- Even a faint light is a sign of hope for the desperate... until it fades away to oblivion...
Both Fate and Noirel struggled to get out under the spell of Inzary, but their efforts were to no avail. It is as if they are constricted by a metal chain. The forces they have exerted were no use.
As both of them continues to struggle, Inzary eventually pulled out a spoon that appears to have a sharp edge. It was so sharp, they could see it shining. Inzary's eyes made contact with Fate and Noirel the moment he pulled out the spoon. He then smiled ear to ear. Behind his eyes were a malicious intent that made Fate's heart race.
"Let's take a look at you, Noirel!"
Inzary then approached him. "Your eyes, it's pristine and pure. Hmmm, it lacks something, however," he added as he scrutinized Noirel's eyes. Noirel can be heard catching his breath as Inzary held the spoon near Noirel's eyes.
Shortly after, Inzary looked at Fate and went for him. He slowly approached Fate as he maniacally laughed. It was something Fate wished he couldn't hear. Knowing that the odds are stacked against them, it will be something that will haunt Fate in his nightmares.
"Let's look at yours. I want to compare his eyes to yours."
Like what Inzary did to Noirel, he scrutinized Fate's eyes as well. This time, however, it took Inzary a longer time to scrutinize Fate's eyes as though he analyzes the anatomy of Fate's eyes.
While Inzary is distracted, Noirel took the chance to chant another magic spell. He made sure he is not audible to Inzary's distance.
"H-hey, Fate," Noirel said. His voice is completely stuttering, nervous about what he's about to do. "L-look at me..."
Fate immediately noticed Noirel calling him and looked at him, but the instant he turned his eyes to Noirel, he felt that whatever is constricting him became tighter. Fate eventually shouted from pain, catching his breath once again as he cannot breathe well from his situation.
"Don't you dare look away from me when I am inspecting you. Now I will start all over again!" Inzary shouted. "Look away from me once again and I won't hesitate to crush you alive!"
Just as Noirel is about to chant another spell, he saw Fate struggling from the constriction Inzary made. He hesitated to chant it and made another plan.
Fate struggled, but his efforts were futile. Not only he's feeling pain, but he's also having difficulty breathing. Inzary constricted Fate so tight to the point that Fate spat blood.
"Tilepatheia," Noirel chanted under his breath, his voice only audible to him.
"Fate, can you hear me?" Noirel said to himself inside his mind. It is as though he's communicating with Fate through telepathy. "You don't have to talk out loud, Fate. When I can communicate with you, you can do it as well."
"Y-yes, I-I can hear you clearly," he replied through his mind as well. "What did you do?"
"I chanted a telepathy spell. Through this, you and I can communicate safely without Inzary in our way."
"B-but his level is very far from you. How can you be so sure of him not being able to 'hear' us?"
"I don't know. In fact, I am not sure of that claim. But we should hope he shouldn't. I went under Inzary's hell. He is easily distracted. When he's doing something, he won't mind his surroundings."
"I will ask you one more tim-"
"Now's not the time for that, Fate! This telepathy spell only lasts for a short time. We should get straightforward from what I am planning."
"P-please, tell me what it is. I can't breathe easily and I am about to pass out."
"I know how to break this constriction. I know, I am sorry for not doing it early, but it will mess us up if I did so."
"What?! You knew how to break his spell yet you still didn't do it?!"
"Are we going to argue again, Fate? This is literally a life-and-death situation. I am trying to save our lives here. I want to get us out of here and go get help for Caeruleus!"
"Wait... Caeruleus. If I can recall it correctly, someone said he could take Inzary one-on-one."
"Yes, and he's our only hope now. I have trained my senses to the point that I can detect someone's physical strength just by one look."
"So what exactly is your plan on getting us out of here, huh?"
"Let him scrutinize your eye. It will be risky, but I need time to activate this magic item here."
Fate is unsure of Noirel's plan. He is confused between trusting him or doubting his plans. He doesn't know what will Noirel do. Is it to get them together out of their situation or get themselves out of the situation?
"T-then what are you going to do next?" Fate gulped, his thoughts were full of doubts.
"Once I have activated this magic item I have here, I will break the spell using teleportation. I will make sure you will be linked with me."
"And then?"
"I will give you the magic item. To use it, you have to break it into half. Be careful, though. It only lasts a minute..."
Fate replied through his mind, but it seems that the telepathy has finally broken. He doesn't know how to communicate with Noirel furthermore, but he felt that he has heard enough from him.
Their communication has ended, and Inzary is still scrutinizing Fate's eyes. It has been five minutes since Inzary scrutinized Fate, yet he is still not satisfied with what he is doing.
Noirel's plan seems to work as Fate, despite being uncomfortable with his situation, lets Inzary scrutinize his eyes. Without further ado, he took the opportunity to chant the magic spell he was supposed to do earlier.
Under his own breath, he whispered, "epanenergopoiisi."
Immediately after chanting, an item located inside Noirel's pocket glowed. He could only hope that Inzary isn't noticing his plans. This is his only chance to do it.
"Arrrghhh! I can't see any difference at all!"
Inzary suddenly shouted after scrutinizing Fate's eyes. His loud voice is enough to startle both Fate and Noirel. It doesn't matter, though. What only matters at this point is the last step of the plan: to escape in one piece, without any kind of injury whatsoever.
Inzary, annoyed by whatever he was trying to do, walked in a circle. He whispers something, but it is inaudible to Fate and Noirel's ears. Whatever it is, however, it looks like he is infuriated by the results of what he was doing earlier.
Inzary stopped walking. Out of the blue, he hysterically laughed once again. His laugh is the only thing that makes them worry as they have realized one thing...
He's up to no good. Only they could rely on sheer luck for the sake of their safety.
After a moment of maniacal laugh, Fate and Noirel's bodies suddenly turned behind. Before their eyes, they saw Inzary with his insane, manic smile that extends ear to ear. His teeth glistened from the dimming rays of sunlight. Noirel, at that point, realized that they are running out of time. They should reach Caeruleus before the clock tower rings its bell once again at exactly 6:00.
Fate and Noirel's heads suddenly lowered their position. They couldn't do anything about it. They are under the control of Inzary's powerful magic. Noirel is only Fate's hope to survive. He wishes he could do something about their situation. He felt miserable and sorry for himself as he could barely do anything to save themselves from awaiting death.
"I should have realized this earlier!" Inzary then pulled out a knife, its edge so sharp that it twinkles. "How stupid I am. Hah hah hah! Why I didn't realize it before?"
"R-re-realized w-what, f-fucker?!" Fate replied. He could barely speak as his muscle movements are limited.
"Ooohhh, I am surprised you managed to speak despite being under my control! I'll give you credit for that," Inzary then lowered his head as he chuckled. "You see, Fate, I have realized both of you met my standards! Both of your eyes shine through the hopelessness, which I haven't seen in my previous victims. Both of you will get credit for that! Despite the helplessness, both your eyes have shown me the light I was looking for."
"Ju-just tell us wh-what do y-you mean...!"
"My point being is that... heh heh. Hah hah! HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH! I will keep your eyes, both of your eyes. That includes your friend here too! Although Noirel needs better detailing, it's better to have his eyes. I don't wanna lose a treasure!"
Fate struggled as hard as he can. His muscles could barely move. At that point, death is already sure, yet Fate still tries to escape from his demise.
"Never mess up, Fate! This is our only chance!"
Fate suddenly heard a voice inside his head. This time, it is in Noirel's voice. He is unsure whether it was just his thought or Noirel communicated with him once again through telepathy, but he stopped struggling after hearing the voice.
Under his breath, Fate replied, "I won't mess up this time, I will not!"
"I will have your eyes first!"
Fate snapped back from reality and realized that Inzary is slowly approaching Noirel - his only childhood friend. Inzary raised the knife from the air.
"No...not yet, Fate... not yet," Fate told himself under his breath.
The distance between Noirel and Inzary is getting closer, but he needs to wait still. It was a risky move, but something tells him not to do it yet.
Before Inzary makes his last step toward Noirel, at full force, with all of his might, Fate shouted, "Noirel!! D-do it now!!"
Shortly after hearing Fate shout, Noirel chanted out loud, "Drapetevo!"
Noirel has successfully chanted the magic spell he was talking about Fate earlier. Immediately after the chant, a holographic chain that constricted Fate and him revealed itself. The chain that was once strangled them finally broke and shattered into pieces. Fate felt a surge of relief after that
Fate and Noirel fell to the ground on their back, but Noirel immediately got up and sat.
Noirel then extended his arm towards Fate, with his palm facing Fate. "Fate, after this, go get your weapon and run away as fast as you can do!"
But Fate, on the other hand, contradicted, "W-wait, Noirel," Fate worriedly looked at Noirel, "this is not a part of the plan!"
"Just do what I say! Everyone will be doomed if you messed up!"
Before Fate had the chance to speak, a portal underneath him suddenly appeared, and fell inside it. Another portal appeared and Fate went outside the said portal. He fell on his back once again and immediately took the pair of sickles the moment he saw it.
"Fate, catch this!"
Noirel took out the magic item inside his pocket he activated earlier and threw it with full force. It was enough for the item to reach Fate, and he caught it successfully.
Noirel shouted, "Run, Fate, Run! Go away from here as fast as possible! That item I gave you will completely seal your presence for a long duration once you snapped it. The effects will wear off once you spoke loudly, so put it to good use."
"B-but Noirel," Fate worried, hesitating to go away, "this isn't a part of our plan! I thought... I thought you'll go away with me!"
"I'm sorry... but that's the last thing I could do," Noirel calmly said as he looked deep into Fate's eyes while Inzary grabbed him. Noirel's hope of surviving vanished the moment Inzary caught him.
"Come on now, Fate!" Inzary shouted. "Your friend wants you to survive! Why don't you do as he says so that you get to live the future you want?"
"S-shut up, Inzary!" Fate infuriatingly replied. "G-give my friend back!!" Tears slowly fell from his eyes as he started to sob.
"Fate... just, go away, will you?" Noirel insisted. "Inzary is right, Fate. Go away while you still can. Go get Caeruleus and help everyone..."
"See? Even Noirel agrees with me. Go away while you still can, Fate! Tell Caeruleus I will be here waiting for him. Worry not! I will not go away!"
Fate tried to take a step forward, but he knows he doesn't have the skills to take Inzary one-on-one. He does not like to leave his friend, but he had no choice but to step back and run away. Something he didn't do before.
"Hey, Fate!"
Noirel shouted at him as he ran away. Fate immediately looked at him and saw Noirel reaching his arms for him. The tears from his eyes became much more intense after seeing that.
"Wipe those tears, okay?" Noirel told Fate as Inzary stabbed him right in the middle of his chest. "I will see you on the other side..."
Fate did not answer and proceeded to run away. Even though he wanted to save Noirel, he knew that Noirel was already beyond saving the moment he saw Inzary stab Noirel. Not to mention that he cannot take Inzary one-on-one.
Fate ran away and made his way to the middle of the forest. Fate wishes to go back, but the only thing he could do is cry out loud and grieve for his only childhood friend. The thought that he barely did anything but escape without Noirel made him guilty for himself. He blamed himself for what happened to Noirel, but he knew he cannot take back what has already happened.
Fate eventually realized the item Noirel gave him. It was a very thin piece of wood with a carving of unknown letters that glows bluish-white.
"I-I'll do this for you, Noirel. I will make sure your death will be avenged...!"
Fate looked at the magical item and thought of Noirel. He wants Noirel to be avenged and the only thing circling inside his head.
After resting for a while, Fate finally managed to get himself and wiped his tears.
Before he broke the magical item, he said out loud, "This will be the end of your manic reign, Inzary. This will be the end of your everything!"
Just as Noirel told him, Fate was completely concealed after he snapped the item in half. Fate saw his internal body. He saw the bones, his nerves, and the blood vessels that carried his vengeful blood for the death of his only childhood friend.
"Let's do this, Fate," he told himself.
He still has time to reach Caeruleus as he could still see the ray of the sun. Every second matters at that point as the sun is nigh to set down.
Fate ran as fast as he could. Every sweat dripped, and every breath became heavy, but it doesn't matter. Fate has to reach Caeruleus as soon as possible.
Fate finally saw the entrance gate of Eurik Town and the clock tower's arm is almost pointing out at 6:00. Time is his enemy.
At a distance, Fate saw Caeruleus standing on the stage. Everyone was shouting at him, calling him names someone wouldn't like to hear. Caeruleus' name became dirty, and now is the time to save his name.
"Sir Caeruleus!!"
Fate shouted at the top of his lungs. Fate caught the attention of everyone, including Caeruleus as well. The effects of the cloak seem to have worn off the moment he shouted.
"Inzary! Yes, Inzary! He told me he wants to see you, sir!" Fate shouted as he panted heavily.
"Are you really sure it is hi-"
"We should not be wasting our time, sir! He... he is waiting for you at the ruined house... just- just located near Monteraz Town!" Fate interrupted before Caeruleus gets to finish what he was saying.
"I see that... thank you for telling me."
Caeruleus raised his arm. There, a broad, longsword appeared - the same weapon he used against Fate. He became heavily armored once his weapon appeared; his armor was generated from the thin air.
"Kynigiso To Asyllipto."
Like a bubble, Caeruleus vanished instantly shortly after chanting the spell. He appeared at the ruined house - the same location where Inzary is.
"Why, why, why? Look who finally showed up!" Inzary shouted as he dropped the lifeless Noirel, with his eyes taken out from its eye socket by force.
"I did not expect us to meet again, Inzary," Caeruleus told as he glared at Inzary, his eyes deadly serious.
"Me neither, Caeruleus. Me neither!"
"Huh, you have completely changed. Not surprising for you."
"Everyone DOES change, Caeruleus!"
"So, Fate told me you were waiting for me? You really expected me here, do you?"
"BINGO! Yes, yes, yes, Caeruleus! I have surprises for you. There are LOTS of them you haven't seen yet!"
"Really? Okay then, Inzary..." Caeruleus breathed deeply.
"Bring it on, Inzary. Bring it on..."