"So, what do you think of those tomb raiders?"
Shard asked curiously.
"What else can I think? They steal from under my watch, I'd strangle them if I could! Besides, disturbing the deceased is a great sin, even if it's just to eat, such deeds should not be done. If you dare to deal with the dead, be prepared to be strangled by them."
After finishing, the old man spat on the ground in dissatisfaction, his demeanor with the large scissors for trimming tree branches suggested he was ready to snip any tomb raider he encountered.
The three interconnected robbed graves were located in the southeast corner of Section Three at the Tobesk Public Cemetery. The cemetery was gradually expanding towards the mountainous forests to the east, so this corner enjoyed a rather nice natural view.
They could see mounds of earth from afar and discovered upon approaching that these were left by the tomb raiders during the excavation.