Chereads / Reborn as a Bolton / Chapter 50 - Chapter 49: Robert's Rebellion: Negotiation

Chapter 50 - Chapter 49: Robert's Rebellion: Negotiation

(1,200 words)

- Jon Arryn POV -

- Outside Gulltown - The Vale - Westeros - 282 A.D -

"Those sons of bitches! You're their Lord and they won't listen to you!" roared Robert in annoyance as he held an ale in one hand and his warhammer in the other.

"Calm down Robert... What matters is taking the city so you can go raise your banners in rebellion to Stormlands. It's a good thing Ned has already left for The North."

"Tch... I'll give them what they deserve for supporting those damned dragons anyway.... And I'll get Lyanna back."

"We will, Robert. But don't drink before a battle" I said with a weary sigh.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say" he replied and let go of the ale as he tightened his grip.

We were in a tent in front of the town of Gulltown. This was the main port of The Vale, and we needed Robert to take a small fleet to Stormlands to call his banners. Then we would march the three houses together with House Tully, to face House Targaryen, Dorne and Tyrell.

The Greyjoys had given no answer, and the Lannisters, though they said nothing clear either, it was easy to know what they wanted. They would join the winning side after a while, so there was no need to count them into the equation for the time being.

"My Lord!" shouted one of my soldiers as he entered the tent we were in.

"What is it?" I asked him with a frown. It must be something important to interrupt us like that.

"A fleet!" he shouted with concern. "A fleet of about 300 ships is coming!" the man said, and my eyes as well as Robert's widened. Greyjoy? No, we would have noticed because of the long distances they have to cross to get here, besides, they wouldn't theoretically intervene either.

Then there was the Redwyne fleet or the Lannister fleet, but they were all too far away. It could be the Targaryen fleet, meaning the royal fleet....

"Their standard!" I shouted. "What is their banner?"

"It's a black eye with a red aura around it.... Those are only a third of ships, though. The rest have different banners. A broken blue-handled sword, an iron shield and a hand" he said, and my eyes widened in surprise.

"Do you know them?" asked Robert.

"I think so... The last three are mercenary companies. The broken sword is the Second Sons, and the hand is the Gallant Men. The shield I don't know which one it is, but I guess it will be the same" I told him.

"And the black eye?" he added, and I remained thoughtful, though a name popped into my head.

"It might be Percival Bolton, I seem to remember his banner was like that" I said, and Robert made an amused face.

"A Bolton? Bwahahahaha. what's a Bolton doing with a fleet around here, shouldn't they wait for Ned's orders?"

"He's not a normal Bolton, he doesn't even live in The North. He is the leader of several Free Cities and territories in Essos. You shouldn't underestimate him, for if it is him, he has an army of over 100,000 men according to what Mina Tyrell told us to the great houses" I said, and Robert's face showed a frown as he thought of something. And it is normal... That number is greater than even the forces of Stormlands and The Vale combined.

"Why is a man who doesn't even live here supporting us?" asked Robert, and in truth he has no reason. Our crusade is to save Lyanna and take down Aerys II Targaryen, I doubt that interests him. And from what I hear from the guy, I don't think he's doing it out of loyalty to the Starks. "He dances with Lyanna at the royal wedding!" shouted Robert with wide eyes, and I shook my head.

"Don't be a fool Robert... A man capable of uniting the cities of Essos would not risk everything for a woman he barely knows," I told him.

"She is lovely enough to do that. That's why I fell in love with her" he told me with a serious and sad face. "Damn Targaryen" He whispered later angrily.

"He's probably coming to make a deal or something. If it helps you win the crown" I told him.

"Well, that wouldn't be bad. We need the support we can win. But I'm not about to give him shit like Dorne or Reach, let alone betray Ned and give The North to the Boltons."

"That's what negotiations are for Robert" I replied.

- Percival Bolton POV -

"Tell the ships to park near the camp. We're going to attack Gulltown by land, since by water we'll lose the ships" I said to Davos, and the fellow nodded to direct us to the camp.

"Lord Arryn, Lord Baratheon" I told them with a smile.

"Lord Percival" said Arryn who was in front, with Robert just looking at me. No one here had Valyrian Steel swords, so for anything I could finish them off with my Shadow Demons, which had grown into one recently. Also level 2, or mid-level.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of the visit?" asked Jon Arryn.

"As I suppose you already know, I come to make a deal," I told them with a smile.

"And what would that come to be?" asked Robert.

"When all this is over, I can assume that you, Robert Baratheon, will be king, won't you? Because of your grandmother's inheritance," I asked.

"None of that is certain," Jon Arryn said.

"In the event," I said.

"I hear you," Robert said.

"I want Dragonstone and full authority at The Wall in The North" I said, and Lord Arryn's eyes narrowed.

"Become Lord of Dragonstone?"

"No, I think you misunderstood me. I said I WANT Dragonstone. Not Lord or anything, it will no longer belong to The Seven Kingdoms" I said.

"Impossible!" said Arryn with wide eyes.

"Robert..." I said looking at him, and he was pondering. "You understand war better than Lord Arryn, and you know that island belongs to the Targaryens. You would remove the last traces of the Targaryens in The Seven Kingdoms. We all win," I said, looking him in the eye, and after a while he nodded. I was going to use the hatred he has for the Targaryens to my advantage.

"Robert! You can't give him that!" shouted Jon Arryn.

"He's right! So I get rid of the last vestiges of those Targaryen bastards!" shouted Robert.


"No buts! If I'm king I'll give you that garbage! And for The Wall... It's more of a burden than a prize. I don't understand why you want it, but I'll give it to you too. But no other power over The North. The Starks still rule outside of The Wall," he told me, and I was very happy. With this it would be easier to bring Free Folk under my control.

I gain over 100,000 soldiers, and I dwarf the threat posed by Night King.

"So there's a deal," I said with a smile.

"Yeah... But you better get off your men's asses" Robert said to me, and I just smiled.

"Hahaha, take it easy. You can take Gulltown for captured" I commented smiling. This went a lot better than I thought it would. It's a good thing Robert isn't someone very bright.

"This is a mistake" muttered Jon Arryn.

"So Davos" I said to my captain."Send the mercenaries to do their job as per the contract" I added smiling.