Chereads / The Shadow That Follows Me / Chapter 8 - U N C L E

Chapter 8 - U N C L E

It was all because he blamed his mother's tragic death to his father.

None knew him till now mostly because he never chose be one public figure and get disturbed, even in his mother's territory handling the business he never showed him up in any public events.

He always worked in silence and strict confidentiality, except few of his trusted few men at work, none knew his identity till now.

This caused a huge range of curiosity regarding him in both public and press as he was suddenly returning back to take over his father's business empire and also going to be public finally.

His decision of revealing his identity according to the Thompson's legacy was well settled, Master Ethan sure shocked many audiences and news channels causing high rate of publicity for his welcome tomorrow.

His arrival was the main cause of all the ruckus going all around the territories of Thompson's.

An overseas business Tycoon owning incredible skills in economic and statistic field. He was already famous with words around the office and rumours about him were no jokes.

He was a very big personality in private and tomorrow he was finally going to reveal his identity and be a public figure.

The whole commotion of him coming tomorrow is worth to be the talk of the town. People were excited to meet him... and so was Sylendra!

She started arranging the stuffs neat and elegantly as per the demand of her foster brother who had no knowledge about her yet.

She was definitely curious to get to know him, after all she heard a lot about him from her foster father.

Soon drawing a small smile over her features. She then pronounced in a small airy tone.


Getting herself surprised with her pronunciation too, she breathed in a long breath of calmness. She will be having a brother tomorrow...

How would it be meeting him and working with him? She thought for a moment.

"I wonder how would it be having someone call brother to?"

She uttered to herself thinking about the entire scenario beforehand.

She never had any family while growing up, not until her mother died in her early childhood with whom she hadn't had much memories with.

She still faintly remembers that her mother was one lady of struggle and about her other parent... she owned no knowledge about him.

Except for the fact that her mother was her single parent and unmarried, while her father probably left her mother while being pregnant was the only information Sylendra had while growing up.

Rest was still a mystery for Sylendra who never tried to think about her past anymore and moved on from it, all that mattered to her was her present under Thompson's duty.

After the tragic demise of her mother, she was said to be taken by Great Master Thompson's care who not only provided her a name but also a family.

She grew up in his foster care being his foster daughter all these years and obviously not being any stranger to the family, she knew about her other family member too.

Her foster brother whom she never even met was Master Ethan.

It was true that she was no different than everyone else who never knew, who Great Master Thompson's son was but what she did knew was him being a family to her.

Master Ethan was a family to her.

And finally getting to see him soon, she sure was quite nervous about their meet.

How would he react to her existence? Would he be disappointed or happy? Even she doesn't know yet but she did hoped for the best.

"I am looking forward to meet you, brother."

Sylendra spelled lastly eyeing the picture frame of the young Master Ethan with his late mother before finally arranging the frame on the desk in front of the chair.

Quitting all the weirdest thoughts and possible assumptions related the Master Ethan finally.Her sharp eyes soon next roamed around her surroundings to judge her work.

The new cabin suited the art pieces perfectly, it added taste and class but most importantly meaning to it. No wonder why Master Ethan wanted his new office to be dimmed lighten. He had his plans.

It suited so well.

Almost an hour or so while settling things she finally took a long breath in to calm her muscles down. Her back ached after an hour of heavy struggle.

She eyed the new office again, releasing a tired yet satisfying sigh. The cabin looked authoritative to her like she expected it to be.


Sylendra smiled at her work in satisfaction before looking behind to where she kept her stuffs earlier.

"Wait what's the time?"

Questioning herself she immediately looked at her wrist watch to read the time with a frown decorated on her feature.

Her eyes widened at the figure 9 before she immediately proceeded to move towards the couch on the other side of the cabin, where she kept her cellphone and other belongings earlier.

Surprised and more panicked became she, to see the list of missed calls from one, Sylendra's senses alerted immediately the exact time when she saw Great Master Thompson's name on her screen.

She had been trying to contact her for so long. Why?

Still having her eyes down in urgency, she bit her lips out of tension before immediately dialling his number in right hurry. 

Thinking about all the worst possibilities at the moment of urgency, she started to freak her out.

Hoping it to not turn true, she prayed no harm to her foster father who had been trying to reach out to her so many times earlier to unknown reasons but her busy schedule prevented her to attend any calls of him.

Her cellphone was silent.

Acknowledging the fact well that Great Master Thompson's health has not been going smoothly like before, Sylendra panicked more.

The news could be urgent and serious, presuming that her senses seemingly worked in negative way.

She hope he was fine. Getting impatient she tapped her right foot on the floor continuously in nervousness with a clear hint of anxiety.

Why would Great Master Thompson call her so many times if it's not urgent?

Hearing couple of urgent rings, she finally then heard his raspy voice from the other side of the device next.

"So you finally remember that you have someone at home waiting."

The first thing she heard wasn't any greet or hello, neither she expected any at that moment of seriousness.

Sylendra sighed feeling slight relief after judging the tone of the older man on the other side of the cellphone which hinted no danger or any sign of tragedy to her.

In fact sounding little upset that she wasn't home yet, Great Master Thompson seemed to be rather concerned for her return back home.

Sylendra calmed down then and soon letting a nervous chuckle out as a short reply for her foster father, Sylendra shook her head knowing his personality well.

He cared for her like his own blood, she knew she was blessed hence then.

"I'm sorry, uncle."

She apologised while trying not to sound too tired and worry her guardian.

Meanwhile the older man on the other side of the cellphone obviously needed no clue before predicting right away what was wrong with Sylendra.

She was good at pretending yet not having any of her acts, her foster father hummed on the other side of the call with strict demand.

"Didn't I tell you to attend today's family dinner, Lendra?"

Great Master Thompson uttered acknowledging well that Sylendra was still probably working late to actually mind the invite of his.

Right, today was the royal dinner specially arranged by Great Master Thompson as Master Ethan was returning the grand mansion of Thompson's today after so many years.

It was a welcome dinner for his son and Sylendra did get an invite from him.

But practically having no part in the celebration, Sylendra slightly questioned her presence at the event as such.

Finally united after so long years of 10... shouldn't the father and son have some time in lone?

Thoughts like such held Sylendra back a little and the problematic silence of her well indicated the exact dilemma of her, which the Great Master Thompson learnt without having no issue at all.

"You are a family, my child you are like he is. Should you be here to welcome him with me too?"

Great Master's words caused one heavy environment around Sylendra who probably thought the other way round.

Her hesitation was the main cause, should she really join the family dinner?

Won't her presence make Master Ethan uncomfortable by any chance? She was still unknown to him for real. He didn't knew that Great Master Thompson took her as in foster daughter yet.

Thoughts like such clouded her mind as she breathed out steadily.

Yet, she couldn't disobey Great Master Thompson at any cost either, turning down his invite could be too cruel for him.

He had done a lot for Sylendra and always treated her like his own daughter.

She was his family besides she was also curious to meet her foster brother...

"I will be there in minutes, uncle!"