Chereads / I got strange dreams so I try to follow them! / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 the smart girl and the report

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 the smart girl and the report

Shiroki went to school happily knowing he passed, while smiling ear to ear. He went and go to his class.

Since he is 2 years younger than everyone in the class, he seemed then odd one out thats why he doesn't have much friends yet besides Arthur and about Annie he isnt really sure about her.

He sat down and was approached, by a girl with green hair and round glasses.

"Umm, excuse me that's my chair"

Shiroki only tilted his head a bit with a face asking why.

"we have a new seating arrangement, for those who passed, your name can be found on the board"

"oh okay"

Shiroki stood up and looked at the board, and looked for his name.

Shiroki...Shiroki..Oh there it is

I sit near the same place, who am I beside with"

"Oh there's Arthur and Annie and Ky-ouka Alfheim..?"

Shiroki came back to go to his seat.

"I'm actually at the window this time, huh.. neat"

Shiroki sat down on his chair then turned to Kyouka.

"Nice to meet you Ms.Alfheim"

"N-Nice to meet you"

"My name is Shiroki Aotsuki, I'm 14 years old so I'm probably younger than you. So just call me Shiroki"

"O-oh you are younger than me, I'm 16"

"How was the test? How did you win?"

"Oh I uhm made a lot of traps and other stuff I took my time to set up traps and I just teamed up with a guy with blonde hair but I didn't really get his name because he disappeared after a big explosion"

Shiroki stared at her and listened with full attention

"I-I'm sorry I b-blabbered too much, I easily get carried away when I talk"

"It's okay, Its really not often I get to talk to someone this much, since my friend Arthur usually sits pretty far but he is going to sit near us later.

"And so is her sister..." Shiroki said the last part with slight tone exasperation

"Oh and I also win by setting traps on the floor. But I did fight a couple of guys-"

Shiroki stopped talking as he saw behind Kyouka, Arthur and Annie

"Goodmorning both of you"

"Good morning to you too"

"Tsk, good morning"

"Come on Annie don't be like that"

Annie just ignored him.

"Ms. Alfheim these are Arthur and Annie, theyre my friends. I'm not sure about Annie though we had a fight, which she started because she got it ignored."

"You slapped me"

"You did it first AND you splashed water on me"

"So you really we're in the wrong Annie, you should really apologize"

"Fine, I ap-apologize It was me on the wrong so delete the recording already.. tsk"

"See it wasn't that hard"

Shiroki thought  "She had a hard time saying it"

"Anyways, this is Ms. Alfheim she is also one of the students that passed. Like us"

"N-nice to meet you I'm Kyouka Alfheim"

"Nice to meet you"

"T-thank you for yesterday for helping me against the teacher" said Kyouka while looking at Arthur

"Oh no problem I also couldn't do it if you didn't help me"

"So how did your fight go against which teacher?"

"Oh Shiroki we fought the math teacher, he just made a lot of walls thats all really which we countered by powering through and destroying them"

"Wow, you guys had it easy"

"Yeah, we fought the science teacher"

"Well what happened?"

"When I was fighting Ms. Kazari she kept on throwing flasks at me. Some of them explode and some of them are toxic some of them did hit me"

"And then I came in after seeing Annie fly outside because of an explosion, I did fight Ms. Kazari but she set up a smoke trap and she set up bombs in a span of a second when I didnt see them. Then after trying to attack her again she just kept on dodging and detonated all the bombs there, I blacked out I don't know whats next."

"Well after you passed out-"

Before Annie continued her story the bell rang and their advisor Shizue came in.

"There will only be 20 first year students in this class because you 20 are the only ones who passed the exam in this class, the others who failed are now in a different branch"

"You are free to join a squad or make your own, you are to join a squad by the end of the week. If you are to make a squad you need to have at least 5 members"

"Also come up to me when you need a permit for your squad"

"Are you guys going to join an existing one?"

"I'm not so sure Ms.Alfheim"

"I wonder if we can just make one" Shiroki said while opening is bag

"I'll join you if you make one, most of the time they treat royals and nobles more favorably and they're usually just there to act nice in front of a member of the royalty"

"Lets just make our own squad"

"Well then lets just make one" Shiroki said while pulling out a book.

After class Shiroki came up to Shizue.

"Mrs. Shizue, I want to make my own squad and I have members already. Where can I officially have a permit for my squad?"

"Follow me"

Shiroki followed Shizue on her office, she then gave him 5 pieces of paper.

"I will need you to put information about your members and submit them by tommorow"


"Oh and you will be needing an advisor for your squad, just so you can be observed and guided"

"Can you do it?"

"I don't know, I'm not really sure about it since I'm a bit busy, and you can get 2 teachers in 1 squad"

"I need to convince her in some way shape or form, since Ms. Kazari will definitely not the type I can rely on with observing or guiding us"

"Mrs. Shizue could you please spare me with your time, please? I'll do anything" Shiroki tried pleasing her by saying that.

But unfortunately for Shizue it didn't work.

Shizue sat down, crossed her legs and looked at Shiroki.

"Convince me"

"I told you I will do anything, just say it"

"I'll think about that later, for now just go on and eat your lunch"


Shiroki went out and go to his friends to  eat, when he was there he found the siblings.

"Shiroki, can you pick a table?"


Shiroki looked around and found a single table at the side. And pointed it out to Arthur, they all went there and sat down.

"By the way wheres Ms.Alfheim?"

"She disappeared before lunch"

"Do you know where she went Annie?"

"No, why?"

"I'll invite her for lunch of course"

"Well, I don't know so go find her yourself but she might want to be alone since she seemed timid."

"I can convince her"

Shiroki went and looked for her and after a while of looking around he found her at the laboratory.

"Psst, Ms. Alfheim. Do you want to have lunch together?"

"No I'm fine"


"I might bother you guys so I'm gonna refuse"

"Don't worry about it both Annie and Arthur is okay with it"

"Okay" Kyouka agreed reluctantly and went and followed Shiroki.

After arriving at the cafeteria they both got food and sat down

"Ms. Alfheim-"

"Please just call me by my first name, Kyouka"

"Oh okay, do you know someone who can join out squad by tommorow"

"I don't know anyone sorry"

"Its okay, how about you two do you know one?"

"Nope we know none"

"Oh by the way Kyouka, theyre both royalties, I forgot to tell you"

Kyouka stood up quickly and lowered her head.

"I-I'm so sorry for being rude and acting so casual earlier"

"Don't worry about it, its better if you treat us as equals rather than being leeches like those kids of nobles" Arthur increased the volume of his voice a bit loud enough that half the cafeteria can hear him.

They all just looked down and avoided eye contact.

"T-thank you for the kindness"

"No problem, right Annie?"


After sitting down Kyouka turned and asked Shiroki.

"Shiroki, why is your name Shiroki"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, I mean your name doesnt make sense in the language from the east."

"Yeah, I studied about 2 languages since childhood Shiroki but your name doesn't make sense" Arthur asked while eating.

"Oh, well my full name is Shiroki Aotsuki. Aotsuki is 2 words combined into 1 Ao which is blue and Tsuki which is moon."

"Oh, still odd but go on"

"And my first name is Shiroki which is also 2 words shi and roku which us 4 and 6. Its not read as forty-six its four-six, theres a spacing.

"Wouldnt that be Shiroku?"

"Yeah, my uncle said the person who named me she changed the u with i just to be different. She is also the one who came up with my name."

"Your name doesn't make sense, its like its done by someone who doesnt understand the language"

"Don't ask me I didn't name myself"

After eating they all went to class

Shiroki went to class and so did the others, school passed and Shiroki and the others finished the day.

"Yo, Shiroki come here"

Shiroki turned and saw Kazari.

"Hi Ms. Kazari"

"I need your help with something"

"Where can I help you Ma'am"

"I need to report to the principal about the exam and I'm gonna need you to explain to him with me"

"But I remember nothing Annie can do it"

"Nah, Annie was just screaming and running with me that time trying survive"

"What do you mean survive...?"

"Eh, don't sweat it lets go" Kazari went and walked away

"Ah, wait"

Shiroki followed the care free teacher,

And they arrived at the door.

"Are you sure about this?"


Kazari opened the door.

A bunch of papers are stacked on the table, and a figure who is slumped on the table.

"Huh..? Whats going on?" He answered while his head is still slumped

"Good evening Principal"

"What do you need I'm working"

"You we're sleeping"

"I'm working in my sleep"

"I'm here to report about the explosion yesterday and the massive wall sliced in half"

He rose his head it revealed a man with a handsome man with black haired skinny man he took his glasses and wore them.

"Oh that?"



"HUH?? Who? What? Him?"

"Yeah Ms. Kazari thats my uncle"

"Thats my nephew!"

"You're a principal?"

"Yeah I am,  I was busy thats why I didn't get to help you move"

"Its okay, I handled it myself"

"Well nice seeing you, wanna hang out some time?"


The door opens and an old woman probably on her 60's. Showed up and sat down.

"You are not going out Victor, until you finished those paper work, all of those!"

"But mom I've done 200 already and why does a school have this much paperwork"


"Oh my boy Shiroki, is that you? How have you been? Its been a while. You grew up"

"I'm fine"

"Good afternoon Headmaster"

"Kazari why are you here don't you have work to do?"

"Yeah, I'm here to report about a destroyed school property"

"Whats the big deal with broke chairs or tables? Go on and do your work so you can go home already"

"The thing is, its not some table or chair"

Kazari pulled out her note pad and pressed a button, a screen made up of light appeared and a picture appeared and its a bunch of debris that are sliced cleanly and a room that has more than just burn marks its full of slash marks.

"What happened there?" Victor asked

"Who did that?"

"Shiroki did"

"I did?"

"You did?" Asked the Headmaster

"Well, when we we're fighting on the exam I tried making you surrender with poison gas . But even after all that you managed to figure out a way to resist the poison"

"That sounds dangerous Kazari I know you're talented but don't go killing my grandson now"

"Oh don't worry the poison gas only knocks you out, but the next part is odd"

"Why?" Victor said while signing a paper.

"Its better to go and ask Shizue can you please call her Principal?"

"Oh okay"

After Victor called her she arrived

"Principal I have arrived"

"Oh welcome, I hope I wasn't disturbing your work"

"Its fine, what do you need me for?"

Still as strict as dedicated to your work aren't you Shizue"

"Thank you for the kind words head director"

"Kazari here asked me to call you for assistance for her report"


"Have you seen a massive explosion the other day?"

"Yeah I did and it was massive I think its from the building near the open field"

"Yeah that was me"

"That was you?! Why would you even do that? A person would've died you know!"

"Well about that..."

"Did someone die?"

"Oh don't worry he survived and he's here"

"What do you mean?"

Kazari pointed at Shiroki who was reading a book he found on the table.



Shizue came close to Shiroki and hugged him.

Shiroki couldn't help but blush since a boy in adolescence was caught off guard by getting a hug from a woman who looks better than most of the students

"I-I'm okay"

"Thank goodness, also why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" Said Shizue

"I just woke up in my room"

"Uhh I kinda forgot..hehe" said Kazari while smiling

"Kazari! Why do you always forget the important things, you placed the boy in danger and you didn't make a report about what happened!"

"Okay okay I get it I'm sorry"

"you two young ladies stop fighting you don't even qualify as young anymore act your ages. Anyways Kazari continue your story"

"Well after that Shiroki passed out am I correct?" Said Kazari while looking at Shiroki and Shiroki nodded his head.

"I thought I'm on the clear cause despite his unbreakable resolve of resisting explosions and poison he's still a kid and he passed out after that."

"Then it happened...Blood lust surrounded the area I am and the second princess in"

"I felt that too I was wondering why I suddenly felt a chill"

"Shiroki stood up despite all of his injuries, his eyes became brighter and moved sluggishly and got his knife out and started attacking me"

"The walls got sliced in clean cuts, he landed a slash on me that almost chopped my arm off luckily I'm great at evading"

"So after a while of me and the 2nd princess running away. We hid from him behind a wall but he found us and slashed the wall horizontally"

"Man my nephew sure is cool"

"Thank you, I ate the cookies sorry"

"No problem"

"Anyways, we kept on running but the 2nd princess tripped and Shiroki came down from the sky and almost slashing me, but golden chains bound him and stopped him luckily, though they appeared out of nowhere. And then he passed out, the end."

"Wow, thats a lot of dangerous things 1 thing to the other"

"Shiroki, my grandson are you feeling something when this was all happening"

"I don't know I was unconscious apparently"

Shizue looked at Shiroki with the thought

"can such a harmless looking child be that dangerous"

Shiroki looked at her back and smiled and she also smiled back.

"How do you want to deal with this? Then Victor?"

"I don't know, just keep him awake at fights I guess"

"What do you think should we do Shizue?"

"If we don't know much about it I think it would be safer to go on with the principals plan"

"So am I" said Kazari

"Lets go with that then, I'm too old to deal with problems like these"

"Shiroki you can go back to your dorm now my dear grandchild"

"Okay" Shiroki hugged his grandmother and went out the room to go to his dorm

"What a sweet boy" said Shizue

"He's adorable" said Kazari

"Well, we agreed to keep observing him after that" so thats what we should be doing."

"I'm assigning both of you to be go and spend time with observing him"

"You ladies should be able to do that right?" Said the Headmaster

"You're now dismissed"

"Yes ma'am" said the two then went out of the room.

"He's starting to awaken huh?"

"You should be guiding him Victor"

"No, I think the bond I made with him is good enough"

"Or you're just lazy"

"I'm not, I take care of Shiroki as a younger brother for a while now even if he is adopted.

"Well I'm too old for that I'm just going to manage money and do my responsibilities as an old woman"

"I just hope he doesn't try to look for her too early"

"We can just hope.."