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If I was her

Candice is Amanda's twin sister, a selfish woman who is willing to do anything to get what she wants. When Amanda appears in her life once again asking for her help to take her place in her home, Candice must fight the feelings that arise between her and Jackson Redgrave, Amanda's husband as she tries to discover what secrets her twin sister hides. Will Candice be able to hide her own secret from Jackson and avoid falling in love with him?

Chapter 1 - Proposal

Has been almost two years since the last time I saw my sister Amanda. Not even when she got pregnant and managed to marry some rich man. She said it was a surprise, in her words everything happened too fast, she didn't have the time to send invitations. Honestly, I'm used to Mandie's excuses, it was like this since we were kids.

Exactly like when I had to make exams for her at school when she didn't have the time to study because of the cheerleader rehearsals. Or when I had to tell Samuel Collins she couldn't go with him to the HoCo because she couldn't tell him herself, he was such a nice guy and "she couldn't watch his heartbreaks". Now after all this time she asks me to meet her for lunch. Mandie said she just miss me, but I know this is probably not everything. But she is my sister, my only family besides Papa Danny.

"Candice! OMG! I'm so happy to see you." For someone who misses me so much and is so happy to see me, all I get from Mandie is a quick hug and her always perfect plastic smile.

" Hey, sis. I'm happy to see you too" I can't even wrap my arms around her before she gets away to sit down.

" This place never changes! Is almost like I'm back living with Papa Danny and dating Max Handerson again. I can't believe you still work here." She says looking around uncomfortable.

I work for Bonnie, an old friend at her bistrô. Miss B is a small charming place, but not enough for my sister.

"Look at you two! Is nice to see you again, Amanda. Are you staying with Danny?" Bonnie walks to our table with her usual warm smile on her face.

"Oh! Hi, Bonnie. No, I'm just making a short visit to my sister here." Amanda couldn't be colder.

"Oh... ok. Just let me know if you girls need anything else."

" Thanks, Bonnie." I try to make things less awkward since Amanda doesn't bother.

I'm the only one who still keeps in touch with our grandfather. I live near him to make sure he takes care of himself, Mandie of course is never around.

"Another thing that never changes, Bonnie prying." Amanda talks touching the water glass with her manicured nails.

"She is almost family, Mandie. She cares about us."

" Yeh... Whatever... Tell me, what are you doing besides working here and watching game shows with Papa? Any boyfriends?"

" Uh! No, not really. Anything serious." I know Amanda hates living here since we were kids.

" Sounds boring. But you know what, Candie? Sometimes I miss this life."

"Do you?" I ask her skeptically. I doubt she misses her old life.

"Yes, I'm always so busy. I barely have time for myself. I'd love to have a boring day like this anytime."

(Yeh... I bet she would love to exchange her luxury life with a rich husband, all the maids and babysitters, and spa treatments. Must be hard to be Amanda...) I think to myself, but my only answer is... "Yeh... Sure."

" I'm serious, Candice. You have no idea how hard it is to be a housewife and mother."

" Your son is just a baby, also you have people around to help. It can't be that difficult."

" I'd love to take some vacation." She speaks looking around like she's ready to leave.

" You told me you just got back from Ibiza."

"Yes, but it was nothing fun. It's impossible to enjoy a real vacation with a husband and kid."

(Geez... How can she be so selfish?) Again I just think with myself.

"You know what? We should both take a vacation. A full weekend, what do you think?" Amanda asks taking me by surprise.

"You mean together?"

"No, of course not. I stay here for the weekend to have some time for myself and you enjoy a full weekend living like me." She talks like it's nothing.

"Hell no!" I can't believe she could propose something like this.

"Why not? It's perfect. You are always complaining I don't spend time with Papa. I'd have time for him and you could have some fun. Whatever you want do you, visit a spa, go out..."

I interrupt Amanda even before she could finish. "Are you crazy? You have a husband and a baby, they need you."

"Jax is always at work, we barely see each other."

" What about your baby? He will be fine for a weekend."

" I have great babysitters."

" I can't believe you want to spend a whole weekend without them."

" I bet Papa Danny would love to have me around. " (There it is, the family card. Amanda knows how much I care about our grandfather and how sad he is with her distance.)

"No way this could work, we're not kids anymore Amanda."

If we didn't share the same last name, no one would say we're even sisters. Now we don't even have the same last name. Amanda Redgrave and I have nothing in common. Especially here with full makeup, fancy clothes, and her typical obtuse attitude.

"No one would believe"

" I'm not asking you to take a bullet in my place. You don't need to talk or see anyone."

" Oh, sure! Just your son and your husband. Are you insane?"

"Jax will be out of town this weekend. You will have the house all for you."

"Ok, but there is a condition. (I can't believe I'm even considering this.)

"Ok. What do you want?"

" You have to spend the weekend with Papa Danny. All the weekend."

"Fine. Ok"

(That was too easy) "I mean it, Amanda. He misses you."

"I said OK." Amanda rolls her eyes annoyed while she sips her drink.

We go together to our grandfather's house, I'm not ok with this deal but I know Papa Danny will be very happy to see Amanda and I'd do anything for his happiness.

"Papa! Where are you?"

" Here in the kitchen, Candie!" We hear his voice coming from the kitchen near the backyard.

"I have something for you, Papa!" I find him covered in flour, the kitchen looks like a war area. "Oh my God! What are you doing?"

"Don't worry, I have everything under control. I'm just making some meatballs."

"Yeh... but you have to destroy the kitchen in the process?"

"Don't be dramatic, it's just a little messy." He speaks cleaning some flour from his clothes

" I'm pretty sure I made your dinner for over a week."

"It is in the freezer." He talks still concentrates on his task.

"So?" I wait for his explanation

' This is for Bonnie."

"Oh! I see..."

"What?" He avoids my eyes but I can see his cheeks getting pink

Bonnie and my grandpa were always close. When granny died I thought they would end up together, but Papa is taking too much time to propose to her.

"Nothing..." I try to hide a smile. Papa Danny is too sweet in his way.

"You said you have something for me." He finally turn around to look at me.


"Papa Danny!" Amanda emerges in the kitchen surprising him.

"Good Lord! Amanda?"

My heart squeeze when I see him this happy to see her, I wish she felt as happy as him. Papa Danny hugs Amanda as he will never let her go again. She is uncomfortable, Amanda was never a person of public demonstrations of emotion.

"Hey, Papa."

"Oh, Mandie... It's so good to see you. I heard you got married."

"Uh! Yes. It was just a small ceremony, not a big deal."

" Where is the lucky guy? Is he coming too?"

"Oh, no. Jax is too busy, It's just me."

"Amanda will stay with you this weekend," I add before she could get away.

"Is that real, Madie?" His eyes shine like a kid in a candy store, his eyes bright and big with excitement. I think at least this time agree with Amanda's plans is worthy.

"Yes. For real."

"That's wonderful! The three of us again like the old times."

"Candice is not joining us."

"Why not, Candie baby? I'm sure Bonnie can give you a day off to spend with your old Papa."

"No, is not that..." Before I can finish Amanda interrupts me.

"Candice agreed to take care of my baby boy for the weekend. Now I can hang out with you Papa."

"Uh? I didn't..." (Take care of her baby? This was not part of the deal.)

"Oh, sure..." But you could have brought him with you. I can't wait to meet my great-grandson."

"You will, soon. But this time will be only the two of us."

I knew it was too easy, but now I can't take it back. Papa would be so sad, I can't do this to him. I head to my room is his house to pack my stuff when Amanda comes looking for me.

"What are you doing?"


She takes a few of my clothes from the pile with a disgusted face. "No way you're wearing this in my house."

"Why not?"

"You want people to believe you're me, right?"

"Yes. I got it..."

"Here... Take my phone and my wedding ring too."

"Do I need all this for just one weekend?"

"Of course. I'm a married woman. You don't need to answer the calls but it's better if you take it. I don't want to be disturbed."

"And how will we talk?"

"Of course I have another one, silly." She waves another fancy cellphone in front of me.

"Of course you have..."

"Great! Samuel will drive you home, he will meet you at Miss B."


"Yes, my driver."

Now I'm realizing this is happening I'm having all kinds of second thoughts. "Mandie... this is not a good idea."

"Stop, Candice. You agreed. You want to tell Papa Danny why I can't stay with him now?"

(What? She is not even making sense now.)

"It is just a weekend, nothing can go wrong."

"I hope so..."

"Are you ready to go, Candie?" Papa Danny comes to the room too just when I'm finishing packing.

"Yes, Papa. Take care of yourself, ok? I will be back on Monday."

"Don't worry, Candice baby. We'll be fine."

I feel minutes later I'm dressed in Amanda's clothes. She is walking around inspecting me. "Well... you can always say you're not feeling well if someone asks why you're looking like this."

"We're identical twins Amanda." I know what she means, she is right. We're twins but I'm not like her. But I think it will do for a weekend.

"Ok, I'm leaving. Please, Amanda, take care of him and be nice."

"Of course I will. I'm not a monster, Candice."

"Ok. Bye." That is it. I'm waiting outside the bistro for Amanda's driver. I mean, my driver at least for the weekend. I see a black car parking in front of me, this will be my first test. Will he believe I'm Amanda Redgrave?