When Jian Li woke up, she found herself laying on a bed with her head facing upwards. She could see the bright sunlight coming through the window and she could hear the birds singing outside.
After moving around a bit and stretching, she noticed that she felt much better, though her head still hurt a bit.
"You're awake, then. How does your head feel?", A gentle voice echoed from the side of the room. Startled, Jian Li turned and saw her elder sister Jian Ye sitting in a chair beside her bed.
"Much better now.", Jian Li said after rubbing the top of her head. She was still muddled from her energy being drained earlier.
"You used up all of your energy yesterday, so you should rest up for today and come train with me tomorrow." Her sister instructed.
"Can I come train with you now?", Jian Li asked after hesitating for a moment.
"It's better if you rest.", she said.
Jian Li pouted at her elder sister in response.
"How about this? You rest for now and, if you still feel like training tomorrow, you can come then." Jian Ye said after a brief pause.
"Then I'll go train tomorrow.", Jian Li happily answered and Jian Ye smiled back, almost laughing.
She was dressed in a flowing red robe that reached her ankles and a golden sash that hung down her back. Her long black hair was tied up in a messy bun and she had a big and beaming smile, which was rare for the usually stern big sister.
"If you say so, I'll be going now. You should get some rest.", Jian Ye looked like she had something more to say, but she seemed to keep it to herself.
With that, Jian Ye left the room and closed the door behind her.
Jian Li lazed around in bed for a good while longer before sitting up and stretching once more. After standing up, she walked to the window and peered outside.
Several children were playing together outside in the courtyard. She could see a middle-aged skinny man talking with them. He wore a long green robe and had a long strand of hair hanging over his forehead. The man looked like a cross between a monk and a wizard.
She had never seen a wizard before but had heard of them from her elder brother.
They were reputed to be great magicians that could use powerful spells to cause immense damage or help people. They were said to be cultivators too, just probably not the same type that her father was obviously.
That wizard monk-like man seemed to fit the description however, she would have to see him cast a spell before making the confirmation.
All of a sudden, a small red-haired girl who was playing in the courtyard looked up at her and caught her staring. The child smiled at her. Jian Li was taken by surprise but smiled back.
The girl looked like a miniature red version of her eldest sibling Jian Ye. Both were fair-skinned, with big green eyes, but the girl had the cute and chubby features of a child.
"I never really talk with the village kids and I really want to talk to the wizard looking guy." She thought to herself.
Jian Li took a deep breath and stepped out of bed. She walked over to the door and as she opened the door, she noticed the sword she made together with her father from the corner of her eye.
"Father had probably brought it in after I passed out.", Jian Li muttered to herself as closed the door with a slight smile on her face and made her way through the manor, to the courtyard.
Jian Li stepped out of the manor and took a deep breath. The fresh air soothed her and she felt better than ever. She had dressed herself in her favourite red robe and tied her hair into a ponytail.
She felt like she was about to embark on an adventure, which she thought was incredibly wrong given that she was just going to talk with a possible wizard and some kids.
She walked through the courtyard with purpose, towards the centre where the giant ancient willow tree was to reach the group.
The wizard was still talking to the children when she approached. They were all listening to him with fascination as he told them tales of magic and wonder.
The wizard stopped when he saw her approach, a smile creeping up his face.
"Hrm, who is this? She seems to have a strong soul, yet one that is clouded by... by... regret and pain.", He said in a slightly squeaky voice that sounded old yet childlike.
"Why hello, I am Meng the Wizard, may I know your name?"
"I'm Jian Li.", she nervously answered. She realized that he could be the real deal.
He stared at her before smiling once again. She noticed his eyes were two different colours. One was brown, while the other was an icy blue. They seemed to stare right through her.
"You seem to have a strong soul, are you interested in magic?"
Jian Li was caught off guard. Were wizards just supposed to take apprentices that easily?
"What do you mean by strong soul?"
He laughed in response.
"I mean that your aura is potent, you have a lot of potential. Come over here, I need to test something."
She walked over to him as Meng put his hand on her head. A cold shiver ran down her spine as he closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened them again. He stared at Jian Li with a very odd expression on his face.
"What's... what's wrong?"
He continued to stare at her for a few seconds before breaking into laughter.
"Hah, it seems the heavens have smiled upon me! Yes, yes they have!"
Jian Li stared back unsettled and unsure of what to make of the strange man.