Chereads / The Unrelenting Traveler / Chapter 3 - Friends in high places

Chapter 3 - Friends in high places

The next day I wake up and gathered up all my gear. and throw my MG 42 over my shoulder and walk out of the inn. And head to the mercenary's guild. people walk past me. and horse driven carts and wagons pass me by. walk up to the mercenary guild and open the door. I walk to the front counter and the receptionist asks "what can I help you with sir" I ask "how do I become a mercenary."

receptionist "you have to register as a mercenary. and then we test your abilities for magic and all of your combat skills." i say "OK sounds good where do I go." receptionist "you go outback keep going down the hall until you reach the door. at the very end of the hall. open the door to the training grounds. and then there. you will see the guild master." I make my way down the hall. I open the door to see a big muscular man wearing a full set of plate armor. His armor is quite fancy. It has gold accents. and looks like all the plates are made of silver. I ask him if he is the guild master. He replies "yes I am the guild master here, what can I do for you?" I explain "I am here for the registration examination." guild master "OK hold this Crystal ball. This will show me how much magic you have. if this ball turns certain colors it will tell me how much magic you possess." he hands me the Crystal ball. I take it and let my magic flow through the ball. the ball starts rapidly changing colors. the colors change faster and faster and faster until the ball shatters to pieces. The guild master "holy shit I have not seen that ever happen. I believe you were the first person to max out a crystal ball. Congratulations, you probably have more magic energy than anybody in the world now. What do you use as a weapon?" I swing my MG 42 from my back and hand it to him. He takes it from my hands, he inspects it up and down. and then hands it back to me. guild master "what the hell is that thing." I say "it's an ancient artifact that I found and Labrinth." guild master "can you use it in combat. because I got some targets that you can use." I say "if I can use it in combat please. I've had to use this thing in combat multiple times. I can use it." I make my way over to the target. I shoulder the MG 42, look down the sights at the target. and slowly squeeze the trigger. An irruption of blue flames comes from the barrel; the casings fall to the ground and jingle when they hit the stone. I chew through an entire belt of ammo and then. I release the trigger and turn to the guild master. The guild master's face was dumbfounded, his mouth wide open. Target falls from being cut in half By a constant stream of bullets. The guild master scrapes jaw from the ground and then replies "that is one amazing artifact you got there" I say "so did I pass the examination." The guild master replies "did you pass did you pass is that even a question your sigh** you should be a triple S but I'm gonna start you off as a B let me write down all of the guilds information and what's your weapons name." I replied to his question "infidel" guild master "interesting name do you have any other abilities besides magic." I reply "I have an ability called purging of worlds" guild master "do you know what it does sound very powerful" I reply "no but the man who taught me the spell said after I say the words and visualize it to run away immediately after saying the words" guild master "sounds dangerous do you know what level of spell it is" I reply "no" guild master "OK we have levels of spells level one through 40 are beginners level 50 through 70 or intermediate level 70 through 80 are high level level 80 through 100 are considered god level guess what level that spell is" I reply "what" his eyes narrow he looks displeased the guild master says "it's level 100" sarcastically he then grabs a card from the table and writes down all of the information that he has gathered and then hands the car over to me I signed it and then slipped into my pants pocket and then ask the guild master where are most of the jobs are posted The guild master replys "the mercenary tavern down at the end of the road." I walk to my jeep and then takeoff down the road to the mercenary's tavern. When I pull up the mercenary's tavern there's a sign of two swords crossed in a skull. It doesn't have a door, it has saloon shutters. I take a step through the shutters and look around when I get inside I see a bunch of tough Looking characters wearing leather armor with plate armor Mix in I see a woman in the back of the tavern in Full plate armor the outlines and edges of armor are gold plated all the metal looks like it's been painted white in some places the armor looks worn and the paint looks like it's been scratched and and chipped like it's seen some use. The sheath of her sword blue like the sky, the edges and trim white with gold highlights the Palmel of the handle of the sword with a ruby gemstone. I look up and down myself and look at what I'm wearing I look to my cloak tattered and drenched in blood my boots are muddy and worn I think to myself man I look like shit oh well I had to the back of the tavern and sit down next to this woman she asked me what the hell do I want reply "I just wanna buy you a drink and talk" she replies "find then what do you wish to talk about" I ask "how long have you been a mercenary what type of job do you do" she replies "I've been a mercenary for about a year and a half and as for jobs I've only done one" I ask "what did you do for a job" she then takes a sip of rum and then puts glass down and answers "I had to kill a dragon" I ask "did you complete it and if so how much."

she responds "no I did not, my entire party was slaughtered by that damn dragon 12 out of 13 killed I was the only survivor and as for an award you don't get rewarded for surviving." I reply "I'm sorry I would've asked if I knew."

I ask her, so I've been looking for a party member and I was wondering if you would join my party. She immediately replies "no" I ask "why."

she says "first off I've been a mercenary for a year and a half and I've seen combat and on top of that I'm probably a higher rank than you specially considering you're a rookie. she then whips out her card it says Sophia Cronwell "nobility" age 19 weapon great sword no magic infinity combat style Melee rank D I show her my card shepherd Winston nickname destroyer of nations age 19 weapon "infidel" magic infinity god level combat style ranged rank B after reading my card she then says to me "how the hell do you have a nickname already." I ask "what does it mean to have a nickname."

Sophia answers "it means either the guild master thinks that you can do a certain thing or you have to complete a quest that gives you a nickname. nicknames are more like trademarks if you don't have a nickname it's kind of a big deal when you get one. Some of the perks are you earn more money and you get more reputation the more reputation the more earrings. some S ranks don't even have nicknames."

Sophia asks "underneath weapons it just says infidel what is that."

reply and say "it's this." I swing my MG 42 from my bag to the front and hold it in my hands I pull back the bolt and lock it in place lift the cover place a new belt in and pull back on The bolt it glides forward and locks in place her her eyes are wide her mouth wide open she's in shock she asked if she can hold it I refuse I said "I will let you hold it but only if you join my party" She sighs** In agreement, fine I'll join."

I hand over my MG 42 and she looks it up and down. She looks down at the sights and aims it at the door. I quickly say "don't pull the trigger!" She replies, "What trigger?"

her finger slips from the guard and bumped the trigger "click!" It jams reply "thank God" two people immediately walk through the door of the tavern I quickly rip it away from her hands pop open the lid and pull back the bolt ejecting the jam to the wooden floor The casing starts Roll I quickly pick it up and slip it back into the belt of bullets I slap the belt onto the feed tray smack down the lid pull back on the Bolt and The bolt glides forward racking a casing into the chamber she asked "what was that that fell out" I reply that is a bullet I pull a bullet from the belt and show it to her I point at the tip. and tell her that is the actual bullet, the rest is called the casing that holds the propellant. and makes the bullet go forward propelling it out of the barrel. after I finish explaining. I tell her that we should get going. we Head Out of the Tavern. and head towards the inn. I ask if she is staying at the inn. Sofia replies "I live at my family's mansion." I say "all right I'll meet you back here at the Tavern at midDay tomorrow." I get in my jeep and drive towards the inn. When I reach the inn I get out and walk into the inn. I walk up to my room and sit on the bed. and summoned A pair of 1911's The circle appears but this time it's and White and red. I pull the pair of pistols from the circle. I look to the grips of the pistols. they have name's Burned into them. The first is named mustang the second his name is Sally. The metal of the pistols crawls with White and red. the colors swirl on the metal. A great power I can feel is radiating off of these two pistols. a power that feels. holy and divine and a power that feels sinister and evil. I set down Sally to look more closely at the mustang and mustang takes over my invisible armor. Suddenly my armor appears. and starts glowing rose red and radiating an intense aura. My eyes go cloudy, I get tunnel vision, I feel hatred and rage take over my body. I feel all my senses become numb. I quickly Reach Sally and pick her up. and holster them both. Energy jolts through me once more. and moves to my chest where I see a name is being branded onto my armor. The name is Dead man's armor. Suddenly my senses start to dull again. this time a stronger hatred over powering. The rage is too powerful for me to handle. All around me the world starts spinning and then everything turns red. all I can see is shadows in the haze. suddenly I wake back up and I'm laying on the floor of my room. my armor tore off like. I was frantically trying to pull it off. I say to myself I have to master this, I just have to master this power