Chereads / primal system / Chapter 90 - finding the matriarch

Chapter 90 - finding the matriarch

we had been walking calmly along ruins of buildings for a while now, the sky turning a brilliant orange as the sun started to set, the once foggy morning now a clear evening, I just simply enjoyed the view.

"I'm supposed to be meeting with my mom later, maybe you shouldn't be there for that."(Raya) said nervously.

"I'll be fine, it's not like your mom evolved, and don't forget, i was already stronger than her in the first place."(syn)

she thought on this for a moment before dropping the subject, continuing her way towards Marie, this would be interesting.

our walk took us through city ruins, broken suburbs, and large open battle scarred fields.

"so what exactly happened after I, ya know?"(syn)

"Amira took over, her sister joined the resistance but didn't last long, the demons have become the largest occupying force and almost the entire planet bows down to them."(Raya)

"and the other races that appeared?"(syn)

"came out of hiding when demons started targeting humans and humans alone, the demons here are now a controversial subject at best."(Raya)

"how did any if this even happen?"(syn) I asked in disbelief.

"we'll believe it or not the underworld barrier won't break if someone strong enough is present, you were technically dead for a while so you weren't here, the barrier broke like cheap plastic."(Raya)

"why would someone strong being here have anything to do with the underworld barrier?"(syn)

"we'll because the stronger you are the more energy you have, and the more energy you have the stronger the plane barrier separating the underworld from us gets, it feeds off of the largest energy sources passively, without its biggest source, you, it was vulnerable."(Raya)

I wasn't sure if I really believed any of this, it sounded impossible, but then again, here I am, existing, so maybe I should keep an open mind.

with the thoufht finished I turned my attention back to my conversation with Raya.

"the winged people here are pretty much the opposite, they can't leave without their queen and she's been missing for 4 years now."(Raya)

"let me guess, your mom is trying to find her because getting rid of the winged people would help the demons?"(syn)

she looked at me with shock.

"that's actually spot on."(Raya)

"they're a nuisance because they can control people, demons don't like being blatantly controlled, do they?"(syn)

"how do you?"(Raya)

"they tried to control me, didn't work out well, I was at their home world once, it ran off mind control and propaganda."(syn)

"figures, nothing is simple here anymore."(Raya)

"let's find the queen, getting these winged asshole off this planet will help everyone."(syn)

"since when do you care about everyone?"(Raya)

"I don't, I just hate their queen and want her away from this planet."(syn)

"fair, I guess?"(Raya)

our talk ended there, everything I wanted to say had been said, I didn't have anything to add so I just went back to watching the landscape and sky as we walked, slowly getting bored of walking as we continued on and on.

finally I'd reached a boredom breaking point, my wings growing from my back, them now being a dark red see through creation as they felt tangible, it was awesome!

and the best part was that my clothes were still fine.

I walked behind Raya and put my hands around her, she got confused before I launched us into the sky, her screaming in my ear as I held her close.

my wings flapped as I narrowed my senses, looking for vampires, their energy being easy to see for me, I had one with me after all.

locating a swarm of them with a bright one in the middle I thoufht I'd try my luck there, then again maybe I shouldn't since my luck has been on a continuous downfall, nah, it should be fine.

taking a sharp swerve downwards I began diving towards the large energy blob, the color vampires sport lighting my vision like the sun, the closer I got the brighter it became.

for creatures that are technically undead they sure do have alot of life energy.

I was now only a few hundred feet away, and it was closing fast, a few more seconds and I'd land.

that was the hard part though, how do I land here?

improvising I changed from a dive to a standing free fall, my wings open and flapping downward lightly, my speed draining as the ground got closer.

once I was about to touch the ground I dripped Raya, who fell flat on herbass with a surprised yelp, and I just simply dropped the few inches, my wings vanishing and me staying on my feet.

"I dropped you like 6 inches, really?"(syn)

I knew I'd given her the perfect dick joke setup but she didn't take it, probably because her mom was currently standing next to me with a blade at my throat.

"youre supposed to be dead."(Marie)

"I'm supposed to be alot of things."(syn) I reasoned as I pushed the blade away gently with one finger.

I helped up Raya who bagn brushing herself off, looking respectfully at her mom before doing an odd bow like pose and returning to normal.

"how'd you find me Syn?"(Marie)

"followed Raya then used my energy sight, you guys glow like a fucking beacon."(syn)

"energy sight?"(Raya)

"came with my energy manipulation ability, let's me see some crazy shit."(syn)

Marie had the blade pointed back at me.

"give me a reason not to kill you."(Marie)

"the fact that you're too weak to."(syn)

she glanced at me before scoffing.

"your level has dropped back to 1, you can't threaten me!"(Marie)

she swung her blade downward hard, it touched my shoulder before stopping cold, the metal snapping and vibrations running up her arm as I remained unmoved.