The last dungeon room of the Skull Dungeon erupted in an inferno. We do not know if Tormunan could survive the explosion in her belly, but we did not care to stay to find out.
We quickly rushed to the entrance of the chamber, to leave this dungeon.
Suddenly, the Skull Mountains broke and erupted.
"The Mountain is collapsing we must get the hell out", I told them.
We quickly boarded Chash as he flew around to look for a way out.
The tunnels and corridors of the dungeon tumbled as the mountain itself was breaking up. We thought we would be buried alive in the dungeon but luckily for us, the breaking of the mountain revealed fractures that reached the blue sky.
"Look there is light there", Melroy told us about a light above us.
The eruption of the mountain broke the ceiling and revealed an opening that we could escape from. Chash revved his engines as we escaped the exploding mountain.