After jumping the cliff she got strange chilling so she she looked back to the cliff and found it was giant mantagore which head was monkey but cover with hair on its head like lion and had four legs and two tails looking back at her
It's pause for once and do the laud growel putting his head up in Scarry manner and then jumped of the cliff
Which made the all relief on her face disappeared In instant
She grivingly yelled" What are you kidding me , you not gonna leave me anyway , but coming behind me , what the hell" she yelled in surprise throwing away her legs like kicking the ball towards monster while she was still in air and falling.
"Hey, just go away. I'm not tasty enough. Leave me alone."
While saying that, she struggled in the air to get away from it and began moving her hands in a swimming motion to hasten her fall to the ground.
"Go for someone else. Wait, no one else is here as his food except me."