A men named krishan and his wife barsha was leaving a very happy life krishan was a shop keeper aand barsha is a house wife and I (auther) thiere son. Every was very happy yes they are below puberty line but they are still happy because they have a happy family. After 3 years of marriage they still do not have any kid barsha starts living sad all the day because they have no kids. After 3 years they got a boy and that's me sahil now they are very happy to have that child but they do not have enough money to celebrate. One day barsha said to krishan that she want to celebrate his baby's birth. But krishan said we do not have enough money for celebrating. But after so many requests karishan said ok she can do anything that she want to do. As thiere tradition she invites some bhand (dramatic dancers). Now after the celebration dancer demands for money they gaveoney but they denied for that much they want more. So krishan decide to take some money on credit and gave them. He said dancer head to leave them today krishan pay them all money till money by theire place. They all went. Now krishan was little upset because he had requested every his friends and fmly for money but no one helping him. Now he set on his shop bye down his head on the table. Suddly his old friend came and said, hey Krishan what happen nro why are you so sad. Actully always keeps distance from that person because he was a criminal. But on that day krishan was very sad and he had no money to give that dancers so he told every thing to that person. He said I am ready to help you but on one condition that he has to supply something to someone. Krishan was very sad on that time and he said... (Please me on this so that I can write spare of stoy)