Chereads / The state of the Dead / Chapter 1 - The plane and the light.

The state of the Dead

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Chapter 1 - The plane and the light.

Flight attendant: "Welcome abroad. how can I help you?" she said, her mouth curved into a smile.

A man: "Maybe some orange juice will be fine with me." he gave a half-smile.

Flight attendant: "Sure thing, Mister." she handed him a pack of orange juice, "I hope you like it." her mouth carved, then she walked to the next passenger.

Another man: "Kai, I want you to focus today, okay ?"

Kai: "I will try my best, Alden, and I hope they like my work since I spent an entire year working on this ."

Alden: "Yes, I know how hard you worked on this. I'm sure they will like it. You're the best engineer in our branch, after all."

Captain: "Good afternoon, our passengers, your captain here. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The time is 1:25 pm. The weather looks good, and with the tailwind on our side, we expect to land in London approximately fifteen minutes early. I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the flight."

Alden: "Hey, look at the TV. What is that ?"

Suddenly the TV Channel showed a weird announcement on the screen, "Emergency announcement." You can read that if you look at the screen.

TV presenter: "Sorry To cut the current show, we have an emergency announcement. "

The TV showed a video playing while the presenter was speaking.

TV presenter: "A weird attack happened in the city of Hasplend. The video we will play shortly shows the aggressive attitude of the people."

In the video, some people sprinted toward others, demonstrating a very aggressive attitude of attacking and biting. A few moments after, the camera switched to another location.

The streets are full of blood everywhere, going to different locations. The police were making a blockade while shooting at people.

TV presenter: "We have here DR. Parisa, the leader of the CDC team in Hasplend. Good afternoon doctor. Let me begin by asking you what is happening?"

Parisa: "We have little information, regardless of what is happening. Aggressive actions that the people show are what we have seen till now.

We assume it's a type of virus that functions to make the human brain lose its consciousness, but the patient doesn't stop like what should happen when a person faints, but it makes them in a state of sleepwalking.

All I can advise the viewers with, if you're in Hasplend, the best thing you can do is to reserve as many foods as you can, also medicines. The quarantine is already in the setup process."

TV presenter: "Thank you, DR. Parisa. now we have general Mark Verdugo will talk with us about the quarantine."

Mark: "Hello, Everyone. I hope you all stay safe. The Quarantine will start after two hours. The air forces will destroy the main bridge of the city. And as you all know the city doesn't have any other exits, then our 2nd division of infantry special forces will encircle the city from the other side of the destroyed bridge, and I should give everyone here a warning, don't cross to the other side, our soldiers will kill anyone on the spot after the quarantine starts.".

Tv presenter: "Thank you, everyone, for listening to our announcement. It will end here. I hope you all stay safe."

Then the TV shows live videos of the same things as before people attacking others.

Alden: "Did you hear what I just heard? What the hell is happening to this world?".

Kai: "I don't know, man," he said with an unfocused gaze.

Then a sound of an explosion came from the right side of the airplane. Everyone looked from the small windows in the sound's direction.

A woman: "What was that?", then she screamed, as soon as the plane fell at rapid speed.

The pressure on the plane fell, and then Kai's vision darkened.

If you look at the ground right now, you will see a man in the middle of the crash site.

He got brown hair. His eyes are closed, and their color is blue, white-skinned.

From looking at his face, you can see he is still young, like a middle twenty years - looking man. His height is around 186 cm. he has a muscular figure. Of course, that man is no one else other than Kai.

Kai opened up his eyes slowly because of the light. He felt some heat coming from his side. When he looked around, he saw fire, then he remembered what happened, and that explosion of the plane's engine. "Where am I?" Kai said.

Kai looked around him while he tried to stand up again, but he felt so much pain in his legs, close to the knees. He looked there to find a piece of metal already penetrated his body; it was bleeding badly; he looked for Alden, the one sitting beside him on the plane, but he couldn't find him at all.

"Where are you, Alden?" Kai called.

They both have known each other since college. Later, they worked in the same company.

But in fact, Kai was more hardworking than Alden. That's why he usually will get more respect from the high-ups.

Kai thought about how can he escape from the crash site. He tried to stand up. But he couldn't; he had one thought in his head at the moment: it's pulling that metal piece and then get out of this site.

Kai tried to pull it as hard as he could, "ARGHHHHH" he kept pulling it and tried to endure the pain until finally, he pulled it out.

He took his shirt off and covered the wound to stop the bleeding, even though it may get him some infections.

But he can deal with infections soon. It's different from the case of bleeding, as it may lead to death at a faster rate.

He tried to stand up again. But he found he still can't. So he pulled himself and crawled onto the ground.

After some minutes, he eventually got out of the crashing site. While he was crawling a while ago, he tried to search for his friend Alden or any of the survivors, but all he found were dead bodies.

He took some rest because he was wondering where this place was.

He looked around him, but he noticed that there was nobody anywhere. The place around looked like a highway.

Kai was so confused. 'if a plane crashed. Naturally, the help will arrive fast. The police, ambulances, firefighters, but no one arrived,' he thought. 'I will try to go to the other side of the highway, so the fire won't catch me.' crawling on the ground again, he went to the other side.

When he arrived there, he found himself near a cliff.

He could see almost the entire city in front of him from up there.

The strange thing was that the entire city's structures were on fire and emitting smoke, like a war occurred there.

"Where am I?" he was losing his mind. So many things happened that made him confused already.

"I think it isn't safe there. Maybe I should stay here for the time being.", Kai said.

Another thing got into his mind, 'What will I do about food and water?' he didn't notice yet that he still needed antibiotics for the wound in his legs, but that is a problem for later.

He thought of a way to get some food and water. The first thing that came into his mind, was the storage room on the plane.

No one knows if the things have caught fire already, or maybe even have fallen somewhere else while the plane was falling, maybe got crushed under the rubble.

So he decided. He will go back to the crash site and check it for supplies.

Kai took a deep breath, "I just hope it doesn't explode while I'm there.", and the crawling mission started again.

Kai reached the crashing site again and crawled to the floor. He searched for food or water or anything he could find.

Unfortunately, all he found were the dead bodies of the passengers. Moving more, he found the dead bodies of the pilots.

Their bodies weren't bloody. It's like they died from the shock when the plane hit the ground.

Moving further, he found some salt biscuit packs on the floor.

The packs were everywhere; he knew the container should be close by, but there's the probability that it fell somewhere when the plane crashed.

He didn't let the negative thoughts take over his mind, so he looked around the place to see if he could find the rest of the food. And hopefully, if he is lucky, he can find some water.

Suddenly, a weird light falls on his head from the sky.

Around him, there were several light pillars far away in different locations.

He felt something falling on his head, he picked it up. It was a metallic robot, like a scorpion. It escaped his grasp. It went to the back of his neck, stinging him.

His vision darkened again.