"Why do you always stay by his side?" asked Arnold as he came and stood by Camille when the Marshall beta took him to a tall tree, in order to get rid of his height phobia by saying "Werewolves aren't afraid of height and you (Elijah) are the son of a True Alpha". She was there watching them, taking him on the top of a tall tree. As soon as their work done, they left and gave him a time limit of 2 hours. At first she was frightened herself but then she took a step to help him get rid of his fear. Camille knew exactly that how much he is afraid of the heights. The height was scary for Elijah and he feared because of the fear he had since he was a kid.
Camille stood there and as she looked, Elijah was holding a branch to not lose his balance and was keeping his eyes shut.
Camille was standing there, waiting for him to jump from that height.
"You can do it"
"Just close your eyes and feel like a leaf" Camille was motivating Elijah to jump.