Chereads / A Monster's Reign / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10 

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10 

Chapter 10

Cherry calm done we have to think right now Gon said in a gentle voice, but his eyes said he was fuming right now.

But dad Samara said in a sobbing voice.

I didn't say we weren't going to do anything about that little shit we need to think about what to do Gon said.

I think we should just kill him, cherry said in a venomous voice.

No we can't do that because the school already has their eyes on him, and they will interfere with us if we do that,, but we can get some gangs to go and discipline him, Gon said.

That's not enough, what about our pride? What would people think if they found out that we just sent some gangs to deal with him, Ry said.

How about we make his parents suffer a lot Gold said with a smile on her face.

That wouldn't work. I've already looked into it. He doesn't care about his parents, Samara said.

No child can completely dislike his parents. It could be that he is trying to protect them, so they don't get involved, Gon said.

So this is what we will do first to segregate him from people no one should even try to be his friend and also try to get the teachers to ignore him but don't try that with Ray and get gangs to cause problems for David and Karen Argent also teach that brat some manners Gon said.

Now then everyone goes to bed we have stuff to do tomorrow, Gon says as he gets up and leaves.

{next day}

Mourning Gaia

Mourning Moneo

Anything new, Gaia Moneo asked.

There are a few people that tried to break in last night, but I already got rid of them and their families and got information on who did this from them and the emails that had gotten, Gaia said.

It was from the Celestia family that they hired people to go and discipline you and to cause trouble for your parents, Gaia said as they both went toward the door to leave.

When Moneo heard that a smile was on his face and said let's fuck with them some more have a few of their stocks crash and steal some of their money and monitor every email they send out and received I want to know what they are going to do.

Also, I have marked down on the map where some people were going to attack you and I have put their info on there as well, Gaia said.

Now that I think about start going around and take control of gangs around the city and make sure to have fun with it too, they might be useful in the future, Moneo said.

Got it, Gaia said.

Anyway let's go, Moneo said as he used his training to skillfully go around each of the gangs and killed a few of them on the way.

Ah, fuck why did boss end me to go deal with this brat I waited to go to the underground brothel damn it the man thought.

He didn't even realize that there was a person behind him.

Hmm? Why did it get so cold all of a sudden and when did it start raining? That was the man's last thought before his head touched the floor and blood spread everywhere.

The culprit behind this was already long gone and was walking toward his school.

I would rate that a 10/10 Gaia said while holding a scorecard and encouraging Moneo you are about at the master level in your assassin training Gaia said with a cheerful voice.

Thank you, Gaia, Moneo said with a smile on his face.

Time to get some work done, Moneo thought as he went to the library.

But while he was walking, a bunch of students pointed their fingers at Moneo.

Hmm? why are they pointing their fingers at me, he thought while checking his clothes to see if there was any blood on them.

Someone seems to have put a bunch of slanders remarks about you on the school website, Gaia said with a cold tone.

Really can you track down the people who did this? Moneo asked while walking toward the library.

I already did and just put a bunch of personal info out there as well, Gaia said with a cruel smile on her face.

Moneo quickly sat down and checked out the school website. There were several videos.

One of them was about one of the purple token holders and his simp like activities.

Apparently he is a cash pig and for the past 3 years he has been giving money to this woman, and he was treated like a slave for it.

Another one was about a purple token holder that is into BDSM, and he is the masochist and his favorite thing is humiliation, and he lives for the whip.

There were a bunch of these videos on the school website, and it took about 20 minutes before it was all taken down, but the damage was already done, and those videos have been downloaded.

Wow, I didn't know that these people like that sort of stuff, Moneo said with a chuckle as he got back to work.

And just like that the whole school was talking about what had happened, and the time seemed to fly by as Moneo just got done for school today and headed back home and went to sleep.

But the people that had their videos leaked had a terrible day and night.

But even though Moneo had a good night's sleep, Tyrant didn't have such luxury as he was personally trained by his father for hours. Well trained isn't a good word for this, he was more abused than anything.

When Kain was done he left and Tyrant was laying done with wounds all over his body and he was pissed.

Dammit why did this happen? As soon as I'm strong enough, he will be the first one I kill, he thought with murders intention as he looked at Kain.

He then remembered Moneo face and his smile and was even madder he thought you fuck if I don't make your life miserable and kill you i won't be called lion heart.