Chereads / A Noble Rebel / Chapter 49 - Chapter 48

Chapter 49 - Chapter 48

Zoey spun around and giggled in the center of the luxurious room she and Clary were staying in. The trip the resort wasn`t that long but it was tiring. Sitting for one hour was not good for the legs. Jia had whisked everyone away to the Kingdom of Azazeal`s Limu Resort at around eight, the day after her party. It was one-hour flight for from her home and it was a hidden tourist destination for the rich folk.

"Stop dancing and hurry up Zoey, or we`ll miss the tour!" Clary said as she poked her head into their room to remind her friend. She was dressed in hiking clothes and had her camera in hand.

"How lucky are we? A huge guest house just for us with invisible wind servants who cook us meals, wash the dishes and change our sheets! It`s like a live in hotel on a tropical island," Zoey recited with a happy grin.

"Yeah, I know, I was there when Jia read the brochure to us, I even heard they have water skiing at the lake here," Clary added as she switched off her camera, "Now hurry up! The sooner we finish here; the more time we have to do other things!"

"Okay, okay!"

"Clary! Zoey! We leave in three minutes! Hurry up!" Rose shouted from her place at the end of the East Wing Hallway.

"Coming!" Clary hollered. She turned and watched her friend put on a blue cap before donning her blue bag pack.

"Are you in love with the color blue or something? I noticed that your wardrobe never seems to run out that color."

The gravity sorceress nodded, "It`s my favorite color, what`s yours?"

"Forest green."

"What`s taking you two so long?" Jia asked from outside their door. She was dressed and had her phone in hand. Her feet kept tapping continuously as the two blondes giggled at her.

She huffed and spun around to walk down the Hallway with the two sorceress following behind her. The place was big enough for the twelve teenagers to live in without seeing the other guests. The resort offered single rooms at the main resort and Cabins or Ranch Houses to other VIP guests who wanted their own privacy, luckily, Jia was one of them.

"Is it okay with you that Clary and I are roommates?" Zoey asked her friend.

Jia turned to grin at her over her shoulder, "Yeah, it doesn't bother me, plus Fiona is going to introduce me to a new video game tonight so it's great that we`re roommates."

Clary frowned at her as they rounded the hallway and went down the stairs, "I thought we were going to a party tonight?"

"After the party," Jia confirmed. They finally reached the landing where everyone was waiting. The boys were all dressed and looked slightly annoyed at them and Jia bit her lip to keep herself from laughing out loud.

"If you two aren`t too drunk enough," Clary countered with a smirk.

"Now way, no one is drinking!" Zoey exclaimed as she held up her hands. Fiona and Rose suddenly grew interested in their shoes as Clary arched brow at the gravity sorceress. Jia smirked and walked out to the door whilst answering a message from her phone.

"The boys are," Kyra spoke up, folding her arms.

"They`re all older than us," Clary pointed out.

"You know, we`re standing right here, right?" Cole asked them but the girls glanced him for a second before continuing their conversation. The Knight winced and pressed hand to his chest," Ouch, ignored by a bunch of hot girls. My self-esteem just dropped by 100 points. "

"You`ll survive bro," Chase comforted him as the other boys fought back grins.

The sound of clapping was heard as they all turned to see Jia smiling at them excitedly," Let`s go, the bus is here to take us to the First Station of our tour. You are all going to love this!"

"I hope so, because I am so not looking forward to having a repeat of our other group activities," Kyra confessed as Zoey nodded in agreement.

"So we`ve had a couple of bad luck on our days off, maybe this will be different," Jia suggested.

"I agree, a little optimism is encouraged," Mike piped up.

Jia shot the kind-hearted Knight an affectionate smile, "Thank you Mike, now let`s go!"

They all boarded the bus and sat next to whoever they wanted to sit with before the bus drove off to their destination. Jia was sitting in front with Roy going over the plans with him when they heard muttered curses from behind them.

Jia turned in her seat and leaned over with Roy to see Tristan and Dylan stuffing their bags. She caught a glimpse of a sword and gasped sharply. Roy shook his head and sat back in his seat.

The boys looked up to her and Dylan leaned back instantly because her face was close to his," Jia, what are you doing? Focus at the front."

"What am I doing? What are you doing?! This is a No-Weapons Resort!" Jia hissed at her friends," If you two are caught with those, we`ll be thrown out."

"We had no choice, we need to be careful in case of an incident," Tristan shot back at her," Preparedness is good, Jia. You better than anyone should know that."

Jia frowned at him. Of course she knew that, it was something all the Elites knew and as the daughter of the Commander, she knew it very well.

"And besides, it was your father`s idea, he instructed Roy and he told us to do it," Dylan admitted.

She leaned back to glare at her cousin who absorbed it and shrugged. She growled and turned back to the two Knights.

"Are all the boys carrying their weapons?" Jia asked.

Tristan nodded, "Yes, but don`t worry, they`re concealable, no one will find them,"

Jia groaned, already feeling tired as she turned and settled back in her seat with a miserable frown, "Sometimes I won`t wonder if it's a good thing or a bad thing that the authorities can't catch you boys."

She didn`t turn around again but instead she tried to relax and enjoy the bus ride. Another thirty minutes later, they were at the top of a mountain where a Tower stood tall. The tour guide led them to the top and instructed to put on a black watch. Clary instantly took out her camera and began recording.

Once they were at the top, he explained the Tour to them. Each guest would be strapped to a cable and would jungle surf until they went past the Second Station before they randomly go through Portals and end up with a partner in a random spot in the jungle. From there, they will use their watches to guide them through the jungle until they reached the Third Station near the lake. The watches were programmed with an AI Tour guide that would give them directions and random facts with any plants or animals that they saw.

When the Tour Guide was done explaining, he instructed to them line up in the order that they wanted to go in.

"This is so wild!" Clary said as she frowned. She then sighed and switched off the recording and the camera before putting into her bag. The jungle surfing would require the use of both of her hands," But it looks like my camera won`t be able to record the ride. I knew I should have bought that helmet camera."

"Oh! Clary, I almost forgot," Rose said a she put down her bag pack and zipped it open to rumple through it," I have something for you."

The others moved on to put on their harnesses while Chase stood next to the girls and waited for them.

Rose smiled as she pulled out a smooth black box and handed it over to her friend," This is from my parent's latest line of cameras. It`s supposed to record in 360 angles and HD Video quality."

Clary`s jaw dropped as she reached out to touch the camera box but she stopped at the last minute," Rose, this is too expensive. I can`t take that from you."

Rose stood with her bag pack and pushed the box into her friend`s hands, "It's okay, I`m giving it to you."

Clary shook her head as she stared down at the box, "I wouldn`t be able to pay for it, Rose."

"Stop it! It`s a present from a friend to a friend," Rose insisted.

"How do I even make it up to you?" Clary asked.

"Well, you could promote the camera and my parents company but even if you didn't, I would mind. It`s not about my parent's company. It`s just about giving you a gift."

Jia turned in time to see her friend leap forward to tackle the techno sorceress with a teary smile. The heiress returned the hug happily as Tristan came to stand beside her," What's going on with those two?"

"Girl bonding," Jia muttered with a smile at him before turning back to her friends. Once they separated, Clary opened the box and pulled out a silver pouch that had the Van Helen Logo on it. Chase offered to carry the box and Clary relented, telling him to open her bag and put it inside. She then slides her hand in and pulls out a silver metallic Orb.

The petrifying sorceress handed the pouch to Chase before she pressed a button on top of the orb. It glowed blue before it started to hover over her hand.

"I already programmed it to listen to your commands, say Orb G17 Start Recoding and say Stop Recording or say Capture when you want a picture taken or anything a camera would do except it is voice activated."

"Even if I want to see what I captured?"

Rose pursed her lips, "Just say Open Gallery, but remember to always say Orb G17 first, that way it will know you are giving it instructions."

The Orb hovered as Clary lowered her hands and squealed with excitement. The others, after putting on their harnesses, gathered around the Orb as Clary began recording and instructed them all to wave at it. The boys tried to stay out but Rose forced them to give into Clary`s request.

Once everyone was set, they lined up at the Launching Deck with excited grins.

The first to go was Roy, followed by Fiona and then Jia who started screaming as she was launched into the forest.

The lightning sorceress squealed with excitement as the wind blew whipped her face and she spun in a circle to take in the trees around her. She saw Kyra behind her and waved at her before turned back to the front to see Fiona spinning as well as laughing. Down below, different plants bloomed and the sound of many different creatures echoed throughout the forest. In the trees, she saw curious little furry creatures peeking out to watch them with their red eyes and she laughed.

This was nature untouched and undestroyed. So beautiful. It was like a dream.

A good few minutes had passed before they finally went past the Second Station where some of the Rangers waved at them. The girls returned the wave while Cole yelled a loud "Bye!" to them which made everyone laugh.

"Brace yourselves everyone!" Jia yelled as they saw a portal open up in front of Roy.

"See all on the other side!" Kyra yelled from behind her.

Suddenly a blue portal appeared in front of her and Jia gasped as she went through it. One second she was in her harness and the next second she knew, she went sailing through the air and landed on a soft fern-like bed.

She groaned and clutched the ferns before she felt someone land next to her. Hearing a male groan, she turned to see Dylan wince and push himself up, "That was horrible."

"I thought it was fun," Jia offered with a breathless laugh.

Dylan blinked and turned to face the lightning sorceress who was smiling at him and laughing," Guess we`re partners for today."