After all the presents had been given out to everyone, the children were sent to the Recreation room where they could have fun with their new things while the adults talked till it was time for Christmas Dinner.
However, Jia and Roy, had to go the main ballroom to make the final preparations for the Elites Christmas Ball so they were sent to the Elites Main Castle to see to the arrangements. It was a responsibility Jia had to learn to take up when she turned thirteen and was trained by her grandmother before she successfully organized one after she turned fourteen. Such as the life of a society girl. Organizing balls before you even attended one.
The lights were being put up and the party program had been approved this morning. All the tables and china were set as the speakers were being tested. The flowers for the tables were in the midst of being brought in.
Jia had a Tablet in hand and was standing at the dance floor arranging the flowers with Roy when he suddenly asked to speak to her about something other than the Ball arrangements.
"What is it?" Jia asked as they approached the DJ Booth and took note of the flowers there.
Roy scratched his head nervously, "So, I know this year has been difficult and full of changes for you. I… I wanted to… make sure that everything was okay with you first."
"Roy, please don`t beat around the bush, "Jia said as she turned to him with a smile, "I really like it when people don't do that and most especially when I am in the middle of planning an annual event for my Papa`s company."
"Right, sorry." He quickly apologized.
"It`s me. You can talk to me about anything." Jia said as a florist came over to her and gave her clipboard to look through. As she scanned it, Roy took a deep breath before answering her, "So I …wanted to talk to you about your friend."
Jia smirked as she scanned the list, "Which one? I have a lot of them right now."
"Fiona," Roy answered honestly and Jia looked up at her cousin as before she nodded at the florist," Everything looks alright here but please add a few palms to the entrance?"
"Of course my Lady, "the florist said as she curtsied and left with the clipboard. Jia turned back to her cousin, "So, what about Fiona?"
"I wanted your…not permission but say, your approval to ask her out," Roy admitted.
Her eyebrows flew up and she blinked rapidly, "Oh, well. I don`t see why not? But why are you asking me this?"
"Because she`s your friend and I respect that. I don`t want to overstep any boundary or make you feel like I didn`t care about your friendship with her by asking her out without at least giving you a heads up."
"I see. We`ll…I will admit. It would nice if the people I loved the most found happiness with each other so it wouldn`t bother me. You can ask her out. Not that you needed to ask me. I mean, it will be you two in the relationship, not me."
"Thank you."
Jia chuckled,"Your welcome, see that wasn't so hard?"
Roy released a loud sigh as his cousin smirked at him,"It was terrifying."
Jia burst out laughing as Roy turned slightly pink and looked around. The workers were watching them with amusement. The Knight quickly covered his cousin`s mouth but she just pushed him away while trying to control her laughter.
"How many Initiate's Invitations have been sent out this year?"He asked in an effort to change the subject.
Jia`s laughed died down a bit but she still snickered as she shook her head, "I'm not sure. Uncle Dalton has the list."
"You can`t tell from the seating arrangements?" He asked her and she stopped to frown," Didn`t think of that, did you?"
"Hush you, "Jia scolded him before she tapped her Tablet and brought up the Tab that showed the seating arrangements," Okay, so there are four tables for the Initiate's Table, each has a seat for five men."
"So four by five means twenty initiate`s this year?"
"That`s twice the amount then last year," Jia pointed out." Usually Uncle Dalton likes to limit the numbers so that when the Trials come up, even less men get selected. Being an Elite in tough. I wonder why he did that."
"Your uncle's must have spotted some rare talents this year," Roy suggested.
"Yeah, they must have." Jia said absent-mindedly.
Roy put a hand on around her shoulders and looked down at the seating arrangements, "I like that the Elites have that. They send out Initiate Invitations to students so when they come to the Ball, they get a taste of the Elites. They don`t need to join but just have look at the place."
"And who wouldn`t want to join the Elites Corps?" Jia said as she gestured at the magnificent ballroom. It was huge enough for a dance floor, a stage, tables for everyone to sit at and a bar. "They are the best of the best. My Papa has a Paramilitary company that can handle anything."
"Makes you kind of sad to think about why and how he started it in the first place," Roy said softly as he removed his hand and faced her.
Jia nodded sadly before another worker who was in charge of the lights came over with a tablet in hand," My Lady, we need your final sigh off on the lights."
"Of course," Jia said as she was handed over the Tablet pen before signing it. She then instructed the worker to let his staff know that their dinner would be provided for during the Ball. After everything was prepared and the first guests had started to arrive, both teenagers left for Castle Paravel to get changed.
Roy was allowed to join her father, her uncles and her aunts at the party tonight for the first time. Her Uncle Elias had to go home with his rest of Roy`s family to host a Christmas Party at the Norvel`s Family Mansion.
Jia quickly got into a gown her aunt Helena had bought for her before she joined her Papa at the bottom of the stairs. All the men were in their Elite`s ceremonial uniform instead of their armor and were allowed to bring plus ones to the Ball tonight.
By the time, they were in the Hallway, everyone was already inside. The sound of laughter, music and people talking could be heard echoing in the Hallway. Nikolai lead the way with Jasmine, next came Brad and Helena, after them was Dalton and Iris followed by Roy. Finally, Marcellus walked with Jia in the rear.
When they reached the entrance of the Ballroom, the Master of Ceremonies announced their titles and every one clapped. Finally, it was time for Jia and her Papa to enter. The white haired teenager took a deep breath to get her nerves under control.
"Everything alright, bolt?" Marcellus asked his daughter. She looked very beautiful tonight in a strapless dress that was the color of starlight. Her matching gloves were pulled up to her elbows and her make-up was simple and flawless. Her hair was done in an elegant bun to accommodate Marina`s silver headband.
"Yes, I just," Jia said before stopping and patting her Headband, she then looked up her Papa," Do I look okay?"
Marcellus smiled down at her, "You look beautiful. Just like your mother."
Jia gave him a teary smile and hugged his arm before the Master of Ceremony announced," Presenting, Commander Marcellus of the Elites Corps and his daughter. The Lady Jia of House Norvel."
They both then walked out into the Ballroom and down the stairs. Everyone clapped and even whistled while Jia gave them a regal smile that she had perfected under the guidance of her grandmother. Marcellus nodded and led his daughter down patiently as her dress was hindering her progress down the stairs.
They finally stopped in the middle of the crowd of Elites before they were both given a glass of champagne to which Marcellus used to make an opening toast, "Thank you for coming tonight. Another year has gone by and the Elites have flourished once again. From successful missions to new recruits, we have endured. And now, in this special time of the year, I honor you all by having this Ball to celebrate you, brave men. We will also be presenting the Recruits Awards to the outstanding Field Leaders, Inventors, Marksman's, Strategist and over-all team before the end of the ceremony, "He then raised his glass to his friends on his left," I am also happy to announce that one of our side projects this year has been successful. General Dalton, if you please."
Jia turned to her left as Dalton stepped forward with Iris, "As you know, the leaders of the Elites Corps have a special spot for orphans in the Kingdom of Kovia. I am proud to announce that our Donation Drive that was led by my lovely Iris has been successful. This morning, three orphanages were able to not only receive presents for Christmas but food for Christmas Dinner!"
Everyone cheered and clapped as Jia continued," Next year, we hope to give gifts and food to more orphanages in two more kingdoms so I urge you all to look for our booths in all the Malls that you visit and donate in either cash or kind."
"In that way, the Elites are not just known for their military skills and strength but by also the goodness of their hearts in caring for the next generation." Marcellus concluded as he raised his glass once again to his men, "To the Elites! Merry Christmas!"
Everyone cheered as they raised their glasses before drinking, however, Marcellus stopped his daughter with a firm glance before she rolled her eyes," Relax Papa, it`s just sparkly soda."
The Master of Ceremony then announced for everyone to be seated for the Awards Ceremony. Jia was led to the Head Table and sat next to her father with Roy beside her. Her Uncles sat with their wives as the Ceremony began and Nikolai was asked to present the first award.
"I always love the Awards ceremony," Jia whispered to Roy who smiled at his cousin.
"Why? Because the Outstanding people are brought to your attention?"
"No, because straight after that, we get to eat," the lightning sorceress admitted before rubbing her hands excitedly.
"Jia, mind your manners," Marcellus whispered to his daughter, who nodded sheepishly.
"Pssst! Roy! Jia!" Brad whispered over Dalton, Iris, Helena and Marcellus `shoulders. Both men resisted the urge to shake their heads at their friend as most people would think you were disapproving of the awardees while the women pursed their lips. Helena was already thinking of a way to tame her husband.
Both the teenagers, however, exchanged confused glances before they leaned over to see him.
"Look over there," Brad mouthed before he pointed at an Initiate`s tables. Jia squinted as she tried to make out the faces at the table, "Who is he pointing at?"
Her cousin suddenly cursed, "Are those the guys?!"
Jia blinked and finally she was five faces, who had their jaws dropped. "What in the Goddess name are they doing here?"
"Are those your friends bolt?" Marcellus asked, his voice calm but Jia could see that he was close to committing murder. Jia forgot that her papa was over-protective, didn`t think she needed guy friends apart from Roy and to make matters worse, one of the boys was someone that kissed her. He also slept next to her in bed the night before. Jia had to take a second to respond but luckily Roy did it for her," Uncle Marcellus, they`re my friends. Actually, they`re part of my Squad back at the Academy."
"Interesting," Marcellus commented before he turned to Roy," I`d like to meet them."
Roy gulped," I`ll introduce you later."
"Of course, you can even go and minge with them after the ceremony," Marcellus informed the grey eyed boy who nodded his thanks." Bolt, you may go and say 'hi' before coming back."
Jia bowed her head and resisted the urge to run a hand over her mouth in case she ruined her make-up all the while thinking how this night could get any more dramatic.