"Do you remember when we first met?" Marley questioned the golden eyed man whose chest she was laying on. "And you bought that book I love?"
"Tales of a dying flower?" Apollo responded. "You told me it was your favorite book."
Marley smiled and nodded her head, it was sweet how he remembered such a frivolous details.
"It is," the girl responded. "Did you even read it?"
Apollo looked down at the girl and chuckled lightly. Did he read it? DID HE READ IT?! He read that book every single day and always kept near his pillow when he slept. He'd read it so much that he could literally recite the entire book, word for word at will.
"I did." He responded. "It's a beautiful story of two lovers born in two different kingdoms that were at war, so they couldn't freely be together."
"They would meet secretly in a meadow filled with tulips everyday.." Marley added on.