#***** The following contains copyright material. An excerpt from "Beyond Upper Earth" written by Raymond Wayne and published by The Global Beacon news company in New York City ****#
"...Upper Earth might boast state of the art amenities but this is just a carefully crafted veil under which the rampant criminality flourishes. Within the lower level underworld, one might find the largest number of species displaced from their own worlds by the humans or searching for opportunities that they were unable to find only to be enslaved by gangs and predator multinational corporations on earth all warring and competing for supremacy. The underworld is now the centre of crime and this is tolerated by the authorities and celebrated by the corporations who revel in the unregulated opportunity it affords them, but not out loud..."
After securing the ship at a high priced hanger, Taisen, Link, Jorun N'ak and Binse the frog-like alien with the bandaged right hand had a speeder transport drop them off at the edge of planet Earth's infamous lower levels. The gleaming skyscrapers, pristine skywalks and artificial ecosystem of upper earth gently gave way to the urban decay of the lower levels referred to in derogatory terms as the 'underworld'. The districts were congested and the air was polluted.
"What's in the underworld?" Taisen asked.
"It is filled with unsafe factories, casinos, experimental labs and crime-riddled slums," Link said.
"How can it stay so hidden from sight if it is such a pervasive blight on the planet?" Taisen asked again.
"It is largely masked by the extravagance of upper earth and its ivory towers," Jorun said. "Taming the underworld would require heavy amounts of political capital, resources, lives, and would cost the corporations a lot of money so a tacit agreement was formed by the government, the private sector and the cartels. An agreement of mutual ignorance and indifference."
"Wait, there are private companies here?" Taisen asked.
"The underworld attracts every kind of illicit profession as well as corporations looking to avoid the stringent regulation of upper earth and operate outside the law," Link said. "Some of the planet's most advanced technologies are developed and tested there."
"Uh," Taisen said as he clutched his head in pain. The effect of Alita's healing was wearing off.
"Are you alright? You don't look so good," Jorun said.
"It's fine, I'm getting used to it," Taisen replied as he stepped his long blade to his back.
"I won't inquire any further then. You can't walk around with that," Jorun said nervously. "You should probably leave it in the ship for safekeeping."
"Why not?" Taisen asked.
"It's too conspicuous, take this," Jorun said as he handed Taisen a small .44 calibre blaster.
"No thanks, I'm better with a blade," Taisen replied
"Fine then. Use this," Jorun replied handing him a shimmering blue-tinged blade.
"It's straight," Taisen remarked.
"Yeah. We're you expecting it to be crooked?" Jorun asked.
"I would've preferred something curved but this will do," Taisen finally said.
They walked into a tavern. It was not well lit, strange smells hung in the air that upset Taisen's stomach and the people there were all different colours, shapes and sizes. A droid ushered them to a partially concealed seating booth at the far end of the building.
"I tell you, this is the least discriminatory place on the universe. No one cares what you look like here because they're too busy trying to steal money from your pocket,"
"That's all very fascinating but why are we here?" Taisen said as he checked to make sure all his valuables were still in place.
"Patience my friend. We are here to meet one of my contacts," Jorun said. "The outcome of your request to the UN star fleet command couldn't have gone any worse. The twelve admirals are too political. they have no inclination to do anything that won't give them media attention."
"I see that now," Taisen said. "I just wished Admiral Usyk was different."
"What if I told you that there was a way to make money and gain direct influence over the government and star fleet?" Jorun asked.
"I don't want to do anything shady," Taisen replied.
"It is not shady. It is almost completely above board," Jorun said.
"I'm listening," Taisen replied.
"Two words; Industry protection," Jorun said.
"I need more," Taisen replied.
"Most of the businesses in the underworld are quasi-legal and require security to maintain their operation," Jorun said.
"what about the authorities?" Taisen asked.
"The UN law enforcement agencies would never send their people that far into the underworld so people that want to make an honest credit by manufacturing goods instead of gambling, extortion or drugs have no way to protect their property here," Jorun said.
"How does that translate to influence over the government?" Taisen asked.
"Easy. The private industry who have a lot of pull with the government need protection in the underworld that the UN itself cannot provide," Jorun. "There's an opening in the market for a group of privately operated law enforcement"
"So what do you need from me?" Taisen asked.
"Link tells me that you fight really good and there's a whole planet of people who fight just like you," Jorun said.
"Mostly true," Taisen replied.
"If you can give me the manpower I need, I'll give you a cut of the profits and help you leverage the private industry for political power," Jorun said.
"I'll consider your proposal," Taisen said.