Chereads / Reborn as a Bolton / Chapter 33 - Chapter 33: Royal Wedding: Princess of Sand

Chapter 33 - Chapter 33: Royal Wedding: Princess of Sand

(1,200 words)

- Percival Bolton POV -

- Kingslanding - Crownlands - Westeros - 280 AD -

Varys was a man who did not serve kings or dynasties. He was a man who served the realm and its people. The little people, and that was a beautiful thing, but also a total waste with his abilities.

That's why what would hurt him the most would be to poison a river and kill thousands of people in a city, or release a flu as well as a war. That was the true way to harm Varys. But the next moment, he came to my ear.

"If word got out about your relationship with Princess Elia, and that you deflowered her, you would not leave this place alive," he whispered to me.

"If that were known, my subordinates have orders to execute Illyrio Mopatis" I replied, which made his face twitch.

"Perhaps that is the price I must pay for ridding the world of a demon" he replied. All in whispers, but Roose Bolton was probably listening, for when it was said about Elia his eyes widened as he tried to disguise it. Varys must have done it on purpose, which means he doesn't plan to reveal it himself.

"If I don't get back to my ship safely, my loyal minions will poison every river and water supply in Kingslanding, killing tens of thousands" I repeated. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I said, and he smiled a forced smile as he bowed to me to return to his place. Varys had to die right now.

I was confident that he had told no one else, who had the orders to spread in the event of his death, the fact of my relationship with Elia. Since he checked by seeing my interaction with Ashara.

That meant that only he knew. And I had to take this opportunity to take down one of the most dangerous people in Westeros. So I had already, using blood magic, introduced a drop of my blood through his nose, directly into his body.

He felt a tingling sensation so he scratched himself. But there was nothing he could do. So long to "The Spider", as I know someone like him would never let me get on the Iron Throne.

After all, he serves the kingdom, and the worst thing that could happen to the kingdom is me. From his perspective of course. Ask anyone in Braavos if they are unhappy with my rule, and no one will say anything. That's how good a ruler I am...

The gift-giving ceremony was over, and we all traveled to the great Sept of Baelor, being escorted by the Gold Cloak, also known as the "City Watch of Kings Landing", with the royals, in their luxurious carriages, at the head of the convoy of course.

Right now I'm not sure, but considering that I have in my possession all the economic power of Braavos, Pentos and Norvos minus the Iron Bank, my wealth should not be far behind that of The Seven Kingdoms.

Undoubtedly it is superior to the Lannisters and Tyrells together. But with the Iron Bank I would already be richer than the entire united kingdom. A pretty good thing, money is useful. Qyburn also has orders to start taking Lorath economically, which should not be difficult. So that I can do as with Pentos, in that even though the conquest is military, there is no bloodshed because almost all the wealth of the city belongs to me. And in Essos, soldiers are paid with wealth, not with honor or loyalty.

That means that right now, my army consisted of the soldiers of Braavos, Pentos, Norvos and Astapor. Although Astapor had been left in ruins, I had left no forces in place. It would be too impractical to dominate a territory so far away from my main cities.

That way I would form a square of Braavos, Lorath, Norvos and Pentos, and in the future I could expand to the triangle of Myr, Lys and Tyrosh.

Upon entering the sept, the prince could already be seen waiting for the bride dressed in his elegant robes, and he looked quite handsome and elegant, worthy of a Targaryen indeed. Though not all, as the current king, Aerys II Targaryen, had a haggard face, unkempt and unkempt hair, plus disgustingly long fingernails. That's what I saw at the previous ceremony, as he had not left Red Keep for his son's wedding. He only attended the gift ceremony.

Now it only remained to wait for the bride, who should enter hand in hand with her brother, Doran Martell.

After a while, Varys, who was trying to go unnoticed while watching the prince in the crowd, began to touch his heart with a painful expression.

It was squeezing tighter and tighter, and the people around began to notice his discomfort, so they moved away a little and gave him space while many murmurs could be heard.

Varys, using the last of his strength left from his heart attack, looked up and looked me in the eye, and I just smiled at him. Who does this scum think he is to try to blackmail me? So with a wink of the left eye, I averted my gaze, and concentrated on the wedding. Since Grand Maester Pycelle had to take the now deceased Varys with him. Goodbye Spider.

- Elia Martell POV -

"Come on sister" Doran said to me as we rode in the carriage to the sept, with my betrothed Rhaegar waiting for me. He was handsome, strong, masculine and royal, any woman's dream probably. But I... I wasn't as happy as I should be, I was rather nervous. Nervous that it would be discovered that I was not a virgin, and that my family would be in danger.

It has been said for years now that His Majesty Aerys is not quite right in the head. Or even Rhaegar himself, in a fit of rage, might do something to my brothers or me.

Do I regret doing what I did to a stranger? No, it was one of the happiest moments of my life, and one that I enjoyed the most.

My brown hair with light touches fell down my back, and my brown skin looked pretty good with my red wedding dress. It wasn't very common, but it wasn't strange either. Although almost all dresses are white.

But we had finally arrived, and I walked into the sept next to my brother, and there he was. The handsome prince was waiting for me. I could also see my brother Oberyn, but he looked more nervous than usual.

I could notice that, besides looking at me, he was looking in another direction. So, following his line of sight, I saw a person I could never imagine meeting again, let alone at my wedding. It was Percival! The person I lost my virginity to.

I stopped, earning strange looks from Doran, and the rest of those present. While Oberyn looked at me with a frown. But the thing is, when I saw Percival, my eyes widened and I put my hands to my mouth in surprise.

"What's wrong with you Elia? Please keep walking," Doran said to me.

"I... I'm sorry" I said with my head down, as I kept walking. But not in the same mood as before.