I wanted to puke! Pregnant?! With a baby that isn't even mine?! My hands were shaking slightly. This is ridiculous! Ava didn't even know me! How could she possibly know that I was going to take care of her child?!
Oh Goddess! What am I going to tell Astor?! He was going to lose his mind! How was I suppose to protect this baby?! With this war coming and attempts on my life?! Or the fact that Falak will end up trying to kill me!
"Can you do a counter spell and give the baby back?! How is this even possible?! Why is it possible?! I've never heard of a spell like this!!" I was pacing the floor. Raph stood there watching me like a hawk. Probably because he was afraid I was going to have a full mental break down. Silias si b has loudly.
"It's very old magic. Forbidden magic. It should have been lost. No one should know it. Elves did create the spell. It was a last resort spell in the time of the old wars. They did it with mostly humans. It was to ensure that their bloodlines continued incase they didn't make it. I can't believe she used it." I arch an eyebrow at him.
If it was forbidden magic...why was it considered that?!
"Why is it forbidden?!" Silias purses his lips and then closes his eyes for a moment before speaking again.
"Because in order to do it...it takes someone's life. Likely someone in the mother's family." I inhale a shaky breath. So she was really convinced that Christian would kill her and corrupt her son.
"Did you two know she would do this?" I turn to the Twins as Raph spoke. Gemini looked strangley guilty. But Jade shakes her head. I step closer to Gemini. She was avoiding eye contact with me.
"Gemini? Did you know that she would use that spell?" Gemini sighs and shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably.
"I knew. I gave her the spell." Raph let's out a low growl. Gemini glares at him but gives me soft smile.
"I knew that he was planning to kill her. He let it slip one night when he was drinking. I couldn't watch him kill her or inflict his twisted mind on the baby. But I had know idea that she would use the spell on you."
I groan. Gemini always had a soft heart. Whether she showed it or not.
"We still have to do the blood Oath. And he will notice when the baby isn't growing in his wife anymore." I nod my head and wrap my arms around myself. I needed Astor. I needed him here with me. This was so overwhelming and so insane. I couldn't deal with this by myself.
"You guys go ahead. Freya and I will meet you there in a little bit." Silias let's out a long sigh and I watch half stunned as he ushers the twins from the room. I raise an eyebrow and turn toward Raph. What was he doing? He was just staring at me.
"You're overwhelmed. I can see it. I wanted to give you a minute so you could breath."
Freya tilts her head back and inhales several deep breaths trying to calm her nerves. Thus was alot to process for anyone. No one could blame her. A complete stranger had magically implanted a baby in her and was asking her to take care of it. She was already under so much pressure with Falak being brought back and now someone had done this?!
I had no idea how my brother was going to react to this. But whether or not Ava did it with good intentions or not..Christian had a blood claim to the child. I shake my head and sigh.
"What the hell am I suppose to do Raph?" She looks at me with her big beautiful eyes that held so many emotions and she looked like she was on verge of tears.. O growl a sigh and walk over to her wrapping my arms around her. She let's out a rigid breath and whimpers. Freya buries her face in my shirt. I hadn't ever realized how small she actually was.
"Listen to me..I'm here. Whatever you need Frey. Astor will be there too. Everything happens for a reason. This was for a reason. I understand that it'll be hard to deal with this because it isn't your child. But Elves are pretty good judge of characters. She trusted you to help her son. I don't agree with her method but she probably thought this was the only way she could really protect him."
Freya groans and lightly punches my ribs.
"You're dumb." I let a laugh slip out. She may have said that. But she knew that I was right.
" I'll be there the whole time through the ceremony. You'll be fine. It doesn't hurt." Ava made her decision and we couldn't change it. I knew that Freya wouldn't try to transfer the baby to someone else because someone would lose their lives. She wouldn't risk that. Freya inhales a deep breath then sighs before pulling away from me. She offers me a small smile.
"Thanks Raph." Before I could stop myself I lean down and kiss the top of her head. Her eyes widened and her cheeks had turned a soft pink color.
"We have to get going now." She nods and turns toward the door. I move around infront of her first and open the door. Gemini fell forward and onto the floor.
Freya let's out a small giggle. I shake my head and step over her. Silias looked slightly amused. He wraps his arm around Freya's shoulders. She rolls her eyes at him and shakes him off. I snort.
"Let's get this over with so that we can go home." Freya nods and touches her torso gently and let's out a clipped sigh.