Chereads / primal system / Chapter 8 - departure

Chapter 8 - departure

"fog this is a really good friend of mine Lena."(Amira)

it was like I was a shy highschool boy again in front of my crush, something I hadn't felt in a while and didn't think I'd ever feel again.

"he's not usually this quiet."(Amira) told Lena obviously stunned at my silence.

"I can almost see his lust from here, he's barely holding together."(Lena)

"well he is the progenitor of a new species."(Amira)

"I bet this will be fun."(Lena)

[new breedable female, Lena, royal succubus, level 30]

"let's not....get...ahead"(fog)

"impressive, not many can resist my charm."(Lena)


"why waste time, I want the experience of helping bring an entirely new species into this world, and you so obviously want me."(Lena)

"youre not doing it for noble causes."(fog) I struggled to get out without pauses.

"you're right, with those tentacles I bet you could reach pretty far inside me, and with a few of them, please do be rough."(Lena)


"make it a threesome then."(Lena)

"NO! we're not doing anything."(fog)

"you probably should, you need to feed."(Amira) said in a concerned voice.

this tamer bind was dangerous, we already care about each other and we've only been together for a few days at the most.

at this rate I'd die for her if she told me, not something I want to happen.

"Oooh feed, I do so love that feeling of pleasure I get when a vampire feeds on me, I can't help but touch myself."(Lena)



she looked hurt but I could tell it was an act.

I went with Amira deeper past the treeline, Lena was a definite no for feeding, I'm not some sex crazed degenerate nor do I want to be in the company of one.

once I was able to pull myself from my thoughts I really did notice how nervous Amira looked, I wasn't sure why at first but it really did hit me like that dudes sword, she doesn't want to end up like her friend over there who's obsessed with sex, wait a sec....

"you're half succubus aren't you?"(fog)

"ya got me."(Amira) told me with a forced small laugh as if it would help.

I honestly have no idea how I thought of that one, dumb luck guess?

"so you...."(fog)

"I don't wanna talk about it."(Amira)

"what about your sister?"(fog)


something must have happened to her to cause this kind of reaction.

figuring I'd done enough prying I just went ahead and started to get this whole feeding thing done, fangs, neck, suck blood, muffled moans and now awkward silence.

it was at this point something I hated, even though it's only happened twice I wanted nothing to do with it ever again.

I didn't want Amira to say anything, I was too busy in my own thoughts, this was going too fast I need to slow this down I'd barely been alive a week here, I need some time to think, time to just....

I didn't trust how quickly I found myself changing around this girl, one moment I didn't trust her now its feeling like we've been friends for years, I need to get out of this, whatever this was.

[option found for bond breakage]

*should I do it, yes?*

[are you sure?]


[process complete, bond broken]

Conflicted feelings started to clear the second i got that message and I got the answer I was looking for, the taming magic did something to me.

no words were spoken, no gestures given, I just rolled off into the trees, trying to sort out my mixed feelings, taming magic was dangerous.


1 week later

it's been what I could only guess is a week, time has been getting harder to tell and harder to notice, it's been peaceful here, the scenic views and weak creatures surrounding the area all I have to do is avoid the "boss" of the area.

I thought I wanted to get stronger but that notion vanished like vapor in the wind the second I got away from the whole bond situation, those feelings that magic created on me felt so real but the second I broke it those feelings shattered like cheap glass, no ones bothered me for a while and I'm starting to enjoy that more and more.

this peace was addicting.

I was lounging on a particularly large tree branch 20 feet up as this was the best spot for premium sun exposure and lack of other pests.

my tentacles danced happily in the small breeze as I enjoyed the warmth of the sun with my eye closed.

life was good, for now at least, I knew this wouldn't last but for now I'd hoped it would.

*ya know I should've gotten out of there first before I did anything else*


*let's make sure to avoid tamers like the plague*

[no plagues exist currently]

*it's a figure of speech*



[I started a lost of your figures of speech, so far I have quite a few ill make sure to use them]

*what did I do?*

[you helped me learn]

*that's totally not gonna bite me in the ass later*

[sarcasm+new figure of speech noted]

*you suck*

[new figure of speech detected]

*I'm not even....*

I couldn't stop my sigh of defeat the voice in my head was right, of course it was.

my stomach growled somewhat quietly to alert me of my need for food, the message wasn't far behind the noise either.


*alright alright*

begrudgingly getting off my branch I let myself fall down to the forest floor, the twigs snapping below me.

sauntering off I started my search for food, or more accurately a poor moron to drink blood from.

and today's unlucky target just so happened to be a horned monkey or horny bastards as I've started calling them, they have a habit of humping everything and raping passing females pf the same species or even human, they prefer human though, I've always avoided them but this was a different situation, I was hungry.

deftly sneaking through the bushes and trees I made my way slowly to a loner monkey masturbating away to a girl shaped cloud, see what I mean?

I eye rolled before launching at quick speeds at the monkey, closing my eye and trusting my other senses, restraining(reluctantly) the things limbs before sinking my fangs into its hairy neck, gross.

of course it struggled and screeched but it was hopless the poor thing was weaker than a 10 year old little girl, which disturbingly they've gone after before, I should eradicate the worthless fuckers.


[optional quest: genocide of the horned monkey species in your area, reward- instant level up x2, 20 stat points, ability blood bomb added]

*you're amazing*

[thank you]

without even a second of hesitation I left the drained corpse of the monkey behind as I rolled myself into a ball and traveled towards where I knew they liked to stay in.

[1/500 killed]

*if they're 500 strong why only 2 level ups?*

[level up is allowed while completing the quest]

my grin spread wide, not only could I wipe put filth I could establish that I wasn't to be messed with.

not only did it make sure I wouldn't have to put up with the filth I'd be virtually untouchable and my peace would continue.