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✕ Mall, Answered questions, Unlocked.
✕ Message unread.
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Thomas-(So, this is what the money is used for.)
Thomas-(Wonder what answered questions are though, before that checking messages better.) Message
┇ Welcome ┇
X The first message you got from me was about you being born, so you can try it now.
X Create a life of your own, just like you were made.
X But be warned, the shield you had as a 1 and 2 Dimension is gone, which means there is danger all around you.
X Before this message ends, I give you a tip: being a human reborn as a world and all, Law→Energy→Life.
┇ Welcome ┇
Thomas-(So, let's open the market now, huh.)
Thomas-(Well, that's not good. I need to get powerful then. Let's look at the mall and other.) MALL
┇ Mall ┇
Nitrogen-3 Money
Oxygen-2 Money
Argon-1 Money
Acid Air-200 Money
Exploding Atmosphere-300 Money
Dry-0.5 (One-time Discount)
┇ Mall ┇
Thomas-(There is stuff that can go into the Atmosphere. Seems like I only get the floor and no walls or roof to go along with it, damn.)
Thomas-(What else that got, low-eldritch egg for 500 points, a bean that heals you for 10000 money.)
Thomas-(This mall has everything from a universe-destroying box to a flying cloud, but it is so expensive.)
Thomas-(Next is Answered questions, how does that work.)
┇ It will answer questions for a price ┇
Thomas-(System, so you can speak.)
┇ Yes ┇
Thomas-(Are you sentient.)
┇ Unable to answer question ┇
Thomas-(Ok, I take that as a no.)
Thomas-(Then, the first thing to do is create life, I guess. How does that work system.)
┇ Cost- 5 Money, Accept-Deny ┇
Thomas-(I have 0 money, deny.)
Thomas-(Let's go back to the message, Law→Energy→Life, is what it said, Mhm)
Thomas-(Maybe a house, no, it has to be life. A living house doesn't seem like a bad idea, maybe later.)
Thomas-(What can survive in this barren wasteland? Something small and can eat anything, a pig maybe, but can it survive off sand? No.)
Thomas-(Then, maybe a worm, let's go with that.)
Thomas-(A normal worm would die for sure, so maybe a monster worm with teeth.)
A multicolored law comes from below, shifting from a solid to liquid continues. As the law floats, space can be seen to distort and repair itself repeatedly.
Thomas-(So, that's dangerous it seems, possibly a weapon can be made out of it. Well, that's for later, so let's focus on the problem at hand.)
Thomas-(Law to energy is the first step, maybe tear it apart.)
As Thomas focuses on the mass of law, it slowly tears apart, leaving separate colors floating in the air with their own reactions. Red breaks space aggressively, blue remains still, and green heals the space after red.
Thomas-(Well, which colors go together to make life? Maybe it is like forging.)
He tries to combine red and green together, only for them to fight each other. Thomas tries multiple ways to make them come together, but it does not work.
┇ 1 Hour Later ┇
Thomas-(Ok, so not just two laws can combine, but many have to come together, then I use the rainbow law like a hammer. This does not make sense, maybe because many versus the few?)
After many hammer-like motions to combine law, it breaks.
Thomas-(Huh, it looks weaker and less colorful. Maybe this is energy, then fold it to make life.)
The law is formed into a worm, but nothing happens. After a few attempts at molding it, he stops. As he is thinking of a way to solve it, something drifts out of the rainbow towards the worm-like mold. When it touches the mold, a plop can be heard.
Thomas-(So, I break it apart, combine, hammer, then combine. That seems like so much work to make an empty husk. Energy, energy, what does it mean?)
Thomas-(Oh, maybe from the panel, that energy, but what's the difference between the two.)
He puts the question in the back of his mind, focusing on the panel. When a sand-looking color comes out heading towards the worm husk.
Thomas-(It is alive, alive, I say, and ugly. Damn, my creation won't get any ladies.)
Thomas-(Let's check the status of this creature.)
┇ Status ┇
Home: Thomas
Skills: Dig, weak digest
┇ Status ┇
Thomas-So, nothing much, huh? Well, what do I expect from my first creations? Let's just let it crawl around and eat sand. I'm sure it won't end horribly.