Soon we realized what was being pulled into my Cruet of Sacrifice. It was the magic water from Zaidan's magic pool under his clam mountain.
"No," Zaidan screamed again as more magic was pulled from his pool.
"You can't let them leave Aquor", the other sea gods shouted to Zaidan.
Zaidan raised his Trident again and this time he summoned something big. Really big.
Suddenly a huge tsunami fell over us as we were gobbled by the enormous maw of a whale like giant.
"Damnit, it's the Leviathan again, we can't stay inside, it would trap us forever", I told my friends.
But before we could free ourselves from the mouth of the Leviathan, its mouth quickly closes itself.
As the mouth closed, we could hear Zaidan's last words to us, "Even if I don't kill you, all of you must stay inside my Leviathan forever".
"Are we trapped in here?" Ronnie asked me to which I just nodded.