After all the elites had stepped down from their carriages and gone to stand alongside the other servants who were separated from the commoners, the coachman came down from his seat and opened the carriage and the villagers saw two beautiful women step down from it followed by the queen whom they had seen once before so many years ago.
The three walked to stand just below the podium where the priest stood. The people gave a curt bow to the three and turned to the last standing carriage.
Matthew was the first to step down, dressed in a simple regal attire. His blond hair was packed in a ponytail with a strand left to be blown by the soft breeze.
He wore a hooded cape with the royal seal of Vlamunda plastered on it. The velvet cape cascaded down to sweep the floor as he walked. Though he gave an elite's presence, the people could tell he wasn't the one they awaited.
They held their breath when they saw a handsome black-haired man drop down from the carriage.
Prince Leon entered the Grand Square, his regal attire befitting his noble status. He wore a resplendent ensemble, each element meticulously chosen to project his royal presence.
Draped over his broad shoulders was a velvet cape, deep crimson adorned with intricate golden embroidery that traced elegant patterns. The cape cascaded down his back, its rich fabric flowing with every step he took.
The people had their mouths ajar as they stared at the royalty before them. Some of them had been present during King Lucas' initiation but not once did the man ever look this majestic.
Beneath Leon's cape, he donned a doublet of the finest silk, tailored to perfection, hugging his form and accentuating his stature. Its sleeves were embellished with silver threads, forming delicate swirls and motifs that glinted as he gestured.
His lower body was adorned with fitted breeches, matching the rich blue hue of his doublet. His boots, embossed with intricate designs, completed the ensemble, exuding both sophistication and authority.
His aura as he walked past everyone made some of the women whisper to each other in barely contained excitement. They had imagined him to be handsome but this went beyond their expectation.
The men could only gape at him in awe, some staring with envy at how someone could be so gorgeous.
'He is simply just blessed with royalty.' one of them whispered to the other, not wanting to believe he was indeed this attractive.
While some were excited, some were not.
Melina was annoyed that she had to walk down to this square on foot while the noble wretches had used a carriage and the others had rode on horses. However, she was still delighted to leave the palace for another time.
Music recommendation: The Hanging Tree - Jennifer Lawrence.
Kindly use music recommendations for a better experience.
The last bell finally rang, indicating it was noon and Leon stepped on the podium where the crown his father used to wear sat on a throne.
The priest stood and as Leon entered, he knelt on one knee and placed his other hand on his right leg as he bowed before the throne.
The messenger spoke, "We are gathered here today to witness the enthronement of a new King and shepherd to the people of Vlamunda."
He then turned to Leon, "As you take us through the 50th reign of this kingdom, May the odds be ever in your favour." and then he bowed.
The priest walked forward with a calabash in both of his hands. Suddenly, he began to mumble something under his breath and Melina who had staring intently since the event began, suddenly lost focus and felt goosebumps over her skin. It was the same feeling she had earlier during the King's burial but this time, it was much worse.
"Stay still or Ms Carlos might hit you." Cinna who was beside her whispered but Melina couldn't hear anything. She was not comfortable. She was not herself. It felt like her heart was being squeezed in the process of the whole initiation and this time, she wasn't the only one.
Leon who stood on the platform felt awkward about the things the priest was saying and he could tell that they were not ordinary words. They held something dark he could not comprehend.
When the priest came forward and tapped the calabash on both sides of Leon's shoulders, something snapped in his heart as he instinctively shifted and shuddered.
His mind turned hazy and it was as though the priest knew what was happening to him.
After a while, he made Leon place his right hand on the calabash and swear to the gods.
"You vow to protect your people from impending doom regardless of what personal interests you have?"
"I do," he replied. There was sinister in the way the priest asked the question and Leon could not deny it. However, he ignored his instincts and responded.
The priest pricked his right thumb with something sharp for blood to seep out of his hands and fall into the calabash. was a blood covenant Leon had just made.
To keep his people safe from any predator and bring his interest last in everything.
Though Leon knew this covenant he had just made was very important, he failed to see the gravity of its consequences if he broke it.
The priest dropped the calabash and walked to the throne before picking up the crown.
He raised it to the sky with both his hands and brought it down to place it on Leon's head, making the people cheer and scream joyously for their new King.
The headache Melina had been feeling finally subsided and unbeknownst to her, something red glowed in her eyes.
Cinna who was close to her gasped in shock at seeing what happened to Melina's eyes as she had been cheering.
She looked around the environment to see if anyone else had noticed the glow but when it looked like she had been the only one who saw it, she assumed that she might have looked wrong and shook her head to dismiss it.
"Are you okay?" she asked Melina who had finally come back to her senses and she saw the girl nod like nothing happened.
She had to have mistaken what she saw for something else, Cinna kept telling herself.
"Behold, the new King of Vlamunda!" Someone said as Leon stood up and raised the staff he held to hear the people yell and applaud.
"King Regaleon Williams." the messenger yelled again as Leon sat on the throne with a mild smile on his face.