Zennia read it out loud" Long long ago,at the beginning of time,there was nothing. Then out of nowhere, a magical creature appeared and created
this universe.When this universe was created,no world was supposed to know that there was another world out there. However, there was an accidental portal between the diamond world and Liamo. A few eager diamond citizens came to Liamo out of eagerness to learn more about Liamo.Some of the emerald citizens were jealous and out of jealousy they captured the diamond citizens and stripped them of their powers. The sand sisters were one of the victims who lost their powers due to the jealousy of the emerald citizens hence they wanted to destroy Liamo as revenge and go back to the diamond planet. Then our queen appeared out of nowhere and destroyed all emerald citizens before she herself died. I must say that her decision was bad because some emerald citizens may be ruthless but not all of them are and killing innocent people is a sin. I left the diamond sword and the bow and arrows of darkness to find our new queen and the new goddess of darkness before going back to the diamond world and closing the portal. And I almost forgot to tell you, Darkness is there in the diamond world and all diamond citizens know that there is no light without darkness!!If the diamond goddess and the goddess of darkness is reading this, please open the portal and come to me! I am the diamond queen's mother queen Della.Also, for every power there is an equally strong opposing power so opposing to the power of the magic that created the universe is the power that can destroy the universe.The sand sisters are after the power that can destroy this universe so they can destroy it. That's where the Nazhokis come in. Nazhokis contain a part of the power that can create and a part of the power that can destroy.We must find a way to stop the sand sisters from their quest for vengeance!
Yours faithfully,
P.S please come to me".Yuni said " Ok so we are supposed to find a way to reach queen Della.For now let's just rest. This is too much information for my tiny brain". Zennia agreed and they started a fire and cooked some preserved meat, ate it and went to sleep in two bedrooms of the palace. They decided to explore the palace tommorow.