Lady Jordyn who had been hoping that Leon would use this opportunity to ask her for a dance and apologize for his behaviour at the dining just yesterday morning, had all her hopes crashed and shattered into pieces when Leon didn't even bother to look her way.
Rather, something else was amusing him and she could tell based on where he was staring that it was the maid.
That maid.
Just what had she done to her betrothed to make him ignore her existence this way? Did she perhaps put him under a spell?
Jordyn knew she didn't have to worry about the girl as her father had assured her that Leon had given him his word to marry her but with the way things were going, she was beginning to feel neglected.
Not that Leon hadn't always ignored her until now but this time, it appeared like he was drawn to someone else and funnily, it was a servant girl.
The thought that Leon might even be sleeping with the girl annoyed her. It didn't matter if it was just for service. He would slowly attach himself to her by doing that and maybe when they were married, he would still be doing the same.
By the way, hadn't he just said the palace maids shouldn't be touched? So wasn't he being a hypocrite by doing the opposite?
Jordyn was very angry and her anger was directed to the servant girl.
Meanwhile, Melina cheerfully served the food to the elites after hearing what the king had said.
That had been what he meant when he told her Sir Julian wouldn't get to trouble her again.
Matthew spotted Alice a few metres away from him. He noticed how she still looked flustered from the before incident and though he had no intention of asking her for a dance as he wanted her to get a grip on herself, he also didn't like the stares she was getting from the men in the hall.
He saw her fumbling with her corset that was loosely tied around her lower waist because of the dress she was wearing.
Twitching his lips, he dropped his goblet and attempted to walk over to her to ask for a dance but someone else beat him to it.
While the blonde girl was trying to fix her corset that refused to sit properly on her waist, a tall young man, with sharp features and long straight hair walked over to her.
"My princess, may I have this dance?" he asked as he stretched his large hand over to her, startling Alice. "You don't mind it, do you?"
She looked around her with a faint blush grazing her cheeks before answering, "O-of course, King Albert. I don't." and with that, she placed her small, gloved hand on his.
Albert wrapped his fingers around her hand before leading her across the marble floor and towards the centre of the hall.
As they walked over to the dance floor, Alice could not help but wonder when Albert had ever spoken to her before. Even the last time he had been present in their kingdom some years ago, he never looked her way or spoke much to her.
He was only fond of her twin sister so it was strange that he had bothered to ask her for a dance.
"Good to see you again, Princess Alice. You've grown into a beautiful young lady. I almost did not recognize you." he complimented and Alice returned,
"Thank you, King Albert. I am glad to see you again as well." Then she paused and locked eyes with him when she felt him pull her by her waist, his firm grip on the slender skin had her furiously blushing.
Her cheeks turned slightly red, reminding her of the way Matthew had pulled her like this the previous night.
She lowered her head shyly before she finally said, "Y-you have grown into a handsome man as well, King Albert." her voice was low this time and she purposely decided not to raise her head to see his face, missing the smile that crept on his lips at her statement.
It was true. He did look so much more handsome than the last time she saw him. It made her wonder when he had bloomed so much.
Albert gave a little space between them, pushing Alice back before pulling her into his arms again. This time, much closer.
It made her heart beat so widely in her chest and she tried to calm her pulsing nerves.
As if that wasn't enough, he said, "I see your corset has been stubborn." He stared at the loose corset around her waist and her eyes widened.
She attempted to withdraw her intertwined fingers from his grip to arrange the corset again but Albert held it firmly in place, not letting her.
"Allow me." he urged her and the next second before Alice could even process what was happening, Albert spun her around and she found her back suddenly hitting his chest in the process.
She panicked on seeing their awkward closeness but Albert pulled her by the waist, making her unable to free herself.
"King Al-" she hurriedly spoke but he interrupted.
"Shhh..." he hushed her and pushed her blonde hair to the side of her neck, exposing her nape to his sight.
He could hear her rasping breath and beating heart that had quickened because of his actions.
"Don't worry, we won't stay in this position for long. So just play along while I help you with the corset," he whispered in her ear, sending jolts of electricity through her entire body as his hot breath fanned against her neck.
Calming herself, she nodded slowly at his words and when Albert noticed her body relax in his arms, he smiled and released her waist before focusing on the corset.
Since the corset wasn't the usual type that would push up her bust and the laces were only fixated on the waist, Albert found it easier to handle.
"Seems like you don't wear these types of dresses often," he noted and Alice subtly turned her face to meet his gaze behind her not wanting to bring it too close, especially with their proximity.
"I-I didn't plan-" she attempted to explain but Albert shook his head.
"Don't bother explaining. I was only taking notes," he assured her. "Your ladies-in-waiting should be fired. They couldn't even properly help you get dressed," he commented to see Alice shake her head this time.
"No. They are very responsible. It's just that-ahh!" She moaned against him when he suddenly pulled on the laces of the corset to cinch her waist.
"You can tell me when it's okay." he performed the same action again as he rounded his fingers on the lace to cinch it around her waist.
Alice bit her lip to not let out that embarrassing moan again but with the way his hands kept grazing her hips to hold her in place, she couldn't help it.
She was oblivious to the murderous look a certain someone was giving Albert.
It was giving 'If looks could kill' and Matthew was sure Albert would be dead by now if it was possible. He had least expected King Albert to ask Alice for a dance as they were never really close all this while. So what changed?
It wasn't that he had a problem with it at first but with the way Albert was touching and swaying her, he was beginning to get uncomfortable.
"It's okay!" Alice yelped when Albert kept cinching the lace on her waist.
She had been so caught up in the way he was slowly running his hands around her lower body that she didn't pay attention to what he was doing again.
"How do you like it?" he asked her when he pulled away and Alice finally turned to face him. Their hands were now intertwined like earlier and Albert's other hand was on her waist as she tugged his broad shoulders.
"It's better, King Albert. I'm grateful." she thanked him to hear him hum in response.
"You can discard the title now. Call me Albert," he told her.
"Albert." she didn't hesitate and it only made his smile widen.
They danced together for some time until the dimly lit room now had brighter lights and the music paused.
Albert gave a bow before Alice could do it and he drew in the hand he had been holding before caressing and kissing her knuckles, making her heart skip a beat.
"Was a pleasure having to dance with you, my Lady," he said while smiling at her and she returned it.
"I could say the same for you, Your Majesty." she took in a deep breath as she spoke before bowing as well.
Albert led her back to where she had stood before and after some pleasantries, he dismissed himself and walked away, leaving a flustered Alice.
'Albert and Matthew sure have a way with women!' She screamed in her head, remembering how both of them had been with her and the thought made her red.
She noticed how Albert had not said or spoken anything concerning her and her sister's earlier drama as well as her betrothal cancellation and somewhere, it made her relieved.
However, as Albert walked across the hall, he noticed a woman with red hair and he stopped in his tracks.
He looked at the maid for a while like he was confused but said nothing and his brows only knotted as he stared at her.