Chereads / RWBY: mr.vampire / Chapter 14 - mother and daughter part 1

Chapter 14 - mother and daughter part 1

will you would be asking how to get raven to take care of yang and with every one knowing it let me tell you I call it operation "MANERVA"

1-give the summer and tai a Hotel reservation ticket in some place like Hawaii you ask how to get it easy hypnotis someone to get it for you

2- the plan ticket you ask just use the same hypnotised person to get it

3- how to get them to agree to get hounymoon easy hypnotis them to and remember to say " don't worry I will take care of the kids " and end it with evil laugh to give you swagger you need that swagger to be big ... moving on

4- how make raven agree you already broke her mind last episode and like my DAO teacher yuna uzumaki once said " breaking someone mind will make them more honest with them self "

5- bake alot of cookies for ruby to take her with you and take her to watch some movie while the mother and daughter repar there relationship

6- most important don't make some "for the greater good hypocrite " know about your plan or it will float to

action time first start with choosing how to hypnotis will if you don't know choose Jacob shnee also make him buy the same ticket for his wife and two daughters and believe me when I say any place for them with out him is great place make summer hounymoon last for two month and ms.shnee and her daughter for a year long most importantly don't let him go with them

knock knock knock knock

tai: comeing one second

tai: oh that you. closing the door.

ryu use his feet to stop the door the look at tai as he said " tai my man don't be like this you know you are lucky don't you "

tai: what are you speaking about

ryu: look at what I have here in my hand, he said as he took out the tickets, these is two are very special tickets that can bring you happiness

tai: is that even possible

ryu: no you sely but read what is on them , it said 'Alohilani Resort Hotel in Waikiki, Honolulu

tai read the hotel name In disbelief before saying were did you get this did you still it , is it real, did you still it

ryu: why are you like this don't you believe this honest face, ryu use puppy eyes on tai there is no effect 😧

tai : you are not on ruby level such chep copy you are not even cute any of my daughters, saying with smug look on his face

ryu: okay... I don't believe I have to do this but look to my eyes ( I wish am doing it to some beautiful women having a man face on such close it make me want to go kamikaze just to keep my houner) you will do what ever I told you to am I clear

tai: yes master

ryu: master hmm I like the sound of it

(sence brake)

- go to summer and tell her that you bought two tickets for Honolulu to spend hounymoon and you got me to take care of ruby and yang try to make her go

ryu: good bye happy hounymoon don't come back early ..... ( door closing sound) another part of my perfect plan to take over the world is completed ,,, sorry wrong script

ryu take cookie and start to make a rode with it start for the front door to ruby bed after that stand next to the door " I just have wait now " after some minutes ryu saw something red moving fast eating every cookie in her way finally when she saw him she left the cookie from her hand and jumped and began to bite on ryu nick

ryu: I missed you to little red , do you want to watch some movie with me

ruby: movie yay that will be awesome she said with stars in her eyes

ryu: let's go ' he said the door as he opened the door the first thing appears in front of him was raven

ryu: oh you are here yang in her room and we a....

raven dashed into yang room with out listen to what ryu was saying

ryu: come on ruby one moment of silence for yang

they both clapped there hands looking like some monks