(The episode opens with Clay and Aki walking in the hallway together)
(Aki has curly hair, wearing a black lolita dress and heels)
(Clay is wearing a red knight outfit with flower in his hair)
Clay: I'm surprised you wanted me to help you with your wardrobe
Aki: Clay, I have to tell you something,
(Aki and Clay sees Everybody looking at them)
Clay: Want to go somewhere more private?
Aki: Please
(Clay whistles)
(Aki and Clay are taken away by a blur)
(The screen switches to Aki and Clay in a room)
(Wolfie is revealed as a blur and jumps out of the window; turns into a bird)
(Aki and Clay sit on Wolfie's bed)
Clay: What's up? Finally figured out who you are.
Aki: Thank you
Clay: For what?
Aki: For telling to me to look up the Lgbtq community, it turns out I am transgender
Clay (eyes widened): So, you rather be a female robot
Aki: I would and it's Aki, I already put that name in the system
Clay: I don't support hacking, but I love that you want to be true to yourself
Aki: Really!
Clay: Of course
Aki: So, what happens now
Clay: express yourself and let loose
Aki: You don't think this is weird.
Clay: Heck if I am to judge, I have worn clothes that are girly and manly, also cosplay.
Aki: How did you know you wanted to be genderfluid?
Clay: It was when I was at a party, my friends dared me to dress up like a girl, and I realized I liked it, so I tried on more. My friends thought I was weird, but I loved it. So, I looked up it was normal to like that and boom the word 'gender fluid' appeared
Aki: Wow! Did your friends make fun of you?
Clay: They did, still do, but I ignored it
Aki: Can we be friends?
Clay: Why not?
(Clay holds out his hand)
(Aki shakes Clay's hand)
Aki and Clay: BFFS
(The screen switches to Aki and Clay talking at lunch)
A girl (looks at Aki): So, is this a permanent thing?
Aki: Yes
The girl: Cool (eats her salad)
(A hand is shown on the table)
(Aki and everybody looks up and sees a teacher with a half robot arm, red hair, white skin, wearing a green suit and shoes)
Aki (nervous smile): Can I help you?
The teacher: Ms. Aki, your powers are supposed to be used responsibly, not for hacking
Aki: Of course, I'm not suspended, am I?
The teacher: No, but you do have detention, I'm afraid
Aki: Of course
The teacher: See you at detention
Aki: Right
(The teacher walks away)
(The students, Clay, and Aki laugh)
Clay: I warned you
Aki: True, but had to be done
The girl: I can't believe that you actually hacked into the school system
Aki: It had to be done
Clay: Should I try to get in detention with you?
Aki: You would do that for me
The girl: Clay, don't do it, because then it'll become a hobby.
Aki: He won't, Clay no thanks I can handle it on my own.
Clay: Okay
Aki: Alright
(The screen switches to Aki walking into a room)
The teacher: Come in, Ms. Aki
(Aki walks to a desk in the middle and sits down)
Wolfie: Hello
(Aki turns around to see Wolfie)
(Aki moves three desks down to Wolfie)
Aki: What are you doing here?
Wolfie: I may have accidentally speed out of the area that we are allowed to go to, so I'm here as a warning
Aki: Strict
Wolfie (smirks): Rules are rules, but that must be boring compared to hacking into the school system.
Aki (looking angry): I wasn't trying to break the rules
Wolfie: Hmmm, I know
Aki (looks confused): You do?
Wolfie: Yeah, I overheard
Aki: Super ears
Wolfie: Yup
Aki: You're a transformowolf, correct?
Wolfie: Yup, tell me what's it like to be a robot?
Aki: It's pretty average, I have knowledge of everything and now I reprogramed myself
Wolfie: Yeah, you're a girl now, you look cute as a girl.
Aki (blushes): Oh, really
The teacher: Uh, lovebirds, this is detention
Aki and Wolfie (blushing) (looking angry): We are not lovebirds
The teacher: Just read a book
Aki: Yes, sir
Wolfie: Alright
(Aki and Wolfie grab book from under their desks)
Wolfie (whispers): What did you get?
Aki (whispers): Fairies vs Elves, you?
Wolfie (whispers): Cows vs Tombs
Aki and Wolfie (whispers): Switch
(Aki and Wolfie switch their books)
Aki (whispers): Say, how many friends do you have here?
Wolfie (whispers): Never counted, but a quite few
Aki (whispers): Would you say I could be friends with you unless you got enough?
WOlfie (whispers): Are you kidding, I always say one can never have too much fun
Aki (whispers): But, what I drive your friends away.
Wolfie (whispers): Why? Oh, because you're a girl now, please we got odder people in the friend group
Aki (whispers): Okay
(Wolfie and Aki shakes hands)
(The episode ends)