Chereads / primal system / Chapter 51 - day four part 2

Chapter 51 - day four part 2

kina and Raya were staring at me in the water, who cares I'm feeling gooood.

I felt some off currents below me but that didn't bother me, I could hold my breath for a while, not sure why, oh wait I think it's because in this body, my actual body, my lungs are huge.

"what are you doing?!"(Raya) asked me in an odd tone.

"relaxing, why don't you try it."(syn)

she huffed at me, which looked absolutely adorable, and sat down with all the stuff, someone else would've already offered to carry it but I've been carrying her survival through this entire ordeal so I'm not gonna volunteer for more dead weight.

"without me you wouldn't have made it to day 4."(syn)

she didn't even answer me, her eyes on something else.

"oh shit! you need to feed!"(syn)

I rushed out of the water, changing into my human form mid air and by the time I landed I had all terrain boots, cargo shorts, and a t-shirt on.

I shook my wet shaggy gray hair as I started looking around for an animal or something.

"no time!"(Raya) half shouted as she sunk her fangs into me, my skin barely able to hold off the sudden attack, before giving in to their sharpness.

my knees buckled under me as she drained away mindlessly.



it was draining and fast, by ten every second.

by the time she stopped and collapsed on the ground behind me I was at [180/240].

not good, I forgot the one important thing, I'm not on my own out here, these two have to eat and were gonna be here for two weeks, this wasn't a fun experience but if it keeps me from going and hunting should I do it?

no, it would leave me compromised, out here anything can happen and I can't waste my abilities or the thing my abilities draw from.

"never do that again!"(syn)

but she wasn't paying attention to me, she had a crazed look in her eye as she picked her lips a few times, fuck.


"quiet!"(syn) I half yelled in a hushed tone.

"sorry."(Raya) mumbled.

"so now that you've eaten, what about you kina, what do you eat?"(syn)

"humans have called it jizz, and many other names, Amira used to give me these odd potions that were white ish in color and I wouldn't be hungry anymore."(kina)

I'm not going to ruin this innocent girl, even though she's 6 thousand ish and probably should know by now I'm not taking that responsibility.

"oh I know exactly what kind of potion your sister used you stay here and we'll be back."(syn) I told kina ad I grabbed Raya by the arm and dragged her out of view.

"I'm not ruining this innocent girl and I'm not masturbating, I need your help."(syn)



45 minutes later...

I used the biggest container Raya had and caught as much as I could, filling the container, Raya curiously licking what was left on her boobs before licking up more and more with her fingers, here's where I'm gonna leave.

I went back over to kina, who was now seated boredly on a rock by the water.

"it took me a while to make since not everything I needed was close, sorry."(syn) I had mixed feelings about this but at the end of the day these two had to eat and right now if what was easiest was me then fine, please let this two weeks fly by.

kina grabbed the large container which was a 64 Oz water bottle and started drinking, borderline chugging

finishing with a satisfied face, the type I usually see on Raya, she handed me back the bottle and thanked me, must protect innocence.

thankfully Raya came back out decent and clean, I chose a spot by a pond, and re joined me and kina.

"thanks for helping find the stuff I needed."(syn) I awkwardly said to Raya.

"don't worry about it."(Raya)

we didn't want to corrupt the pure being next to us so any more comments we had were ultimately buried in our thoughts as we stood around for a minute watching the ripples in the clear oasis water.

as the sun started to set I decided it was time to start moving again, hopefully in tje direction of shelter but if not we could take turns sleeping, me going not at all because the two have, from my guesses little to no actual combat experience.

and they didn't need to, kina leveled purely because of accidental kills, which would surprise you how often it happened from what I've gathered, we even saw the cemetery she made for them, it wss both sweet and terrifying, like yes bury the bodies of your victims where you live, it was only sweet because of how pure she was, and how sad she got when talking about it.

Raya, well she's only level 20 so I'm not sure where she's at.

our walk deeper into the woods was peaceful, too peaceful, something more dangerous was scaring away the small prey, we need to be careful here.

if only I truly knew how right I was going to end up being as the night would drag on.