Chereads / Unafraid Of Death (Old Version) / Chapter 53 - Folon's True Death - Part 1

Chapter 53 - Folon's True Death - Part 1

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Thirteen grasschopper, eight mantis swordsmen, nine bee lancers, and ten beetler followed behind me as the monster, Folon's Demise raises its remaining arm and tries to crush me with its fist.

Behind me, a grasschopper jumps high and plans to land on my right; in response, I dodge to my right then as the grasschopper lands, the fist crushed half of its body, killing it and leaving a satisfying crunching sound.

The arm pulls back and then tries to hit me using the back of its arm, before that, I held my longsword by its pommel and stabbed it to the ground then I leveraged myself and jumped.

As my body jumped over its arm, the moment I felt the slightest touch between my longsword and its arm, I grabbed it on the handle and raised it using the momentum of my spinning body.

I landed on the ground, crouching then I dodge left and step back and dodged both the mantis swordsman's cut and the bee lancer's stab. I heard a slight noise of rustling grass behind me so I ran at the mantis swordsman and dodged its diagonal slash by dodging to its side then I placed my right foot at it and jumped over the arm that was about to hit me. I place my hand briefly on the arm to make it easier to land.

The mantis swordsman was hit by its arm and was rolled to the walls of the arena and also two slow-moving beetler was caught by its fast claws resulting in their death.

Four more insect monsters were hit but still survived.

Its arm covered its mouth at the moment as the rest of the unaffected insect monsters charged toward me. In response, I instead charged at the mouth which was no longer covered by its filthy hand.

It raises its fist again and tries to crush me however it only managed to kill three insect monsters behind me.

The monster prepared its twenty-seven lasers again before firing, I looked up to the sky to only see it slightly blurring and noticed that, my steps became a bit more light as I ran. With my ears picking up multiple sounds from its tail, I was the twenty-seven lasers going towards me but this time, it drops down low to the ground so that it could force me to dodge and not just run past it.

The lasers curved upwards and were coming for my face, I jumped then rolled forwards to dodge then a bee lancer that was charging at me had its face vaporized by one of the lasers. The rest was unaffected since the lasers were already curving upwards and now were behind me.

I stopped and turned around before parrying four lasers then dodging the rest before continuing to run.

As I approached the mouth, I ran towards the bicep area of its remaining arm and the lasers were still going for me, then like before, at the last second, I dodged to the left this time, and most of the lasers hit its bicep, burning it slightly. I continue to run towards the mouth, letting the bee lancers and lasers hit its body before its hand manages to cover its mouth, and after a while, finally, I reach it.

Inside, there was the same body that now had a missing limb, looking closely, there were black lines on all of its remaining limbs and face, considering what happened to his body when I tried to slice him through and how the marked limbs were the one that was cut off instead, I immediately slashed his right leg where the black line was.

In response, his face became pained then yellow transparent smoke began to come out of it then there was a sound behind me, and looking back I saw, three insect monsters that were shoved in here but before I could kill them, the faces inside began to open its mouth and screams an ear-piercing roar, the same sound whenever it roars at me.

The force was so strong that the monster stopped covering its mouth to avoid its head from exploding and I and the three insect monsters were pushed out of its mouth.

My vision was blurry as I violently spun around, however, this didn't stop me much as I quickly slashed a bee lancer in half then my left foot made contact, and my right followed then I fell on my back hard which made my mind a bit numb.

Beyond me were dozens of insect monsters and a fist going down on me, without wasting any time, I ran slightly to the left before stopping and going to the right instead. A loud thud resounded as I ran towards the two mantis swordsmen and a beetler right in front of me.

I slashed upwards, parrying the overhead slash of one of the swordsmen then followed up with a stab right in the heart before spinning around, slicing the body of the dead mantis swordsman and clashing with the second one.

My whole pull backed as I would be easily overtaken by its natural strength and quickly dashed on its left side before hitting its side by the pommel, slightly lagging its movement for following up with a pommel hit in its chin this time then finally raising my longsword and slicing its faces in half. Pulling my longsword back, I used the slow-moving beetler to jump over the arm, trying to shove me which left the beetler capsized then raised its fist again and tried to crush me.

I ran, not seeing the fist as not much of a threat then as I ran, my body casually spun and a lance passed me on my right and as I spin, I slash at the back of the bee lancer's neck, and soon its dropped dead. I sheathed my longsword and grabbed the silver sword stuck on the ground and immediately ran towards its bicep where the lasers last hit.

Seeing what I was doing, it tried to stop me with its arm but it was futile, in its panic, it tried to move by using its arm as a crutch however his actual arm was boney and weak and layers of skin can only get you so far.

My silver sword sheathed and my longsword raised, I vertically slashed twice before dodging back as lasers tries to hit me, immediately, I ran at the mouth before it could close it again.

Folon was still there, two limbs missing, the rest was still attached to this monster almost making him unrecognizable. The remaining limbs were still surrounded by a fleshy tether that connected him and the monster; the face was no different as well, only the mouth was visible which is why I could not make out his expressions.

I look back only to see three claws coming at me so I slashed at the left leg with my longsword and it oozed a transparent yellow smoke. My body dropped low as the faces inside screamed and forcefully kicked me out.

The claws stopped before stabbing inside and mouth and now made a sweeping attack as I land.

Immediately, I ran to the capsized beetler and jumped over the arm, and saw its open mouth, wider than before. Multiple arms emerge inside its mouth and sharply pointed cylinders and soon all of them pull back. In response to that, I ran at another beetler, its mouth pathetically tried to bite me but I stabbed in its head.

Sheathing my longsword, I used all of my strength to raise it and took cover, It was very heavy but I have no choice but to put my trust in the beetler's hard shell as the cylindrical objects were thrown in high velocity, and twenty-eight lasers were fired from its tail as well. I held my longsword in a reverse grip and placed the tip onto the ground, I then twisted my body sideways making it harder to hit me, lastly, I used my head to keep the body somewhat stable.

Almost all of the grasschopper and mantis swordsmen were killed whilst most bee lancers stayed unaffected in the sky. The impact of the lasers hits the shell, not piercing it but soon I was alerted of incoming death around my sides near my heart and soon blocked it with my blade. The cylindrical objects were cut in half and my heart beat fast after realizing, I was still alive, soon more cylindrical objects pierced the body but I easily dodged most of them, only leaving small cuts.

After it finished I went out to see the bodies of both grasschoppers and mantis swordsmen full of holes on the ground then I look at the sky to see most bee lancers unaffected then I ran at folon's demise only to stomp on the ground. My vision was getting more blurry and soon started feeling dizzy however I snap myself back.

I was close to winning, and I wanted to survive so I held my longsword a little bit tighter as I made my final push toward it.