Chapter 3 - Grotesque

Chapter three:

"Have you heard..."

" was by the church..."

"...she was torn to pieces."

The hushed whisphers of the students on the campus sounded with worry and horror. April heard about it too-actually, it happened near the church she served as an apostle every sunday.

It was bloody, gruesome, and soulless.

April sat down on her seat just as Ellaine entered the room with an incredible look of gossip on her face. She ran towards April with the mission of asking questions.

"April, I heard about it! Was it really gruesome?!"

There was worry and curiousity in her tone, and she looked rather alarmed. April nodded, and the girl gasped.

"Did you see it? Was it gross?!"

"Yes, her stomach was opened and her palms were nailed to the altar."

The other girl began to gag. April found out Ellaine hated blood. Not because she fears it but it disgusts her.

"Urk! Whoever did that is a sicko! Did the parish cooperate with the police? I heard there's been a debate?"

"Yes, the priests didn't want the crime scene to stay until next week since there would be church day next sunday."

"Well, makes sense. But investigations are still going so it shouldn't be touched!"

April expressed her agreement on the subject. It really can't be touched.

"What's up?"

"Oh hey Diana. We were talking about THAT."

The other girl frowned. She didn't get it. So Ellaine who loves to gossip, relayed the story with April helping her. It seems Diana did not hear.

"Urk, what the....How about the suspect?"

"No idea. The investigations is still on going."

Diana but her lips, very terrified. She's ought to not go out these days, judging from the look of terror in her face.

"Ah, I just hope they catch that fucker and I'll stomp on him!"

"Ellaine will die if you do that, hahahaha."

Ellaine harrumped and blurted out threats against the murderer. April suddenly had a moment of darkness in her eyes.

A dead girl, huh?

Poor thing, Poor thing.

"She must have died painfully...Rest in peace."


Was she afraid too? She looks really afraid.