I sent Orol back to the Mithridocus family because he stubbornly insisted on coming back here. The Mithridocus family ignored him for more than a decade and the moment they decided to talk to him, Orol was thrilled by it. This was Orol's dream, of being reunited with the main family.
"Oriese, I haven't seen you since you were about seven or eight. You have grown to become such a competent young man", Prince Geoffraie said to me when we returned to his family.
"I don't recall coming here", I replied to him.
"There was an unfortunate incident, an accident and you lost your memory because of that. I didn't remind you about this place because I was afraid of reminding you about your accident", Orol told me.
"Back to the murder of Prince Stamatis in your home, what actually happened here?" I asked Prince Geoffraie directly, not interested with the family chit chat.