Matching the numbers with words in the books according to the idea, none of the six possible book and number combinations resulted in any meaningful sentences.
"Hmm... I must have guessed wrong. Is my entire thought process off, or is it more complex than I imagined?"
Thinking that this matter had nothing to do with him, he decided to try again, and if it still wasn't right, he would burn the letter. So Shard took another look at the characteristics of those numbers and when he came to the last digit of each group, a new idea came to him:
"Could it be that the last digit corresponds not only to the book number but also to a shift? Does the number one indicate that after finding the matching word, one should jump to the next word?"
This idea had no basis, yet trying it didn't cost a Gold Pound. Hence, he tried twelve more possibilities by "shifting forwards by one, two, or three words" and "shifting backwards by one, two, or three words".