Trini looks around and her eyes widened "Guys.... where's Hyeonin??"
Everyone else does the same "Uh... I could've sworn he was with you.." Xiulan said.
Hyeonin couldn't make it there because right when everyone else was ramming into the zombies and killing them all, a random guy grabs onto Hyeonin's jacket and pulls him onto the grounds with the zombies "What the-!!" Hyeonin shouted, but no one heard him.
Hyeonin knocks the torches down on each wall by throwing the bottle at it, the room was completely dark, except for the hallway "okay.."
Hyeonin then puts the staff back into the zombie's face as the zombies grabs onto the staff and screeches, the other zombies screeches out as they run into the other zombie and bites the staff "What the fuck?" Hyeonin asked himself.
"So... the zombies have super hearing, cannot see when light shines in its face, but they can see clearly in the dark? So that means... they're eyes are super sensitive to light!" Hyeonin's eyes widened "That's why they can't survive in the sunlight!" he shouted in his head.
His smile soon turns into a worried face as he realizes he's knocked down all the torches to the ground "Oh no" he said to himself.
"I've knocked down the only thing that was keeping me alive!!" He was shocked "Shit!" he shouted in his head as he lays down, taking cover.
Hyeonin begins to ask himself "So.. does that mean... I'm trapped here?"
The Izuzunians all sat down on the floor talking to their friends and families "You think we'll get out?" "Is it really safe in here?" "What do we do now?"
"No.." Trini said as she puts her hands on her head "This can't be happening.."
"It's okay, Trini" Xiulan tried to calm her down.
"What do you mean it's okay.... Everyone is dying inside this cave, including Hyeonin..." Trini said back as she sits on the ground.
"No... Hyeonin's not dead" Xiulan continued "He's not the type of person to die that way, he's smart, strong, and brave... he survived" Xiulan assured.
"I hope you're right, Xiulan" Trini replied back "But... what will we do now?"
"I don't know... we have to find a way to escape" Xiulan answered.
"We tried everything. We tried bombarding the zombies, but some of us still died, so we can't do that again..." Vonda walked toward them.
"I have an idea, but it's going to be a bit risky" Xiulan said out loud.
"Well, spit it out" Trini said.
"We could maybe... sneak out.. that's the only thing I could come up with.. but if we do, then we can go through the hole Misha found... once we get outside we'll ride our horses back to Izuzunu, if they're still alive" Xiulan planned.
"We could try, but what if the horses weren't there??" Trini questioned.
"They're most likely alive. The zombies don't eat any other species other than Druzels.. and... humans I guess" Vonda said.
"Yeah... so.. let's go right now" Xiulan stood up and walk toward the doors.
The other Izuzunians stood up with them and walked toward the door too.
"No, not you guys, only us" Xiulan says.
"Why not us?? You're just going to leave us here to starve to death and die!!?" The woman shouted.
"No, that's the opposite. We, the strongest ones are going to go outside and go back to... Izuzunu and get more backups to help us save you guys because there's too many zombies in this cave already... and.. plus.. we can't lose anymore early Izuzunians... look.. there's only nine of you guys left" Xiulan replied and explained while holding onto the doorknob.
"I understand, but.. how long does it take to get to Izuzunu?" She asked.
"It took us about two days to get here... so... just wait four days and we'll be back in no time" Xiulan answered.
Xiulan slowly opens the door and looks out to see plenty of zombies in the hallways and the bedroom "Wha-... what? They're all..." she whispered as one zombie walks in front of her.
The zombie's eyes are wide opened, but he doesn't do anything. Xiulan and the rest of the Izuzunians were confused.
Xiulan slowly closes the door "So does anyone know why that zombie didn't do anything when it saw all of us??"
"Uhm... We don't know-" Suddenly while the man was trying to speak, they hear a loud bang back at the bedroom of the cave "What the-!?" Trini shouted "What was that!!?"
"Hyeonin!?" Xiulan shouted in her head as she hears footsteps running around and the zombies screeching, growling, and screaming out, running to the bedroom.
"What's going on!? Is it Hyeonin!?" Trini shouted as they suddenly hear Hyeonin scream loudly.
"Hyeonin! He's still alive!! He needs our help!!" Trini screamed at Xiulan as she runs toward the door and for the doorknob.
Xiulan quickly grabs her and stops her "Stop! No!! It's too dangerous!!"
Meanwhile Hyeonin is jumping bunk beds to bunk beds "Shit!! Fuck!!!" Hyeonin shouted as he jumps to the other ones.
He grabs a staff on the wall and smacks a zombie's head as the zombie reaches for Hyeonin.
"If you want to eat me, then get me!!!" Hyeonin screamed out.
"I'm gonna die anyways... so... I guess I'll go out like this.." Hyeonin says in his head as he thinks of Trini.
He hears the hallway filled with more zombies coming in from the hole.
All the zombies were at one bunk bed, his bunk bed as Hyeonin gets a great idea.
Hyeonin gasps.
Hyeonin jumps from bed to bed again and to the corner back of the room "Okay! Look around, look around, look around" He looks around for something useful.
He finds a bookshelf next to the entrance to the hallway to the saferoom and the hole "I got it!" he shouted out loud.
"Just gotta wait for it....." he said as he waits for all the zombies to get onto the corner of the room.
The zombies gets crush into each other as they make a huge crowd trying to get Hyeonin.
A zombie then starts climbing on top of the other zombies as it successfully makes it on top of the bunk bed "Shit!!!!!" Hyeonin screamed loudly as he jumps off the bunk bed as far as he could.
Hyeonin runs super fast. As fast as he could toward the bookshelf and the entrance to the hallways and grabs onto the bookshelf.
"Fuck!" The zombies snaps out of it and turns around to see Hyeonin at the hallway "Hopefully this works!" he shouted.
The zombies rushes toward him as he pulls the bookshelf onto the side as it falls onto it's side and blocks the hallway entrance "Holy shit!" he shouted as the zombies all run into the bookshelf.
It didn't break, but it cracked a bit.
"It worked!!" he shouted as he turned around and runs to the safe room "Guys!!"
Meanwhile inside the safe room Xiulan and the rest turns to the door as they hear Hyeonin scream "Guys!! Come out!! Now!!! I've blocked the hallway!! They can't get in, but they're gonna break it soon, so get out!!"
Xiulan looks at the rest of them "Stay here! We promise! We will send help as soon as possible!"
Hyeonin runs past the safe room and heads for the hole "Almost there!!"
Xiulan opens the door "Stay with them and protect them! Vonda!" Xiulan shouted at her "Okay!" she answered.
Xiulan quickly opens the door as she turns her body to the left to look at the bookshelf wall. The zombies breaks the shelf as it breaks into pieces.
The zombies get up from the ground quickly and began sprinting toward the Izuzunians "Oh god!" Trini yelled out as she began running the opposite direction to the hole.
Xiulan closes the door tight and runs for the hole.
The zombies runs fast through the hallways as the Izuzunians listens to the loud zombies running across the hallway "Oh no.. Oh no..." a lady mumbled.
Xiulan and Trini catches up to Hyeonin. Hyeonin slightly turns his head to the side to notice them. They all run together side by side as fast as they could.
Their legs are super tired at this point.
"I see the hole!!" Hyeonin yelled out loud and points to the hole in the cave.
"That's what she said!" Trini shouted back and laughs.
"I don't get how you guys can laugh at this situation" Xiulan spoke.
Moments later "Quick!!" Xiulan shouted as they all jumps through the hole and into the grounds of the mountain land.
They laid on the ground, tired as ever "Oh my.. god..." Trini said out loud as she catches her breathe.
Hyeonin quickly gets up "No resting guys" he said "It's still night out.. which means... there's still a lot of monsters ahead of us"
Xiulan and Trini gets up from the ground and breathes heavily as they see a bunch of zombies standing in the center of old Izuzunu with the sleeping oshir.