Chereads / Bleach : Darkness is Born / Chapter 11 - Concentrate

Chapter 11 - Concentrate

It was the start of a new week and it was the week for the midterm exams.

Johnny had studied through the whole weekend, deciding not to have any messy encounter with any hollow. Fortunately, there was no large hollow incident that occurred like the last one and if there was any detection of a hollow then Johnny had the other fullbringers to take care of it.

Johnny was walking towards his school amid other students. He had his headphones on and listened to music as he walked alone. He felt confident for the midterm exams, despite the fact he had not studied enough, he believed in his intelligence and memory capacity.

"Once this week is over, I'm gonna have to train and get stronger… I need to see how far my powers can go"

He said to himself. As he finally reached the school gates, he looked up to the skies, remembering about the portal that the menos grandes emerged from on the day of the Incident.

"Life is strange"

He thought to himself and then proceeded inside the school and then to his class.

The Midterm exams lasted for a week.

The routine was to study, sleep and then go write the exams. From Monday to Saturday.

The days passed by quickly and Johnny was lucky enough to not encounter any hollow.

Finally the last day of the exams had finally arrived.

Johnny felt confident about his progress, he believed that he was going to achieve good scores and probably get into the top 20 smart students of Karakura High school.

As Johnny sat on his desk, writing down his answers and blazing through the questions. The subject was the easiest so far.

"Man this stuff easier than what I thought it was going to be-"

Johnny felt a sudden sensation in his body, he felt the spiritual pressure of a certain being and he recognised it to be that of a hollow and he could feel that it was close.

"Damn it! Why now? I gotta find a way to take that hollow down but I need to finish this exam, I'm almost done"

Johnny quickly took his pen and wrote as fast as he could, he could feel the spiritual pressure getting closer and getting more intense. He started to sweat, getting more uncomfortable by every second that passed.

The sound of his pen scribbling on his answer sheet could be heard by his classmates, they all peeked at him and saw his current state, they thought he was probably feeling nervous because of the exam, maybe it was too difficult for him, or he was probably in need of the toilet.

"Just a few more answers"

Johnny continued writing his answers as fast as he could, he quickly read the questions and the quickly wrote his answers. He still felt unsettled, the hollow was still close. Johnny decided to take a quick peek at the window and to his shock, he located it and it was not what he expected.

The hollow was large and it was about as tall as the school building, it was different from the multiple menos grandes that he fought on the day of the incident.

"Shit that thing is huge, Damn it! I guess I gotta ditch the exam"

Johnny quickly stood up and arranged his answer sheets and informed the teacher he was done with the exam and requested to go to the toilet. The teacher took his answer sheets and allowed him "Go ahead Mr Hisashi"

Johnny dashed out the class and ran as fast as he could to a place where he couldn't be seen, he manifested his fullbring as he ran up to the roofs. Once he finally reached the rooftops of the school, he saw the enormous hollow roaming around.

"Tch it's probably searching for prey, I gotta end this quickly"

The vast majority of the hollow was light gray and it's had a mask that was similar to the ones that he fought on the day of the incident, and it had a large see-through hole on its chest.

The difference between this hollow and the ones on the day of the incident is that it wasn't dressed in a long black cloak but instead it had some kind of armour made from rocks that covered its shoulders and legs.

The hollow had not noticed Johnny yet who was preparing to attack. The fullbringer decided that it was better to take it down with a one shot and it had to be through the head. Johnny rushed to hide behind the entrance to the rooftop as he prepared a big, strong energy blast from his fullbring, waiting for the right time to strike.

"Be calm and concentrate, I need to end it quickly and avoid fighting it which would lead to casualties in the process"

Seconds passed slowly; Johnny watched the hollow being continuously distracted, the energy blast was getting stronger and in a short moment it was finally ready.

"Alright time to do this!"

Johnny quickly emerged from his hiding place and then quickly aimed at head of his large target.

"Eat this you giant bastard!" he said as he fired the energy blast.

The shot was precise and quick, the hollow turned its face and saw the bright light getting closer to his head. It tried to react by blocking but it was too slow, allowing the energy blast to hit its head and drill a large hole through it.


The giant hollow screamed in pain, it hit the ground as if it was having a tantrum. It caused short earthquakes which shook the school buildings. The students and teachers noticed the quakes, tensions were slowly getting high.

Beza fell to his knees due to the short quakes the hollow was causing.

"Shit I was expecting this thing to quickly die and disappear, this is just gonna get troublesome, it's still alive somehow, I have to kill it before it fully recovers. Hmm I wonder…"

An idea came to Johnny, he had been wanting to try it out with his fullbring and it could possibly give him an edge in battle. He closed his eyes and started to forward his thoughts into an object. He opened his left hand which his fullbring was manifested on and he started to create another energy blast but this time he was trying to shape it into something.

"Come on…. concentrate..."

He created a thought of a Katana, he tried to imagine it's shape and a very sharp blade for it. He used both his hands to mend the energy blast. It was becoming just like his imagination it was being shaped into a Katana.

"Almost there…."

Johnny could feel cold sweat on his face and finally his craftmanship manifested. He finally turned the energy blast into a melee weapon, shaping it into a katana. He opened his eyes and saw his creation and then smiled victoriously.

"Yes, I did it, I should show this to Riruka and Mr Kisuke later"

He grabbed his melee weapon with his right hand and now he could attack with his left arm which his fullbring manifested on and shoot energy blasts or punch, since his fullbring was a black gauntlet and he could use the katana he made from one of his energy blast.

"Alright time to get serious, you're going down hollow!"

With that he jumped from the rooftops and quickly rushed towards the hollow, he utilised his fullbring abilities which allowed him to run on air.

The hollow was slowly recovering it senses and it had finally noticed that it was being attacked. It looked up and it saw Johnny approaching; it tried to hit him with it's giant arms but Johnny was quick to dodge its attack but the hollow was still persistent, it continued attacking, trying to stop Johnny from getting closer.

"Tch stay still so I can finish you off!"

He said as he kept on trying to find an opening to attack, but the hollow, despite it's massive figure, it was quicker than expected.

"What… that?"

Down below a female student stood in shock as she saw the battle between a giant monster and one of the students. She quickly ran to a safe distance where she could watch the fight.

She was interested in this mysterious happening; she wanted to see how the fight was going to end and who would come out victorious.

She had been watching from the moment the monster suddenly appeared in the school. She had already finished her exam and she was taking a short walk around the school because she was bored. She too was a second year like Johnny and she had a bit of a rough appearance, her school uniform was rumpled and her shirt was untucked.

"Wait isn't that the guy that Ayu tried inviting to the martial arts club? I think his name is Johnny Hisashi…"

The girl said as she continued watching as Johnny struggled with the hollow.

Y. Hans Enterprises

Yukio had called Riruka and Jackie for a short meeting in his office. It was obvious that he wanted to discuss on the current situation of things concerning the new fullbringer Johnny.

Riruka sat on one of the couches, Yukio sat on his chair and Jackie was standing up, she leaned against the wall, folding her arms.

"Alright now you two are here, we can finally discuss" Yukio said, sitting up straight.

"So, what's the problem?" Riruka asked, feeling impatient

"Firstly, this week has been a bit stressful for us because we've been fighting hollows here and there and fortunately there was no major incident like the one that happened last week. I believe today is the last day of midterm exams for Johnny, yes?"

"Yeah, it is"

"Well I believe we all know the potential he has, on the day of that incident, that guy saved us all…. Even Kisuke Urahara was impressed by him, Riruka after Today I want you to continue training him with Kisuke and we need to keep him under the radar, I don't think it's a good idea if the shinigamis find out about him"

"Yeah Yeah I know that already, is that all?" Riruka asked

Yukio sighed and shook his head

"Unfortunately, that's not all, Jackie if you would please…"

Jackie nodded and proceeded to speak "Riruka there have been cases of mysterious murders… all the superiors of a certain company were all killed and the police detectives could not even find a clue on what was used for the murders… The first case was when the car of one of the superiors exploded with him in it"

"Yeah, I know about that one"

"The second case was when the body of another one of the superiors was found in his car, I found out that every bone in his body was crushed, there was blood spilled everywhere, he really looked like he had a very painful death, then came another case where the body of another superior of the company was found in an alleyway and he died from pneumonia, it was stated that his body was so cold, it was as if he was locked in freeze room for a whole week."

"What the hell…? But who?" Riruka replied, feeling terrified as she heard the gruesome cases of murder

Yukio proceeded to continue

"There are suspects that were taken into custody, but I know this that none of them have the power of fullbring, these murders had to be caused by a fullbringer or fullbringers. I'm sure of this because I witnessed the first case, I saw the essence of the fullbringer light emerging from the car that exploded…"

"So what do we do? Do we take this matter into our own hands?" asked Riruka, with a serious tone.

"Not exactly, I just want all of you to be careful and you shouldn't jump into any unnecessary fights, if you notice someone suspicious then make sure you call for backup and don't fight him or her alone… Jackie please inform Chad and Shishigawara and Riruka you inform Johnny" Yukio said and the other two nodded in agreement and left the office.

"Now that Kurosaki isn't around, things are getting intense..." Yukio said as he took out his portable videogame console and turned it on.

To be continued.....