#***** The following contains copyright material from "A memoir of my travels throughout the galaxy" written by Lord Wayne and published by the Emure publishing company in London ****#
"To understand the Birdman of Avaros, you must first know something about the planet that they call home.
If I were a god charged with making a planet which was perfect in every way, I would create something similar to Avaros.
The planet spins on its axis at the same speed that it revolves around its star. This means that half of the planet is in a state of permanent daylight and the other half I'm permanent night. The side with permanent night is inhabited by blue skinned humanoids called Quinians and the light side is inhabited by Peach coloured bird like creatures called Avari and the two live in perfect harmony on a planet devoid of natural disasters and adverse seasons.
Now that you know this, you may begin to understand why they are the way they are and why they believe in utter nonsense.
When you live a life that luxurious, you begin to have utopian visions and try to impose your gutter ideology on the rest of the universe. The inhabitants of Avaros are nauseating pacifists with a tendency for communal living. I would be perfectly comfortable if they remained that way in their own little corner of the Universe but they were just voted to become the representatives of the smaller nations on the Galactic Federation ruling council with the other superpowers.
They are now free to espouse their nonsense and we're forced to listen to their hipster drivel. I believe the only reason that this poor excuse for a nation exists is because no one had the time to conquer them and by the time they did, all other smaller as well as some larger ones had pledged to protect their sovereignty. The bird men of Avaros are proof that idiocy is virulently contagious.
Strictly speaking of course, Avaros lies at the confluence of the universe which makes them a very valuable trade node and choke point. This is probably the reason that their neutrality is essential. They are a federal republic made up of thirty six cantons which are basically just small communities. The entire planet is one great big flatland which is highly unusual and the most notable thing about them is their commitment to having no military.
One of these days, they will fall. I just don't know who they will fall to…"