In a distant land of plants and greeneries, a young plant like creature has awoken from his slumber, dazed, he sat up from his sleeping position. He has been sleeping for a while now, since all over his plant-like body grown all kinds of colorful flowers and weeds. New kinds of trees has been growing around him, different from before he and his partner had slept, many new kinds of animal frolicking around the area, birds singing in the morning sky and the sound of water going by the streams. Confused, he remember sleeping with his beloved before, how come he had disappeared? No wonder he felt lonely. Standing up, he marveled the beauty around him the scene of nature itself before heading towards the stream, there from the clear water of the stream, all kinds of fish swimming to their destination, he gently knelt down before extending his hand in the water and bringing it back to his face, the water from the stream was cold and refreshing after sleeping for a while. Looking back at his memory, a handsome young men was smiling at him, his eyes bright, full of care. Wasting no time, he got up and gotten ready for the journey ahead.