Chereads / A Noble Rebel / Chapter 25 - Chapter 24

Chapter 25 - Chapter 24

"I`ve always loved Family Day at your school," Jia gushed as she walked arm in arm with Roy down the Hall of Heroes, admiring the many suits of armor worn by previous heroes. Everywhere around them, boys of all ages were being greeted and hugged by their family members. It was a day full of smiles and laughter.

Jia came early to spend as much time as she could with Roy because his parents couldn`t make it. A storm had grounded all flights so no one was leaving the Kingdom the next two days. Storms at home tended to last a little longer than normal storms.

Roy had shown her his classrooms, the Training area and the Library and now the Hall of Heroes. There was still more for her to see and Jia was so thankful that she didn't have any homework this weekend. Saton Knight Academy was a really, really big school.

"Where are the rest of your friends?"

"Mike is still waiting for his mother in our room, Dylan and Tristan have gone missing, Chase is with his parents in the Gym and Cole is with his mother in the Gardens."

"Tristan and Dylan are missing?"

"They`re orphans Jia, they don`t have anyone to visit them today."

"That`s horrible," Jia muttered. She was then reminded of her Papa and of how he grew up. He once described the life in the orphanage he lived in as being alone with people surrounding you. Thankfully, he had his friends soon after and it made life a little bearable but he never wanted Jia to feel the emotions he had. Like no-one cared for you or even that you existed. She then slapped herself for feeling sorry for Tristan. Ever since last weekend, she had distanced herself from the boys because of Juliet. It wasn`t that she was afraid of her but rather, she didn't like dealing with clingy, possessive and reasonable people. Maybe Dylan deserved her heartfelt feelings but definitely not Tristan.

Shaking the disturbing thoughts from her head, she glanced into the gym to see the different workout equipment in there before turning to ask Roy how many times he had to work out.

After long tour, Roy insisted she go and wait for him in his room so they can have lunch together. He let her go ahead while he left for the Cafeteria. Jia hummed a familiar tune and strolled down the hall way, smiling at any boy who nodded at her.

"Some men are just true gentlemen," Jia thought to herself with a smile as she finally reached Squad Five`s room and entered after knocking. She was surprised to see Mike sitting in his chair at his desk, hunched over what looked like a project,


The kind hearted Knight turned to face her, "Hey, Jia, are you here to see Roy?'

Jia smiled at him and moved to sit on Roy`s bed, "Actually I was just with him; he went to get us something to eat from the Cafeteria."

"Oh, that`s cool..." Mike replied, though he looked distressed and frustrated. He was messing up his hair and rubbing his eyes every few seconds that it seemed like he was stopping himself from crying.

Jia stood up and glided over to him, "Is everything alright?"

Mike blinked and sighed wearily, "I`m trying to make these color glasses for my mum but I`m such a…"

Jia held up a hand to stop him," Hey, now, none of that."

"It`s true, I just can`t."

"You said you were making color glasses?"

Mike nodded," My mother has Cerebral archromatopsia, it`s a color blindness condition that she had after an accident when she was younger. I`m trying to make these for her so she can see color again."

"Mike, that`s…that`s so sweet." Jia said as she placed a hand on his back.

Mike gave her a sad smile, "Thanks, most people can afford to buy one but money is sort of an issue for us so I thought I could make one for her. It`s her birthday today and since dad can`t come, I thought I`d cheer her up."

Jia grinned, "What do you need then? "

"I have everything I need," Mike gestured to the glasses on his table with his tools scattered around, "But the only thing I can't seem to do is replicate Light magic that can hit her iris when she puts on the glasses."

Jia hummed thoughtfully, "I think...I think I can help with that…"

"You can? "Mike asked, his expression immediately brightening up.

"Yes, well not me personally, "Jia explained as she smacked her head, "But I might know someone who can help us?"


"If I`m right, she should be here visiting her boyfriend."

"Who Jia?"

"You`ll see," Jia said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him up, "When is your mother coming to visit?"

Mike held up his wrist watch, "In thirty minutes,"

"That's just enough time," Jia exclaimed before they ran out of the room down the Hallway.

Jia stopped by two familiar looking Upper-class Men, Ian and Mikel, Kyra`s older brothers, "Hey guy, I'm looking for Ash, the Duke Azazel`s room?"

Jia learned from Kyra that hey were also very, very, overprotective of her. If Roy was the over protective brother, they were ten times worse.

"Jia," Ithan nodded his greeting at the Sorceress and the Knight, "Mike."

"Senior Level, Squad Three Room," Ian replied. "Why you looking for Ash, Jia?"

"Yeah, word is it that you`ve got Chase and Tristan wrapped around your finger, "Ithan added.

Jia frowned at them, "Who told you that?"

Both boys shrug.

Mike watched Jia scan their faces carefully before nodding, "I'm guessing it was one of your usual squeezes because obviously those girls are gossips with legs, which are your usual types."

Both Seniors spluttered as Jia held up her hand to silence them, "This is an observation from your little sister and honestly, Chase and Tristan are my friends. Just like Mike."

"I am?" Mike asked as Jia turned to him with a nod before smiling at the two boys, "Thanks for the help."

She then pulled Mike away and began to walk towards the Seniors level. A place that Mike hoped would be his home in the next two years.

"Thank goodness they don`t have any restriction on the Seniors level as well," Jia observed.

"By the time, you`re at the Seniors level, you`re kind of treated like an adult so restrictions just apply to curfews." Mike explained.

"Is it true every Senior has their own personal bathroom?"

Mike nodded," Yeah, that`s why`s their Wing is much bigger than ours."

Jai hummed, "Interesting."

She tucked away that knowledge as she and Mike the climbed the stairs leading up to the Fourth Wing until they reached the Seniors Hallway. Mike hesitated as he took in some of the Seniors who were hanging around the door ways. They looked rugged and very impressive.

He was in the midst of rethinking the idea when he saw Jia power on ahead.

"Jia!" he exclaimed.

Jia ignored him and kept walking until she reached Squad Three`s room door and knocked," Hello, I have urgent business with Duke Ash, he slept with my sister."

Mike `s jaw dropped as he finally moved to stand next to her.

The door opened to reveal and handsome blonde, who pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose," What the Spirits?!"

"That`s what I want the tool to explain to me," Jia said firmly as she pushed the Senior away from the door and walked in. Mike stood at the door, looking really lost and nervous.

She walked straight to the only room door that was closed and opened it screaming," Honey, I`m back!"

A boy yelled from inside the room and Mike pushed past the Blonde in time to see a half-naked couple on a bed who looked like they were about to get intimate.

Mike`s eyes widened before he rushed forward and covered Jia`s eyes as the two young adults broke away from each other trying to fix their clothes. The girl was slowly trying to button up her blouse and the boy was trying to put on his shirt.

Jia huffed, "Mike, I`m sixteen, not six, I`ve seen people making out before."

"What is wrong with you?" Mike whispered to her urgently. "Why would you do that? What if they had been really naked?"

"Hadn`t really thought of that."

"Roy is a saint if he deals with you like this on a regular basis at home, "Mike muttered sadly. Poor Roy.

"What are you talking about, I am gift," Jia insisted proudly.

"Goddess Above Jia, must you always interrupt us!? "Ash exclaimed after his shirt was on.

"What do you want this time Jia?" The girl muttered as she stood and faced Jia with a smile.

Mike was honestly at that point confused as Ash turned red and gestured to his roommate to leave them. The Blonde nodded and left as Jia snickered.

"Why do you two choose the absolute worst times to make out?" Jia asked with smirk as she pulled Mike`s hand away from her face.

Ash snorted,"You just have bad timing."

"Charming of me then," Jia said as she turned to Mike," Mike this is Lady Gillian, I ran into her two years ago with her darling boyfriend, Ash. They were almost caught in a bad position but thanks to me, they both survived with their reputations in tack," Jia then turned back to Gillian who tilted her head down at the young sorceress, "And now I need her to return the favor."

"You're in some kind of trouble? "Ash asked worriedly as he stepped forward.

Jia shook her head at him, "No, I promise. I am just in need of Gillian`s light magic," Jia revealed. "I want help Mike here with a present."

"Why? What is he? Your boyfriend?" Gillian asked.


"Personally, I think it would great if Mike dated her," Ash spoke up.

Gillian smiled at her boyfriend," Really?"

Mike blinked at his Senior, "You know me?"

"Mike of Sophomore Year`s Squad Five and upcoming Genius Sniper, "Ash recited, "The Seniors keep tabs of who`s the best so they`ll chose to mentor them during the War Games. Now that` you`re here, I might as well tell you that I was going to choose you."

"Was?" Jia asked as Mike`s jaw dropped once again.

"Oh I`m still choosing him but it's up to him whether to accept me or not," Ash continued.

"And why do you think he`d be perfect for Jia?"Gillian asked.

"He`s a classical gentleman, no girlfriends or flings, great grades, excellent reports from his professors and he can handle himself in a fight," Ash explained. Gillian pursed her lips and studied the green eyed Knight. Mike felt very flustered and Jia quickly took pity on him," Okay, that`s enough with you two. Will you help?"

Gillian shrugged," Sure. Lead the way, little one."

Jia frowned at her," You`re like two years older than me."

"Still older."

Jia lead the two older students down to Mike`s room with poor Mike in the rear. He honestly looked like he was still in shock. After explaining to Gillian what needed to be done, the Light Sorceress used her magic and cast five different spells on the glasses before they glowed silver. As an extra, Gillian transfigured a loose screw on Mike`s desk into a glass case.

"Now you have something neat to keep the glasses inside, "Gillian added as she placed the glasses into the case and shut it.

"Will it work? "Ash asked his girlfriend. Gillian nodded as Jia reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, "Something wrong ,Jia?"

Jia taped her phone before locking it, " No, just my friends reminding me that I have to show up for rehearsal this afternoon." She then pocketed her phone as Gillian handed the case over to her.


"We`re performing during the next Mixer."

Ash cleared his throat, "Who's we?"

"Me, Clary and Kyra. My roommates." Jia explained.

"Well then your tall boyfriend here will have to watch you closely, "Gillian said with a chuckled as she winked at Mike, who turned pink.

"He`s not my boyfriend." Jia spoke up.

Gillian`s smile fell, "Oh? He isn`t?"

"No. Though he would make a great boyfriend, he isn`t mine," Jia stated firmly.

"Shame, "Gillian said as she approached Jia and ran a finger down her left cheek," Don`t lock yourself away, little one."

"I`m not," Jia insisted.

"Be good then. See you two later," Gillian said as she and her boyfriend left.

Mike watched Jia regain her composure before she turned and handed over his mother`s gift.

"Would I make a good boyfriend for you? "Mike asked all of a sudden.