Chereads / primal system / Chapter 122 - answering the call

Chapter 122 - answering the call

my feet had just passed through the portal when my body froze, a sound ringing in my ears as I knew exactly what I needed to do next.

the roar died down and my eyes stopped glowing, a primal needed me, looks like it didn't take too long before one of my siblings called for me, I was hoping it would take a month or longer but a week-ish is fine I guess.

with a launch into the air my robes vanished, my shirt and shorts replacing them as my wings grew underarm, with one flap a sonic boom erupted behind me and the sky and ground blurred, something in me was being drawn to where I needed to go, so I just followed it.

hours would pass, the day turning to night before my speed dropped to a glide, my frame hovering above an extravagant looking half finished palace, peopleillimg about carrying tools and materials, working on the place.

the primal who called me here standing just outside the main entrance in a fancy dress.

guess the position came with some perks.

the thoughts from an earlier conversation I'd had rose, the fact that I was still technically homeless echoing in my mind as I retracted my wings, my body righting itself mid air as I plummeted downwards, free falling hundreds of feet before landing unharmed directly in front of the primal Jyn, she looked stressed.

"you called?"(syn)

Jyn looked relived at my presence, a weighted sigh released from her mouth as her body relaxed, veins no longer bulging on her temples.

"thank nature you're here!"(jyn)

"don't go that far, I'm here cause you called, thanking someone who isn't even here and doesn't control our actions is stupid."(syn)

jyn waved me off, complaining about semantic or whatever, apparently just glad I showed up at all.

"my clone found something troubling, I went ahead and got Lya to help but now she's trapped and I don't know what to do."(jyn)

this just got interesting.

[side quest complete, +50,000 to stats]


[time moves differently in the council realm]

"SYN!"(jyn) called out, shaking me by the shoulders, guessed I zoned out again.

with more trouble than usual I refocused, brushing off her hands as I urged her to continue from where we left off, I had to be honest I was barely paying attention, the fact that so much time had passed while I was in the council realm as it was called, really drew my curiosity and thoughts as no theory I could make on how it worked made sense to me, so I dropped them, focusing on the issue in front of me and placing the time issue on the back burner with ALOT of other stuff.

thanking Jyn for the info I started walking in the direction she pointed out, the thick forest turning to densely populated and lit up areas, the medieval style housing clashing with the collapsed sky scrapers in the background, I would be lying if I said it was ugly, it had an odd charm to it, ya know?

the whole apocalyptic future yet past vibe, it was certainly unique if nothing else.

shop vendors, kids playing, cobble streets mixing with asphalt and painted lines, it definitely had an effect to it.

I passed many bindings as I walked, not finding what I was looking for yet until I was nearly put of the area entirely, it seemed to be the last structure on the right, looking alot bigger than the rest.

I walked up to the door and pushed it open, many a demon freezing at me entrance and a silence filling the large open main room I'd just walked into.

"looking for someone named chento."(syn) I said, breaking the silence, a group of demons standing from their seats and circling me.

"look guys I'm not here for trouble, I'm here to find my sister."(syn)

the demons only put on a tough front, trying to be intimidating.

I was losing my patience....and fast.

my eyes took on a raging glow as my voice deepened, taking on a much more animalistic growl undertone to it.

"you sure you wanna do this?"(syn)

each and every single one of them backed away subconsciously from fear, unable to reason to themselves why they moved on their own

"it's alright guys, let him in."(relaxed guy voice)

the demons backed away, a few of them still trembling, my eyes dimming as I walked past.

a breath of relief breaking out in newr unison behind me from the still shaking demons.

"so what business does a minor calamity god have with me?"(chento)

"I presume you're chento?"(syn)

he nodded, giving a small two finger salute towards me from his left eye brow.

odd dude.

"in the flesh little god."(chento)

"dude I'm over six feet tall, I'm taller than you!"(syn)

he just brushed that comment off and kept talking.

"so little god, you're looking for another primal, one that came through here while you were away?"(chento)

I was about to ask how he knew but he answered before I could even speak.

"news from the council realm travels like wildfire on a dried vine, which is to say quickly."(chento)

this....person was definitely something else, he didn't seem like a demon or human, didn't have ears like the elves, wasn't short enough to be a dwarf, what is this guy?

"well your sister went off into the forest not too far from here, rogue wyvern nest needed dealt with so she volunteered."(chento)

I thanked him and began leaving, eyeing the group who stopped me on the way.

"not so hard now was it?"(syn) I asked, a hint of threat beneath my voice, a future warning.

and from hoe they stiffened it seemed that they did indeed get the message.


with a small shove the door fell from it's hinges,

the demons teeth gritting as I could hear them getting angry, chento calming them, he knew none of them would survive fighting me, he's not someone they could go against easily from what it seems.

apparently in this building his word was law, maybe Jyn could learn a thing or two from this guy, maybe she already has?

I sighed, shaking the thought as I walked towards the area chento put me on the path to, trudging through the thorn bushes and emerging into a darkened environment, the trees here were dense, the light from the moon barely able to penetrate the canopy, haphazard ground barely forming a trail in front of me.

almost immediately I could tell there were many strong creatures nearby, some nearing the level of adolescent dragons, which isn't a joke or anything to scoff at.

their presence was getting closer and closer to me, a familiar life force directly in front of them, it seemed to either be fleeing from or leading them.

uneasy seconds would pass before I got my answer, it was the former, Lya bounding from the darkness of the forest in less than pristine clothes, she looked rough.

she ran into me, collapsing and rubbing her forehead, she ran into my chin.


she looked up at me, her expression softening.

"what are you made of? jeez!"(lya)

I laughed at her and extended my hand, she took it and I hoisted her up.

once to her feet she moved behind me, a loud roar coming from not too far away.

"what did you piss off?"(syn)

she kept her head downward, mumbling her answer.

"a forest god."(lya)

I sighed and gave her a look of 'really?' her eyes avoiding my look after a few seconds, her gaze fixed on the ground.

"don't worry about it, you're not a god, not yet anyway."(syn)

this only seemed to upset her even more.

"I know!"(lya)

I places my hand on her shoulder, pulling jer closer to me.

"leave me to fight everything alone and the stat share will make you a god."(syn)

she pushed me away, I let her, she clearly was bothered by something.

"that's not the point!"(lya) half shouted at me.

I was about to respond when my body forced itself into action, pushing lya to the ground and catching something eith both hands, my feet creating lines in the ground as I was pushed back, large claw marks on my shirt.

"go back to Jyn, tell her that this area needs to be avoided for a while, I'm gonna have some fun."(syn) I told her, my aura growing as tje sky changed.

a sick smile creeping open wildly on my face, the creature before me trying to back away, terrified to face the consequences of its actions.

Lya nodded and ran off, leaving me alone with my attacker, I was gonna enjoy this.

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