Chereads / Reborn as a Bolton / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Prologue: Death

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Prologue: Death

(1,200 words)

- MC POV -

- Cape Town – South Africa – Africa – 2018 D. C -

"I still don't understand why we go so far into the savannah when we have safari almost everywhere. This can be dangerous, you know?" he told my brothers and friends.

The fools wanted to go to the middle of the desert to see animals and photograph them, but without any guide or anything like that. If it weren't for everything you asked me to do, I wouldn't have gone with

"Relax, are you afraid?" said Jack, to which I showed a mocking smile. That's why he said I'm going to anal-fuck his girlfriend today and I'm going to cum in his mouth so that later when I kiss him he's drinking my milk.

Not that if I hadn't done it before. . . Both, the milk and the anal. It's the normal thing to do when you're in complete control of someone else. And it's just that. . . Oh my God. How nice is the feeling of having absolute control over someone else's life. It is a divine pleasure, not of this earthly world.

"Fear? Ha! I'm not afraid", I said smiling, although it's a total lie since I'm a fucking coward. Once, while hanging out with a group of friends, I faced a guy, who was annoying me for kissing his girlfriend. Crazy guy, right? I wouldn't be able to do that.

But the thing is, his group of friends came and they were going to beat me up. I mean, I didn't fight, so it's obvious they were going to beat me. What did I do? I called my friends and when the fight started, I just left. They weren't friends from college or anything, so I had no problem finding them again. So yes, I'm a total coward, but cowards are the ones who end up winning at the end of the day. Why? Because the brave are dead, and the dead gain nothing. Never, because they're dead, and I don't want to be dead because the dead don't fuck. The living do.

Life is not a game where you relive, and I am not a shonen protagonist with the armor of the plot. I'm a simple person with an intelligence well above average but with perverse fetishes that stall me from moving forward. An intelligent, selfish, consummate hedonist.

The heat of the desert was already taking its toll on me, so I went to sit down a bit and rest with the rest of my companions.

"Hey brother", Bob said to me, and his tone was more nervous than before, and this is already strange. What the fuck is wrong with him? I mean, I can give you your freedom, but like I said, I like control to some extent, and I don't like it when I don't understand the situation I'm in.

"What is it?" I asked as I turned my head to look him in the eye, but when I saw him I found him with all the boys beside him in a horizontal row while all the girls looked at me with hate but. . . Satisfaction? That's strange, when I fuck them, they enjoy it, but the rest of the day they hate me with all their heart.

But before I could ask again, I saw my brother, as well as all my "friends" pull out a knife, apparently from different parts of the kitchen. Bag, pocket or even some kind of cartridge.

They ran towards me as I tried to get up. Still processing that shit was going on, but it was too late when I felt pain in my cold back.

"That's what you get for doing that to Rosalie!" was the last thing I heard, before I died.

- ??? - ??? - ??? - ??? -

The door to the cell opens, enters a creature of a completely black complexion with a kind of leather on his forehead and yellow eyes. He shows a smirk of satisfaction and the torture begins.

All kinds of tortures of physical and emotional pain. They rip out my nails, skin me alive, stick needles in my brain, rape me with tentacles, pictures of my brother killing me, or some black man raping my mother.

That way it's been for. . . How much? A month? A year? A decade? I don't really know, but I can't take it anymore.

I was smart, handsome, and I always got away with it. So. . . Because I died instead of those scumbags who had girlfriends who fucked a stranger! I was worth more than them! That's why I could do what I could!

But now I realized something. . . I wasn't worth more than them and I'm not worth it now Since life and death is but a natural process of existence, it doesn't matter how you are when you live, because all living beings are equal. . . Everyone dies sooner or later.

Am I mad at them? I really don't. . . I'm dead and they're not That means they were better than me after all and nature gave survival to the fittest.

In the face of death there are no differences, that is the moment when we are truly equal. A dead human? It's the same as a pig. They're both in the same state.

Everything looks so clear to me now. . . It is not worth living such a limited life, it is not worth striving for anything when our existence is so insignificant. One human in seven billion. What does it matter? Everything has a beginning and an end, it's a natural cycle, but our cycle as an individual is too short.

If I lived another life, besides enjoying the pleasures of sex, I'd find some way to. . . mock death? Break the cycle? That would be interesting, but I doubt it's possible. I have to adapt to my existence as a human.

Although you wait. . . I'm not even that anymore. Just a soul in pain and suffering. I don't know what I really am anymore, and it's really sad.

Although at least in this state I seem to be eternal, as a human I was but a frail and weak being. Such sad lives, all of them, not just mine.

But maybe if I find a way to escape. . . A way to live again, now and forever. Could my existence be less pathetic?

So that's what I did, trying to escape for a long time to always get caught again. Again, months, years and perhaps decades or centuries passed. And I had finally made it. . . Although now I was in a totally black void, though at least without suffering, until I saw a white figure in front of me. A kind of light that, seeing it better, turned into a. . . Elder?

"Hello little soul. . . Apparently you are lost, do you want me to take you back to where you were?" he asked, and my face contracted.

"No!" I shouted, and he frowned slightly after staring at me.

"I understand. . . You were a black soul, but it's interesting that you've come this far. You're the third person in history to run away from that place. The first was Vlad Tepes and the second was the guy that. . . What was his name? Oh, yes! His name was Jack", the old man exclaimed in front of me. "Then as a reward, spin this roulette! Let's see what fate has in store for you, black soul. "