Chapter 6 - The Dream

As they neared the shopping district, Anna felt the carriage came to a slow stop. She peeked outside then saw rows and rows of open shops of dresses, booths, bags, hats, trunks, glasses, books, etc.


The cobbled street was narrow, the tall establishment almost blocking the sun. Lively shoppers were walking from one place to another. Realization hit her, as the footman opened their door and she was assisted to get out.

She slowly took in her surroundings. so different from the world she came from. They were standing directly in front of a seamstress shop. Elaborated dressed wooden mannequins were displayed in the glass windows.

Inside, she can see chesterfield styled sofa in varying hues of pink, blue, yellow and purple pastels. Excitement rose inside her, she was just about to go to the door when her cousin held her back.

"Where are you going?"

She was puzzled. "To go inside."

"We'll need to use the side doors" her cousin commented, pointing on the small side doors installed on the side of the building."

Anna look back at the grand entrance and saw two girls just got in.

Why are we using the side doors? She wanted to ask but she just followed her cousin instead. She was about to enter when she saw three well dressed ladies who were entering the main door.

"Oh my god, Secillia is that you?" The first girl exclaimed. A pretty blond wearing pink frills for a gown.

"It is you, Oh my, you're..." the second brunet trailed of, then all of then look at each other, before opening her fan and then asked.

"What happened to you?" the third spectacles girl asked.

Anna has no idea who this girls are, but they all seemed to know her so she tried to keep calm and responded.

"Oh yeah, i got married."

The brunet's face lighten up. "Oh that is wonderful, but to whom?"

"A man from Summersglade, you wouldn't know him." She evaded.

"Oh well, do tell, come along, we haven't seen each other in forever."

She was dragged by the three girls entering on the main door. She look back to cousin who just smiled and gesture to the 'other' door. Effectively telling her, that she and her aunt, will use the side doors.

As soon as they were inside, there were women workers waiting to take their shawls, bonnets/hats, gloves etc.

When it was her turn the helper look at her from head to toe, before she grudgingly taken her shawl. It was then she realize the significance of entering the main door.

"Oh good morning Lady Carol!!" A woman in her 30's welcomed their group.

"Madame Alice..." The blond answered.

"Oh it has been so long, ....and Lady Catherine, Oh i saw you played the pianoforte at the Halstead last winter, such marvelous display."

The brunette blushed as the older woman grab both of her hands. "Oh you were just marvelous, .. Lady Margarette, i see we will need to adjust some of your wardrobes after all." The Lady Margarette she was referring to was a chubby girl with the freckles and the glasses. The girl look away shyly seems embarrassed that this Madame Alice commented on her weight. She must have ordered previously and now needing some alteration.

When the Madame eyes landed on her, she visibly saw a frown.

"...and this must be, Lady... pardon me i haven't had the pleasure of meeting you before."

"I am Mrs. St Rose. A good day to you madame" she greeted.

Hearing that she was not a lady, the Madame's face lost all traces of smile, her face immediately fell. She quickly look away, then acted as if she did not existed.

Her blond friend quickly look at her and silently mouthed 'Sorry.'

The Madame lead them to the second floor, below them she noted her cousin and aunt shopping by themselves without any sort of assistance and they seem to be separated from the better dressed ladies like her friends.

I see, the old 'class discrimination' along the gentry. now she understands why her cousin and aunt needed to use the side doors.

The staircase was grand, and they were lead to a more larger room were they were ushered then left to select whichever gown they wanted. As soon as they were alone, Lady Margarette quickly asked her.

"I can't believe you married an untitled man, whatever happened to the Prince?


"Margarette!, Secillia can marry whoever she wants." Lady Catherine interrupted.

"But you must agree, this does not make sense-"

"So tell us about this man, is he handsome?" Lady Catherine asked while being shown some dresses.

She started getting uneasy. She really wanted to know more about this prince, she remembered hearing it from her cousin, but she does not know how to ask the questions without sounding suspicious.

"Oh he was, i fell from him at first sight so i actually eloped and got married" She manage.

"Oh my god how scandalous, you are so brave Secillia." This was Lady Carol joining the conversation from the raised platform as two attendants help her remove her gown to try on the dress.

"Well i was in love." She countered.

"Wait, so... when can we meet him?" This was Lady Catherine. 

"Oh, uhmm... unfortunately he passed away, he was part of his majesty's brigade during the last month's encounter in the border." She supplied.

"W-what was his w-name?" Ask the now eating Lady Margarette. among the three she was the shortest and the most rounded among all, it wasn't a surprise to her when the lady was asking her while stuffing herself in another sandwich.

"Carl Anthony St Rose."

Lady Carol tilt her head. "I never heard of him, Is he some gentry from the north?"

"Oh no, he wasn't a gentlemen." a wave of silence erupted in the room. She can tell this friends were shocked to hear this. 

 "Oh that was a surprise, When did you meet the man?"

"Oh, on one of the balls on the last week of April."

"But isn't that when you have finally able to talk to his majesty?"

"No, that was with the Dark duke."

"Dark Duke?"

"Oh you remember, he wasn't really a duke per se, the secret love child of the King with his mistress"

"Oh yeah the dark duke, the estrange black sheep of the Clandestine family."

"Remember when Secillia fancied him so, following him around and stalking him, you promised you will not marry anyone else if it is not him."

Could he be the father of my child?

"Oh Carol, lets not talk about him ok, I'm sure Secillia does not want to be reminded about that swine. Why, he positively cut her at every turn, not even bothering to acknowledge even the ladies of the ton."

"I could have sworn, when he cut you last time, you would have cried yourself to sleep."

The rest of the group laugh, while Secillia remained tensed, the rest of the day pass by slowly, she found herself looking at the clock more often. she have made a lot of blunders with her limited amount of knowledge on proper etiquette. A part of her although stressed, was grateful her friends would bail her out each time.

Meanwhile a thousand miles away from the shopping district, a knock echoed on the large darkened room.

"Come in." A man sitting on the desk while swirling a glass of brandy commanded.

The door opened, revealing a man dressed in a palace knight guard uniform. White in blue striking color matched with decorated gold treads, adorned his right chest. A symbol of his high rank status within the military. Carefully, The man bowed before anouncing.

"I have news, someone reportedly saw Miss Secillia Dela Riva in the fashion district today."

The man on the chair, stopped toying with his drink, then a slight curve of a sinister smile played on his lips.

"Ah, i knew she wouldn't last long in hiding, now where is she?"

"It appears, she has been staying in a small townhouse by the eastern district. Reports indicate her father, aunt and cousin have arrive yesterday and is also staying in the same house-"

"Ready my carriage, we are going out tonight." The man said standing up and straightening his skewed cravat.

"There is something else too..."

The guard shifted uncomfortably as the Man stop in his tracks then look at him.


"It appears that, the woman seems to be pregnant."

The man was taken aback, his features darkened more than before, the guard felt the chill as his master move through the door, leaving him behind after giving him instruction. "Then forget about the carriage, ready my horse, i am going alone."

The guard bowed for the second time. "As you wish. Your highness."

That night, Anna dreamt of that man again. She was on top of him, Stradling his hips as the guy gritted his teeth every time she landed. She was smiling enjoying the way he was struggling to get free but couldn't.

She felt the tugging of her lips, as she felt too full down there. The binds that held both his arms to the sturdy steel frame of the bed. Have left him incapacitated. She knew that would not be enough though. That is why she have made him drink aphrodisiac that night.

Anna's eye snap open.

What the fuck did she just dreamed?