Slowly,his eyes flicked open;at first her vision was completely blur
At the thought of wiping his eyes with his hands, Chantelle realized her hands were bounded;with a tight rope.
She became alarmed immediately.
She tried getting up but the rusty chains pulled her back down. She landed with a thud
Chantelle became fully awake. All that happened earlier today flashed through his mind like a race car
Surprisingly,balls of sweats surfaced on his forehead_ She's in a lotta mess.
Trying to break free seemed virtually impossible - asides from the chains and ropes - a sudden pang of tiredness enveloped her
Her body got clothed in a state of confusion- shock, fear and anger
She figured out she'll be in a room or so - judging from the dim light,the resounding sounds of a water droplets and the hooting of owls accompained by the slience;it's night time
Aligning with her guess,the door cringed open.