Chereads / Ride of the Valkyries (Valkyrie Crusade Summoner) / Chapter 5 - Going in... and dealing with them

Chapter 5 - Going in... and dealing with them

When the gems were fully charged, Teacher handed me the red and blue gems after making another butterfly for Bugbear to play with so she wouldn't try to steal them from me when she threw her red rock away being bored with it.

Teacher walked up to the entrance of the cave and planted the two purple gems inside the entrance. Nothing seemed to happen from what I could as she walked back towards us.

"Um, is it a colorless and odorless type of mist?" I asked her trying to peer into the cave entrance. Nothing was happening from what I could see.

"Of course they are. It would be pointless if it had a color or smell that would alert them. It's going to travel from the top and the bottom of the cave at the same time, but it'll take a little bit for the gas to reach the whole cave. We'll know when it's finished." Teacher said creating a chair to sit down and wait.

"How long will they be asleep for?" Bugbear asked surprising us both with that smart question. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"No, no, it's nothing." Teacher shook her head, "To answer your question, think of it as a coma that'll last about 12 hours or so. They won't be able to wake up until then or I release them from the spell."

After waiting for another 30 minutes, we saw the purple gems start glowing and flashing for a few moments before they stopped. I turned my head to Teacher, who nodded, and we went to the entrance where we saw the burnt remnants of said crystals.

"Master, I think it would be better for you to stay here at the entrance just in case someone else comes," Teacher suggested, hoping that I'll take the offer. She knew what she was going to find in there would not be pretty and wanted to spare me the horror.

"I know that you're trying to protect me, but I want to help," I told her, looking straight into her eyes with my own.

"Haah~ fine, but be prepared; it won't be pretty." Teacher relented and covered up the cave entrance with an illusion.

After that, we went into the dark caves where Teacher created a small sphere of light to lead us through. Yet, despite the light shining through, I couldn't help but imagine some orcs or goblins hidden, ready to pounce at us.

The more we went in, the more nervous I felt, which my companions saw and Bugbear decided to hold my hand for moral support. I truly felt grateful for that and I calmed down.

It was surprisingly uneventful for about a few minutes until we were forced to stop when we saw three passageways ahead of us. I breathed a sigh of relief that we didn't have to split up since we can take out timecould couldn't help but wonder where were all the orcs or goblins.

"Let's see," Teacher muttered tapping her lip with her wand before she levitated a big piece of rock and then transformed it into a human-shaped object. With a wave, it split up into three and they all started walking shakily towards the entrances. For the first one, after a few feet in, multiple traps activated, and arrows started raining all around it. I gulped as it kept walking even as more objects started pumbling its form until it crumbled into pieces. The entrance was soon blocked by a pile of rocks. The same thing happened for the second one, except for the rock pile and nothing happened for the third.

"Hmm, how interesting," Teacher muttered walking towards the first entrance, paying particular attention to the walls themselves. She waved her wand and all the rocks crumbled into smaller pieces.

"Teacher, shouldn't we go down the third one instead of the first?" I couldn't help but ask, hesitating at the entrance. I followed after her, with Bugbear hiding behind me.

"Generally, when traps are installed in these caves, it means that it's a deterrent, forcing the adventurers to take the safer passageways." She started to talk, "It'll take them longer to reach the destination and gives the creatures living here more than enough time to prepare."

She showed proof as 30 or so minutes later, after dealing with many more traps, and another two passageways, we managed to reach the room within the underground area, and… it was massive.

I gagged at the smell emanating from the entrance and I was forced to pinch my nose. Teacher waved her wand and I couldn't smell it anymore and shot her a grateful look. I wish the cave wasn't illuminated with torches so I don't have to seedidn't was inside.

There was a large number of orcs, and goblins scattered all over the cave, some face down surrounding some unfortunate women, a few goblins dead with food stuck in their throats. Further back, was a group of thankfully clothed women who were locked in a large yellow cage made up of something I don't want to think about.

As we walked further in, I noticed that there was a pile of broken mismatched armor,s, ripped clarmor, weapons, and bones with pieces of dry meat attached scattered around. I couldn't help but notice that all the monsters were trembling and moaning softly in pain.

"What's going on, Teacher? Why are they all moaning like that?" Bugbear couldn't help but ask her out of morbid curiosity.

"It's a little something I put inside the gems," Teacher replied darkly, "When any male monster inhales the mist and falls asleep, they will experience excruciating pain, not even death can cure."

I opened my mouth about to ask why she has something likhadhat before closing it, not wanting to know. Though I did feelHowever,that they're not gettithey wereeasy.

She coughed softly, regaining her composure after a few seconds, and waved her wand, scattering the prison to pieces, even if some of those bones punctured the monsters, we didn't care.

With another wave, all the women were lifted into the air as fluids leaked out of those used and slowly moved towards us, leaving the orcs and goblins on the floor. With a final wave, they were all magically cleaned up of all their own and others' bodily fluids.

I gritted my teeth seeing how they ,all looked haggard and thin, I picked up a s; Id that was still serviceable and pointed it down towards one sleeping orc's throat that was naked next to a pile of fluids. I closed my eyes as it went down with some resistance, forcing me to put more force into it.

[Killed Lv 16 Orc]

[+1440 (+144) = 1584 Exp and SP]

[Leveled up ×5]

I opened my eyes again and stared at the dead body, not feeling anything as I picked the sword back up. I took a few steps to the right and did it again, this time to a goblin instead. I couldn't help but wince as Bugbear followed my example, but she picked up a club and started smashing their dicks and balls instead of their heads. Teacher did nothing as the ground pierced their chests that Bugbear mutilated.

It didn't take long for us to finish killing them all and gathered up the vgather.

I had to sit down for a moment, taking a break while staring straight up at my red gem. I found it mesmerizing seeing the mana swirling around inside the gem, trying to ignore all the dead bodies around us. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder about different things, never staying on one topic.

Why don't I feel guilty for killing them? Which world am I in? What will we do now that we rescue those women? Should we wait to wake them up as we heal all of their injuries? Will they trust us? Should I have them sleep some more until then and summon more valkyries? Will we be able to talk to each other?

I was brought out from my musing when a screen appeared with a report of our kills.

[Killed × 12 Lv 12-23 Orcs]

[Killed × 32 Lv 5-16 goblins]

[+9,640 (+964) = 10604 Exp and SP]

[Leveled up ×10]

I stared at it for a moment before waving the screen away and stood back up with a sigh. I walked back to Teacher and Bugbear who were checking everywhere to make sure there were no hidden entrances or escape routes. They didn't find anything, even after checking the other tunnels to make sure we don't miss anythididn'te didn't, it was just roc; itand more rocks.

We soon left with the 28 women and the treasure walking away in silence. It was later in the afternoon with the sun about to set, forcing us to stop walking at a small clearing with a crystal clear stream that was connected to a waterfall. We decided to make camp there for the night and after talking it, over decided to keep ,them asleep for the time being. Teacher reconstructed some of the torn clothes and armor into wearable clothing that at least covered their private parts.

[Draw a card?]


I pressed yes, pulled out one card, and stared at the picture. She's a young brunette teenager wearing a white robe with long sleeves, with cotton balls on her chest, holding a talisman and blue hakama pants.


Onmyoji (Cool) [N]

(This character uses Onmyodo, the special technique of the nether world.)

Level: 1/30 [0/100]

Attack: 1900

Defense: 1900

Soldiers: 1500

Skill: Barrier

Effect: All allies' DEF 25% up

Cost: 80 MP

Activations: 3/3


I'm very curious about the Onmyodo techniques and I wonder if it's similar to the movies I've seen. I felt the card taking in my mana, as it grew brighter and brighter forcing me to close my eyes. When the card finally absorbed enough of my mana, it quickly let out a blinding light before disappearing just as fast.


"I have been waiting, I've prepared some curses," Onmyoji said, holding up a few paper talismans in her hand. She frowned when she noticed the haggard-looking women, "Tell me, womanhose that did this stiwholive?"

"Nope, they died painfully."



World- (?)

Name - John

Level – 15 (188/1,500)

Class - The Summoner

Alignment - Neutral

HP - 8000 {Regen 8 per min}

MP - 1000 {Regen 19 per minute}

STR - 14

CON - 16 (CON x 500)

DEX - 17

INT - 20 (Int x 50)

WIS - 18 (Wis + Int ÷ 2 )

CHA - 15

LUK – 17

Stat Points: 75

Deck: 8

Summoning Points: 12,188

Cards in Storage: 0

Available Draw: 0 (02:42:35)

Graveyard: 0
