Chereads / primal system / Chapter 128 - found

Chapter 128 - found

the calmness didn't last long as my body jolted into action, bursting forth into a roll and twisting quickly once somewhat standing, an arrow in the ground where I was standing.

an immediate apology came ringing from the bushes where a girl emerged, sticks and leaves in her hair, an old looking bow strung on her back by a leather quiver.

"I'm so sorry! are you hurt anywhere?"(girl)

I shook my head no, a distrust towards her growing in me, why? she didn't do anything bad, did she?

I didn't know what to say, at least not right now, the girl was giving me a concerned look that I didn't know how to respond to.

"don't worry about me, I'm fine."(syn)

my response was so natural, so chill, it seems like something in me knows what to respond with, I really need to figure all this out.

the girl asked me if I was sure, offering to take me back to her home if I was lost or needed help.

I figured it wouldn't hurt so I agreed, following after as she led me somewhere, my mind throwing danger signals left and right as I did my best to ignore them, why does this keep happening?

it took a few minutes for the girl to reach her destination with me behind her, the danger signals in my head intensifying before shutting down altogether, it was like whatever was powering it had run out.

thankful that it was finally over I began walking closer to the door of the house, quick and hazy flashes of odd places with the feeling of danger snd betrayal shot trhough my mind,my feet backing away from the house, my hands covering my ears as I closed my eyes and stumbled backwards.

directly into the girl.

she caught me as my legs gave out, sweat glistening my forehead as I gave an uneasy look at her, no words were spoken for what felt like hours, the only sounds were our breathing.

I could've sat like this for a while longer but the girls face began to go red, her body fidgeting before she awkwardly helped me stand upright, backing away a few steps and clearing her throat.

what the hell is happening here?


15 years later...

a bang at our door erupted as it flew from its supports, crashing into splinters around us.

"Allie get out of here!"(JD (john doe) aka syn)

"I won't leave you JD!"(Allie)

I raced in front of Allie, placing myself between her and whoever was at our door way, their heavy armored footsteps echoing as they moved closer.

"you may look different but you're still the same person, to think a god would fall this far, it's pathetic!"(armored man)

nothing they said made sense.

"to think at one time you were the most feared being on this planet, killer of gods and demon queens, killer of legendary creatures, destroyer of species."(armored man)

he was now close, closer than he should be, more armored men entering behind him, all had very sharp weapons.

"look there seems to be some mistake I just live here with my wife, I'm not some God to be scared of!"(JD aka syn)

the men laughed, the main one, the larger one, got close, in my face close.

"we had heard you'd been cursed, stuck to live as a mere mortal with no power, seems it was true, you really aren't "him"."(armored man)

my curiosity got the better of me, I just had to know.

"him who?!"(JD aka syn)

the men laughed, sharing an amused look at my attempt at being tough.

"him who? he's the most feared god of all is who were talking about, Syn ev, god of calamity."(armored man)

Allies face began to grow frightened, her bow was too far away, and I couldn't even do anything, it was frustrating!

my rage was growing, threatening to burst forth in an explosive manner, I could feel.somwtjing in me breaking, something in me thinning.

the man had apparently had enough, his arm rearing back his large axe, swinging it towards us.

this was the final straw, the breaking point, for fifteen whole years I'd been nothing short of useless and Allie had stood by me, I was done!

this feeling of being powerless needed to go!

my rage had peaked, time seeming to slow as I could feel a large snap in me, energy surging as a voice began to speak.

[welcome back!]

"fuckimg finally! feels good to be back!"(syn)

my body floated into tje air as a large energy pulse knocked the intruders away, my aura covering me completely as it raged, my eyes glowing fiercely like a flame.

[stats and powers restored]

[curse broken]

memories had flooded my mind, everything making sense, these morons fucked up.

my body stopped floating, the clouds ams sky raging as lightning crashed all around, my feet beginning to move me forward, each step breaking the floor as my strength returned in full, the men cowering in fear in front of me as I left the house, their leader sniveling and crying like a child.

"you fuckers attack me and now you're out here acting like cowards?! you're pathetic."(syn)

my rage had begun fueling my power, my siphon activating as their muscles began to shrink, mine returning.

the trees began to sulk lower, their magical armor losing its glow as I stole its energy.

[the mid tier primal god is back!]

memories of those fifteen years flashed through my mind, halting my steps, a look of pain on my face.

I groaned in frustration, smashing a nearby tree to release it, my face of rage turning to the men.

"if I ever see you again I'll kill you, now LEAVE!"(syn) I roared the last part, the trees shaking as they each nearly wet their pants, the sky seemed to rumble as well before it returned to its normal late afternoon state, a silence overpowering the wooded area.

I sighed, my aura and glow diminishing, my clothes ripped in some places, my body creating its own as the ones I was wearing vanished, my familiar shirt and shorts back on my frame, my body returning to youthful as my teenager like appearance was back, no longer the skinny and weak adult I was forced to become.

"feels good to be me again!"(syn)

I could sense someone behind me, someone worried.

I turned slowly, Allies' face peeking from behind the broken doorway, she looked conflicted.

"about what you saw....."(syn)

she inched from the doorway, running over to me, roping me into a hug, keeping me close.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that!"(Allie) said, crying into my shoulder.

I was about to say something to calm her but I was interrupted before the words formed, our daughter fleeing from the house surrounded by a familiar aura.

before anything else could happen six girls, all the other primals, my sisters, fell from the sky, each teary eyed as they hurriedly rushed over to me, stopping short and drawing weapons as they were unsure of the situation.

both Allie and Julie froze as well.

"guys its OK."(syn) I said, speaking to everyone here at once, an uneasy peace taking hold.

I released Allie from my grasp, she stayed close, unsure of my siblings presence.

Lya was the first to get close, with tear filled eyes she roared in anger, grabbing and body slamming me to the ground, cracks in the ground running nearly to the house, mini trenches more like it, she's gotten stronger.

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE US?!"(lya) cried, unable to gold back tears.

"I didn't have a choice! I didn't even know who I was until a minute ago."(syn)

"dad, what's going on here?"(Julie) asked, unsure.

the other primals gave a shocked look amongst themselves.

"nothing Julie, just catching up with my sisters."(syn)

lya stood from off on top of me, reaching a hand out.

I took it and she hoisted me up, we nodded to each other, seems there were no hard feelings.

"primal mother has had us looking for you, the world isn't as balanced as when you were in play."(Jyn)

that was worrisome.

"how unbalanced are we talking?"(syn)

"unbalanced enough that you need to get stronger, fast."(wydo) answered.

vyde stormed over angrily, the former dragon still having their dominating and aggressive personality, it didn't match her looks at all.

"while you were busy playing family we've all been slammed by stronger forces, time to get to work asshole!"(vyde)

I didn't think making a joke or mocking anyone right now would help anything, this was a difficult situation.

"alright alright, I'll catch up with you guys in a bit."(syn)

they nodded, a few you betters echoing from them, their wings opening as they soared into the sky, leaving me alone with my family.