the Techno sorceress stopped her before they were seen by Clary and a tall, handsome looking Knight.

Rose dragged Jia down and they crouched behind a hedge before slowly peeping over. The boy looked slightly familiar to Jia. He was tall and blonde. He wore a blue biker`s jacket and jeans over his black converse.

"What do we know?" Jia asked under her breath.

"He`s tall, good looking and nearly tripped on his way to greet our petrifying sorceress," Rose answered.

Jia squinted, trying to get a glimpse of his face but he was facing Clary and thus, hard to see, "He looks so familiar."

"He`s a Knight from the Academy," Rose added.

"He looks older," Jia observed.

They then watched as the boy said something to Clary but she just hugged herself and bit her lower lip.

"Wow, he looks so gorgeous!" Rose gushed.

Jia turned to her friend with an arched brow, "We`re seeing his back view, how can you tell?"

"I just can!" Rose insisted.

They then watched as the boy tried to reach out to Clary but she flinched and stepped away before running back into the dorm. The boy stood there for a few before walking away, looking quite downcast. That was when Jia got a good look at his face and her jaw dropped.

"That`s Ash`s roommate!"

"Gillian`s boyfriend`s roommate?" Rose asked Jia, who nodded. Rose then gasped," Our friend is being pursued by a Senior! He`s got to be three years older than her!"

Jia rolled her eyes," Age is just a number," Rose mulled over the thought before Jia grabbed her hand and pulled her up," Let`s go. Clary needs us."