Chereads / primal system / Chapter 142 - unsure

Chapter 142 - unsure

groggily I sat up, steadying myself with my left arm on the ground as my balance was still finicky, I wasn't hungry but I did

I looked around slowly and saw everyone just sitting around the camp fire like nothing jad happened, Julie and Allie were smiling and talking to one another while the girl Jane was looking at me with terrified eyes.

cautiously I stood, wobbling only a bit before walking over and sitting next to Jane, neither Allie or Julie reacted, it was like I didn't exist to them.

"what the hell happened?"(syn) I asked Jane quietly as I sat down next to her.

"your sister is terrifying!"(jane) responded.

that's it? anything else as to what happened?

"then what's up with those two?"(syn) i asked, nodding my head in their direction, my daughter still looking away from me as if I wasn't even talking.

"she did something to them, I don't know what, but she did something."(jane)

that wasn't much info to go off of, it wasn't helping either, I'd already gathered she did something but the question is what, what did she do?

I was about to go and ask Allie when suddenly both of my girls jolted in place and their eyes no longer possesed a glossed over look, frantic searching amd confused looks from both of them, all now in my direction.

"what happened?"(Allie)

I didn't know myself.

"my sister happened."(syn) I replied, it was the only thing I knew for sure.

damn, I need answers.

[then ask]

oh my god! I'm an idiot!

ok, what happened?

[your sister used some sort of power that separated your daughter into two personalities, she's nearly the exact same except she has a battle personality, one close enough in ruthlessness to you]

and Allie let this happen?!

[no, that's why the same power was used on you and Allie, so that this would be allowed]

the hell is my sister planning?!

unlike before I didn't get a response, a quiet reigned Supreme in my hesd after that, I could basically hear crickets.

"dad?"(Julie) asked, unusually calmly.


her "cover" wasn't up, maybe my system was wrong and my sister messed with my daughter!

I thought that until julie shook her head, her usual annoyed expression taking over and her arms crossing.

there it is, so my system wasn't lying.

happy that I wouldn't need to kick Lyas' ass anytime soon, well that depends on if the other personality is true and how accurate my system was, maybe I would be kicking her ass soon.

I sighed as it was all just too much too fast, and I knew there was a goal behind it, and now that all my siblings are mid tier gods, there's not exactly a whole lot the world can do about it.

maybe that's not the case though, I am a full god, maxed stats and everything.

[your stats aren't fully maxed yet]


I was surprised to say the least, I mean at least give some warning before throwing a fucking curveball like that!

it didn't matter right now!

I shook the thought and the message from my head, standing quickly and focusing on Allie.

"go home, hunt and use whatever you have ill be fast."(syn)

Julie snd jane looked confused while Allie was unsure, I'd definitely have to explain.

"I need to meet someone amd the town isn't safe for you."(syn)

Julie was about to yell put in annoyance when Allie interrupted her.

"who are you meeting?"(Allie) asked, asking Julie's question in a much less angry way.

"I'm calling a meeting with all my siblings, there's something I just can't put my finger on and I can't shake the feeling of something being off."(syn)

at this Allie nodded, standing and packing away all the camp gear, the other girls helping while I walked forward and bat wings that were red as blood erupted from my back, easily larger than all my previous wings as they spanned over ten feet in just one direction, my wingspan being an easy twenty feet.

I laughed at their size, curious at just how large my new true form was.

I kept thinking about it as with ease I lifted into the air, effortless flap after flap giving me height and speed.


hours later....

I landed softly just outside the main door, my wings shrinking and folding into my back, my feet pressing onward as I pushed the door open when I met it, the babysitter I've come to tolerate directly in front of me.

"talk, now."(syn)

she put her hands up and backed away, stammering a bit as I could tell she was afraid, questions is, of what?

me? or someone else?

"I don't know what you mean."(baby sitter)

I scoffed.


I kept approaching her, she kept backing away, but as luck would have it she cornered herself, back hitting the wall and her eyes becoming more fearful.

"Lya did something to my family and I know it wasn't for nothing."(syn)

she fervently began denying it, half convincing me in the process.

"you don't know what's going on either. do you?"(syn)

she shook her head no, her throat too dry to speak at the moment.

"it's taken me a long time to ask but, what did end up happening to the situation I was supposed to deal with before I was cursed?"(syn)

at this off topic mention the primals baby sitter paused and began shaking, interesting.

"you know something, don't you?"(syn)

she nodded slowly, not daring to speak, she looked paranoid and desperate.

I looked around with my energy vision, something I was glad my body kept, a bright brilliant blue on a windowsill caught my attention and drew me towards it.

carefully I reached out and grabbed it, a small spy camera and microphone now in my hands.

so she is being monitored, this is bigger bigger I thought.

I crushed the device in my fingers and dropped the pieces to the floor, turning amd walking back over to the baby sitter and crouching down to her level.

"talk. now."(syn)

she nodded quickly and began to speak.

"your little friend Kina set up plans while you were away, using other planets primals to strengthen the demons forces before sending them all into hibernation, now that she's gone soemone else has taken over and resumes her plans, her daughter."(baby sitter)

the shit you miss in fifteen years!

"so what happened to the primals of other planets? and what does my daughter have to do with this?"(syn)

she questioned herself on wether she should answer or not but an eye glow from me convinced her easily.

"they're still alive bit stagnating and weak, not even close to God hood, this is the only planet with primals in the realm of god hood, and the reason they're after your daughter is because they want to hurt you, you did kill Kina after all."(baby sitter)

I wasn't surprised that someone was after me for killing someone they knew, I was surprised that this plan involved several other planets and primals.

I had a feeling that going after me would only be the beginning.

"oh they also somehow convinced Lya to help through mind control."(baby sitter) said, dropping that bombshell on my lap and confirming my suspicion that Lya was behind something larger.

looks like I will be kicking Lyas' ass.

"where's Lya?"(syn)

the baby sitter grinned maliciously before telling me exactly where to look.