"So are you all ready? This is going to be very interesting," said the Saint, smiling. As a pop sounded, the cork of the first of ten bottles of Blood Wine automatically flew open:
"The first bottle, Blood of the Evil Soul. I spent a hundred years collecting the souls and blood of 999 tremendously wicked people to brew this Blood Wine."
God's collection was utterly different from the blood others brought last time. When the cork was opened, Shard actually heard wails and curses emanating from the bottle.
"Blood Wine is not just blood, but also souls..."
"Of course, if it were merely the blood and souls of sinners, that would be too bland. So, in the last year, I found a girl with the purest soul, became a mortal to fall in love with her, and on the night of our wedding, I killed her, adding her blood and soul into the Blood Wine," said the Saint.
Shard and the Armored Elder's expressions subtly changed; the other was indeed an Evil God.