Chapter 19 - Making Money

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to fight all 14 bandits at the same time, Caxon and Silver retreated into the woods.

The bandits did not hesitate to follow Caxon into the darkness, a few of them held torches as they ran through the trees following quickly behind Caxon.

Caxon and silver split up as they ran, silver's goal was to loop to the back of the bandits and take out any stragglers that strayed too far from the group. Meanwhile Caxon would run away from the bandits and engaged the front bandits while making sure to not get surrounded.

As Caxon ran he looked behind him and saw the bandits were in an almost single file line so he quickly changed directions and charged at the group. Seeing this the bandits were shocked but they still reacted in time to engage Caxon.

Caxon attacked the leading bandit who was able to block his sword. The bandits still following in the back started to go around the fight to surround Caxon. Caxon kicked the first bandit as he saw a bandit coming around both sides of him.

He decided to try and take out one of the bandits before he ran so he attacked the bandit that had ran to his right side. The bandit was once again quick enough to see this attack and tried to block it, however his leg was suddenly lifted by a small pillar of rock from underneath his foot.

After losing his balance the bandit did not stand a chance against Caxon's attack as he was quickly killed. Caxon did not try to push his luck as he once again ran away to ensure he didn't put himself in an unfavorable position.

Caxon continued to run away while he slowly chipped away at the bandits' numbers. When there were only 6 bandits left, they looked around and realized that they had been significantly weakened at were in danger of being wiped out.

Just as the bandits wanted to run back to their camp to get protection form their captain, they realized that they had no idea where their camp was or how far away, they had been taken.

The bandits huddled together as they made their way back to where they think they came from. Luckily their camp was very bright in the middle of the night and they could soon see the fires illuminating the woods.

The bandits ran in fear while constantly looking around, hoping nothing would come out of the darkness since they now feared the man they had been hunting. Luckily, they made it back to the camp with no attacks and they felt relieved.

"Captain that boy was a monster he took out most of our men hurry come here he is probably right behind us!!!"


The bandits yelled and begged as soon as they came to the edge of the camp. Instead of their captain an old man soon appeared around the corner of a tent.

The men recognized this old man as their faces turned pale in fear.

"Well done your timing couldn't have been better right as I ran out of mana and these guys ran back to the camp you told me you were done."

While Caxon could have sent mental messages to Amon he decided to talk out loud since to cause these bandits fear since they annoyed him.

"Of course, young master, unfortunately their captain was stronger than I thought he would be."

'Take out the stragglers before you go into the forest and retrieve the money from the bandits I took out in the forest. I need to sleep my mana is gone and constantly running away is very exhausting.'

Amon nodded his head as he appeared in front of the 6 bandits that were left and quickly dispatched of them.

Caxon shock his head as he was disappointed that he was so powerless compared to Amon. However, he did not think about this for too long as he soon went into the captain's tent where he found a nice bed and quickly fell asleep.

When he woke up Caxon immediately started looting the camp and any dead bodies that where left.

The biggest take away was a treasure chest in the captain's tent where there were a few hundred coins with alot of them being gold coins, along with some jewels and jewelry, clearly stolen from travelers on the road. Caxon had Amon help search and told him to put anything he found interesting in the chest. After Caxon had searched everything, he finally counted his profits.

The total coins he had found ended up being just under 175 gold coins. He also had a lot of jewelry and jewels along with a cart filled with the bandits' weapons.

'Well, I think we can call that a success. Let's go back to Small Star and find something else to do. I think it would be a good time to take the adventures guild test. Then we can start taking missions, then we will do that until I am able to afford the storage ring.'

Caxon pulled the cart through the forest on his way back to Small Star, it was difficult to get the cart to the road but once he made it the rest of trip to the village was easy. As he approached the gate the guards were suspicious of his cart of weapons and the chest on it.

"Where did you find so many weapons?"

"Sir I found a camp full of men that seemed like they were attacked by a powerful beast I don't know what happened but there were a lot of dead bodies and I simply took what was there."

The guards narrowed their eyes as they looked at Caxon but they did not find anything overly suspicious about the claim. However, they did tell their superiors about the possibility of a strong mana beast close to the village.

Caxon was let into the village and he soon brought the weapons to the village black smith to sell the weapons. After some negotiating Caxon was given 100 gold for the large number of weapons and armor he gave the blacksmith. He left the black smith with only the treasure chest his backpack and a brown sack, he then decided to go to the shop with the ring next.

As he walked in the shop keeper noticed him but maintained his lazy posture and read a book on the counter without even acknowledging Caxon. Caxon walked up and placed the treasure chest on the ground and started putting all of the jewelry and jewels on the counter.

The cat man shop keeper raised his eye brows as Caxon finished putting the items on the counter.

"50 gold for all of it."

Since Caxon hadn't seen any jewelry for sale in this world he had no idea what a good price for his collection was. He decided to just take the deal as he stored the gold into the chest looked at the storage ring before he went to leave the shop once again.

"What's a normal kid like you going to do with so much gold?"

Before Caxon had made it out of the shop he heard the owner call for him.

"My current plan is to buy that ring."

"Well why don't you give me that chest and I will take the ring off for sale so no one else takes it and you don't have to carry around a giant target for yourself."

Caxon narrowed his eyes as he looked at the merchant.

"So, you expect me to give you all my money with nothing in return for your promise not to sell the ring to someone else?"

The merchant once again dropped his lazy attitude, as he frowned at Caxon.

"Listen kid I don't need your stupid gold my reputation is more important than your gold. Don't think that since you can get this much money doing whatever it is you did you can suddenly take on the world. This has been my shop for 15 years now I won't run off and I won't do anything to ruin the name I have built here. If you want to carry around a chest full of money so you can die to some greedy bastard the second you leave town be my guest."

Caxon thought about it before he put the chest on the counter and once again went to leave. Right as he opened the door he paused before he stopped and looked back at the shop keeper.

"Thank you for helping me, I will be back with more gold soon then I will leave the village again to find the rest."

He quickly moved on to the adventure's guild to find a way to make more money.